As I mentioned before, Paul is in England until February, leaving me woefully unsupervised. In lieu of running through the neighborhood stealing cars and chopping down trees (which is what he always says will happen if he doesn’t impose rules, structure and discipline in my life) I decided to head to the East Coast (from whence I originally came) to visit friends and family and to do some shooting with producers local to there. If you’re located in within driving distance from central New Jersey or within public transit distance from NYC and want to do a session before January 6th, I have limited availability left before I leave. Email and we’ll see if we can set something up.
I left for New York on the evening of the 11th, and had quite the adventure in not sleeping: I had an overnight flight, but had to leave my house in the valley at 9:00 to drive to Rafa and Zeki’s place downtown, since they’re using my car while I’m gone. Rafa then took me to LAX and I did all of the usual airport business, getting on my flight around midnight. I had a layover around 8 AM, Eastern Time, at which point I had not slept. I then got on another flight around 1:00, which got me to NY around 3:00. I went directly from the airport to my first shoot: I don’t actually have the link to the site at the moment, but I’ll update this post when I do, but it was delightfully dark and edgy, including limp/sleepy/chloroform fetish. I was remarkably not dead of actually sleepiness at this point, and I stayed awake even though a lot of the shoot involved me lying around pretending to be asleep! When we finished, they brought me back to the train station and I went up to stay with a vanilla friend in the city. We had to take some time to catch up, of course, but when we headed into her room to go to sleep, we discovered that the heat was broken.
Now, some people can survive when they’re cold. I’m not one of those people. Being cold is a huge deal to me, and it was about 7F outside. My friend’s room was cold enough that we saw our breath indoors. She didn’t have tons of blankets, either, so I just sat up on her air mattress with my coat on and a blanket around me and shivered for most of the night. I didn’t really sleep, because I couldn’t relax in the cold. The next morning I got up and had the hottest shower I could stand. I was quite warmed up by it, and we went out and bought a space heater since the landlord “wasn’t sure” when he could have the heat fixed. Oh dear. 0_0 The space heater was very effective, though! As soon as it got warm, I wanted to crawl into bed and take a nap, but it was time to get ready to visit Kelly Payne for my next shoot for her site, Tantrum Trainers. I’ll hopefully have photos from that the next time that I post. In the meantime, here’s Miss Payne looking sexy as all hell as she takes me to task:
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I really enjoyed being over this lap. 🙂 |
That shoot was very laid back and a lot of fun. I get along really well with Kelly, and I certainly consider her one of my friends. We chatted a bit and caught up before we did our scene. It was very long and quite hard, plus it was all done over the knee. I’m wearing some shimmery stockings. This made me very happy. Kelly spanked me so hard for so long with her hand that she actually got a blood blister during the shoot. Fortunately, she had a paddle nearby to switch to nearby. That paddle stung crazily. The hand-spanking had been long and thorough, and it had sort of mesmerized me. My whole existence was hot and swollen as smack after smack fell on my bottom. The paddling cut through that, making each swat a strong peak of sensation. I was actually thinking about this while I was being spanked, at first, before it overwhelmed me: I was imagining making meringue, and watching as “stiff peaks form” as the recipe describes it. I felt like such peaks of sensation and pain were forming for me. Eventually, though, everything blurred together as I reached the point of being overwhelmed (in a good way, of course). I started to cry and to apologize and, near the end, started to have trouble talking. You know a video has actually pushed me when I start insisting that I can’t talk anymore near the end of it (or, in the case of this more severe video, quite early on in the spanking!).
Erica made a post a little while ago about not being able to articulate what happens in her mind during a spanking. I have the same experience. Once it reaches a certain point, it overwhelms my brain’s ability to break sensation down and put it into language. One minute I’m interpreting my spanking through a visual metaphor relating to pie-making, the next, there are no words. It’s just… there. Everything in my mind is the spanking and it exists in a place which, despite my efforts, I can’t reach to describe with language. This is something which commonly happens to me in my “real life” play (it’s pretty normal for Paul to try to talk to me while cuddling me after a scene and for me to insist that I “can’t brain”) but only happens on film every now and again, so it was kind of exciting.
Finally, on Friday night I headed back to my friend’s house and went to sleep, after having been awake since Tuesday morning! Following this, I did some more hanging out and had a series of other traveling related hassles (as tends to happens to me: in addition to a last name, I share the characteristic with Malcolm Reynolds that “things don’t go smooth.”) Eventually, I made my way to Sarah Gregory‘s house in Connecticut. She and her submissive J_Dogg picked me up from the train station and we went to go pick out a Christmas tree for her house. I’m glad that I got to do this with her, since I didn’t have a tree at home before I left. As I mentioned in my last post, my family isn’t really fully celebrating Christmas this year since we’re just trying to get set up in my mom’s new place following losing our house in Hurricane Sandy, so we’re not having a Christmas tree there, either. Last year, I had an adorable, tiny Christmas tree (Malignus allowed my friends to give me one decoration each and this was all he’d permit me to hang up, so a thoughtful friend made her one ornament a little, live tree, complete with lights already on it!) and I stayed in South Dakota for Christmas. The year before, my family didn’t have a real Christmas celebration because instead we were doing my brother’s memorial service. So, decorating the tree with Sarah was the first time I’d done a full sized Christmas tree since 2010, and it was very refreshing to do so! So much so that I put tinsel all over myself:
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Chriiiiiiistmassssss, bitches! |
The tree turned out wonderfully, and Sarah and I got to spend lots of girly time talking and hanging out. The next day, we woke up to find out that the world had been covered in snow (and by “the world” I mean “Sarah’s town” because it was recently brought to my attention that my common use of hyperbole is “awful”). We got dressed up in snow gear to go outside and have a little frolic. For me, “snow gear” meant wearing tights under my skirt and over my knee socks, boots which Sarah had been so kind as to give me since I had none, my new coat and big, pink bow. And braids. Braids are an important part of being in the snow.
Sarah took some photos of me playing outside, and I was really blown away with them. She’s a very good photographer!
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Such winter. Wow. What snow. |
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Frolics! |
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Oh hai from both of us! 🙂 |
The roads were not exactly great that night, and I think most people stayed in their houses, but Sarah and I really needed to get out and do something exciting. Sarah took a shower right before we went out, though, and put her hair up in a wet bun. While she was cleaning off her car, it froze. I poked at it a bunch and it was just… a haircicle. Yiiiiiikes. Soon, we were safely on our way (with Sarah driving very carefully). We went to eat at a Southwestern place which Sarah likes a lot called Mo’s. I’d never had it before, but we had a nice meal there, and I may or may not have abused the fact that you can add flavoring to your soda there. Cherry vanilla lime raspberry coke is actually not as good as it sounds. After dinner, we went to the local mall and got tickets to watch The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, which neither of us had seen yet. We were a bit early as we’d overestimated the amount of time it might take to get to the mall in the snow, so we did a bit of shopping, getting lots of bows and some other cute stuff. We both enjoyed the movie, and we got home safely afterwards where we continued do more girly talking until it was pretty late. We were doing a shoot the next day, so we had to go to bed.
The next morning, Robert Shore (CTPhotographer) came over so we could do our shoot. We filmed a Christmas special which is currently running on Sarah Gregory Spanking called “Not What She Wished For.” In this film, I play a naughty little girl who sneaks down to the Christmas tree to start opening presents without waiting for the rest of her family. When Robert catches me, he scolds me and then turns me over his lap for a spanking, right in front of the tree. I wore some cute pajamas and pigtails and made quite a fuss about getting spanked on Christmas. Originally, I thought that the idea of getting spanked on a holiday was a bit dark, but the scene came out to be very sweet and cute, actually. I played my character as being greatly in need of a spanking, Christmas or not. It was the first time that Robert ever spanked me, but we had great chemistry on camera, I think.
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It’s Christmas! Who gets spanked on Christmas!? Soooo unfair! |
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Handprint! |
That evening, I left to go back to NY, as I had a session the next day. I’m glad that Sarah and I finally got to spend some time together, and I feel that we really connected. I’m looking forward to doing more fun stuff with her in the near future! 😀♥
I love the caption on the tinsel picture. I’m happy Paul is coming back in February. I enjoy seeing you guys together.
I’m months behind on my comments. Oops. >_<
Thank you! I’m so glad that he’ll be back, too, and I hope we can all hang out once he is!
So much fun, and so much cute!
It was a blast!
you and sarah look so cute together hard beive both well behave lol guess no spanking was needed except for the shoot
love see you spank sarah even so I know she has spanked you few time you can tell sarah I want see alex spank her lol
Madison ohio
It’s possible that could happen in the future!
Happy new year Alex from Tim in U,K, you have come far in the spanko world.
Thank you, Tim!
Sounds like you’ve been having a great time! I’m in CT so I know that NY weather isn’t very friendly right now, lol. Hope you’re staying nice and warm. 🙂
(super late comment reply) IT WAS SO COLD. I am so glad to be back in a warm place!
Alex a nice Christmassy story of you playing a naughty little minx ,love and spanks,Timx
Why thank you!