On Thursday, I woke up as late as I could get away with, since I had fallen asleep around six thirty or something in the morning. I wasn’t thrilled to be going into a party on that little sleep, but it was sort of inevitable and there was nothing I could do about it.
The day started out with Paul and I filming with Sarah Gregory for Northern Spanking— you can read his notes on the shoot here. Paul started working out ideas for scenarios weeks ago, and it was kind of fascinating to see his process. Because we were filming in the hotel, Paul created a set of scenarios which made sense for us to be in such a setting instead of trying to pretend that we were somewhere else and this lead to some rather creative thinking on his part. I was a little nervous about filming because it was my first time ever being on camera for some of the scenes and it was my first time actually filming with Sarah! We’ve known each other for a while, and we roomed together and I shot a scene for her site while we were at TASSP, so we were comfortable around each other, but we had never actually done any films together until this day.
Filming with Sarah went quickly and smoothly, since she (obviously!) knows what she’s doing. Two of the scenes we shot included her bottoming, which she only does rarely these days, so that was kind of special. The first scene involved Paul playing a seedy private detective and Sarah being a cheating wife who he catches at her meeting place. This was the first time that I got to watch Paul spanking another girl for a film in real life: every time we’d filmed together previously, I was the only one getting spanked. I enjoyed getting to watch this scene, even if through the camera, especially because Paul’s character was a bit wicked and I’ve always enjoyed those sorts of scenes. 😀 Sarah looked great, too, in her sexy lingerie (but then again, she always looks great!)The second scene involved me getting spanked by Sarah and is the first film that the two of us have done together. We’d played during group roleplay events before, but never on camera. Sarah is a great top and is easy to roleplay with, and the spanking that she gave me was delightful. Additionally, this was the first time in my entire life that I wore heels with jeans, and I think I like the look! I’d never done it before because I avoided heels except for the most specialist of occasions since I used to have height related self esteem issues, but those don’t bother me anymore so I’ve been enjoying experiments like this. 😀 In the film, I play a sneaky, snarky writer who gets caught in a hotel I’ve written poor reviews of many times by an irate manager, played by Sarah. I consider scenes where I’m unabashedly not repentant for me behavior a challenging area for me, but I think I’m getting better at it. When I need clever snark, I ask myself what Erica Scott would say. When I need to be bratty and awful, I borrow a page from The Bad Alex’s daily life. I think that the film ended up being great: funny and full of delightful girl/girl spanking action. ^_^
Scene number the third was between Sarah and Paul again, with Sarah playing a second-rate erotic author and Paul playing her irate publisher. This scene ended up being particularly funny, and I had to keep my composure behind the camera and not giggle at their antics (which I did manage to do, thankfully!) Sarah looks lovely in jeans, I have to say. 😛
The final scene was between Paul and I, and it was actually the first time that we’d played on camera since the end of March, so that was pretty exciting. This was our original type of interaction, and it was nice to return to it, now bringing the massive chemistry that comes when two people know each other as intimately as we now do. It was also the first time that we did a film in which we played a couple since we actually became one, so that was a bit sweet. Paul was vague about the description of this film’s content in his post so I suppose that I had better be, too, but it’s a cute story with a delightful caning in it which was hard enough that when it was finished, Sarah marveled at my composure.
I helped pick out some of the images that Paul put up on the forum when he wrote about this shoot, and this was one of the ones that I chose. I like it for the normal reasons: I look scared and vulnerable, Paul looks determined and threatening et cetera, but also because of his shadow on the curtain. I like imagining that we’re on a ground floor and a passerby might see this silhouette from outside and perhaps stop to watch the shadow-puppet version of my thrashing. How deliciously voyeuristic!
When we had finished shooting, I had to run off pretty much right away because I had an appointment in Detention! Joe (Drlectr) and Mama Blue were running a series of short “Principal’s office” detention scenarios and I was scheduled for shortly after the filming finished. Joe and I have played hundreds of times, and he’s one of the people with whom I’ve played the most intimately and emotionally intensely, but we’ve never really done any roleplay scenarios. I know that he’s fond of school style paddling scenes, and I love any kind of roleplay which is highly formalized, so I figured the scene was going to be good. I take great delight in the embarrassment of having someone else watching me be punished, like Vice Principal Blue!
I was already in my uniform so I ran up to Joe and Ten’s room to wait outside the doorway. They were talking to someone in the room, so I had to wait outside.
Waiting in this hallway, knowing that in a minute, I was about to be paddled and that it would be quite severe was something directly from my fantasy life. Everyone on the floor was at the Crimson Moon party, which meant that everyone who passed and saw me stood outside Joe’s room in my uniform knew that I was waiting for my detention. This also meant that they weren’t judging me, but that didn’t remove the squirmy feeling in my tummy every time someone walked by. Finally, Joe, now Principal Lectr, opened the door and called me in.
A lot of my roleplay characters are helpless and innocent, but that was certainly not the case today. The scene that Joe and I had written involved me being in trouble for attempting to seduce my male teachers, and I was full of confidence and eroticism, flirting with Principal Lectr even as he lectured me on my wicked ways. “You seem to think this is alright!” Vice Principal Blue said in dismay. “You’re going to have to start seeing the school counselor once a week!”
“Will it be a male counselor?” I asked with a flirtatious grin. The authority figures had had enough of me, so I was bent over the desk for eight paddle swats, which were delivered firmly and on the bare. The paddling wasn’t much of a sanction for me, though, and I kept up my act, hoping for a little extra attention. I got just that, in the form of a hard, OTK spanking after the paddling. When the scene was over, Mama Blue took off and Joe and I got to enjoy some time together. Joe is wonderful. I’m so lucky to have him in my life.
After this, Joe walked me back to my room and we told Paul about our roleplay. Then Paul and I took a little time to regroup before heading down for dinner. We hadn’t had much lunch, so we mostly used this as a time to socialize and see who was at the party already before heading out to get a bite and some drinks nearby. During dinner, Naughty Freckles asked me if I’d be willing to be a rope-bunny for the “Fit to be Tied and Spanked” demo later that night, which I gladly accepted. Bondage can be a lot of fun, and I do get a little thrill out of performing in front of a group. Between dinner and the demo, Paul and I ran to the store (without me ever bothering to change out of my school uniform!) and then got back in time to be able to socialize a bit before I needed to start. Paul finally got to meet LLB, who is very dear to my heart, and a handful of my other friends.
Then it was time for the demo! Kinkmedic, from 12:11 Kink taught some basic ties and showed how they can be used for spanking. This included tying me up, including in a bent over position where he then balanced a cup of Mountain Dew on my back while I tried very hard to stay still. Afterwards, they passed out rope and people practiced the ties and I allowed people to practice on me, too. It was a lot of fun, and the ties were effective, easy and comfortable. “A+ would be tied up by again!”rating!
After the demo, we snuck out and ate dinner, then ran into about 15 of my favorite people who were entering the restaurant as we were leaving. We headed upstairs, where I probably got changed again and we went to Joe and Ten’s suite. There were only a few people hanging out in there, since most everyone else had gone to dinner, but I had a good time talking to everyone, including the person behind Spanking Resource (I don’t know if he uses a particular name online or not!) and a few others.
At one point I did something out of line and needed to be spanked (gasp!) so Paul selected one of Big Bubba’s Bible Belts and applied it to me. Big Bubba is a friend of mine who does leatherworking, and his belts with “Bible” stamped on them are a perennial favorite. It started out as just a pun, but the belts are fairly lightweight, delightfully pliable and capable of being used across intensities. This instance of the implement belongs to Joe, and it’s obvious that he’s spanked about 108 girls with it because it was delightfully well broken in and clearly an implement “of joy!” It was stingy in a light and delicious way… dare I say it was even “sensual.” I didn’t want the spanking to stop, ever! I made Paul promise that we’d buy one for ourselves at the vendor’s fair.
The next thing that I wrote in my notes is “Bad Alex is Bad.” I have no idea what particular incident this refers to, because that’s kind of like writing notes on a day out hiking and saying “The sky is blue.” A while before the party, Bad Alex and I were arguing back and forth and I called her some kind of awful insult, as we tend to do to each other. Instead of just responding with one of her signature, creative insults (“your breath smells like Bigfoot’s dick”) Bad Alex decided to write a long and carefully worded email to Paul, explaining how I had wronged her and how she wanted to keep my “good girl status intact” by telling on me “for my own good.” I’m sure she said “I’m just a little girl” somewhere in there, too. Of course I ended up getting caned, because there’s no fairness anywhere in the Universe when Bad Alex is involved (remember, I once got 14 strokes of the cane because she punched me in the knee!)
At CCM, she continued this masquerade of being a good girl who is unfairly accused by me by being sweet and polite whenever Paul was around and then turning around and insulting or slapping me when he wasn’t looking. He always seemed to be looking when I retaliated, though, and I was soon jumping up and down at the unfairness of it all. I had high hopes of seeing Alex properly punished sometime this weekend, though, and my best bet was at Spanking Court on Saturday night. Bad Alex claimed she had a foolproof defense, but I wasn’t so sure. As soon as the box was out in the main room, I filed a class-action case against her as “The Good Alex representing the people of CCM vs. Bad Alex for harassment.”
This seems like a good stopping point for this post. I suspect that CCM will be broken up into about 5 or 6 posts total, since I took notes and everything. Please stay tuned! ♥
You guys heard about my wonderful adventures with my scene sister, Mila in several different posts. I’ve interviewed her about experiences in the scene and her work as a spanking model, stepping outside of my sisterly feelings for a moment (I didn’t pull her hair once in the entire process).
I really enjoy interviewing other people, and it’s my intention to do this more regularly. If you have additional questions for Mila, please leave them in the comments area and I’ll whine to her until she responds. 😀
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Mila is the cutest cute who ever cuted, in case you were wondering. This photo is of her being spanked by Pandora Blake for Dreams of Spanking. |
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Some horrible, mean person caned my poor, sweet, innocent sister for Dreams of Spanking. 😛 |
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Mila doing an outdoor suspension with Dallas Kink |
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Mila, Debbie Davidson and me. |
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This is us, being naked in the aforementioned mountains. |
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I found the photo in question. Bam! |
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Mila is getting spanked by Paul Kennedy for Dreams of Spanking. I love Mila’s pout (and everyone in and involved in this photo). |
I had a few other delightful adventures when I was in Denver, before it was Cabin Time. One involved taking photos with Amoni. Amoni is one of my best friends, and a wonderful photographer. We’ve done a lot of different sorts of shoots before, but this time we decided to explore the Lolita type space that I sometimes enjoy occupying. Our friend, Cupcake, did my hair for me and Amoni picked out my outfit. The shoot was extra fun.
We also had a night that involved a bit of partying. I don’t really get drunk very much. Despite the fact that I’m still extremely young, I somehow feel like I’m too old for that. I suppose I overdid it when I was in high school and college. I also have a ridiculously low tolerance for alcohol, so I don’t even try to keep pace with my friends. I did, however, drink this tiny bottle, which was actually good (we mostly bought it because LOL IT IS CALLED KINKY!) and a thing of blackberry cider, which was pretty weird. You can see my silly looking drinky face. 😛 We also hung out with friends DarkSteven and DarkStevensGirl, who did not appear in this photo, and a really clingy basset hound called Bonnie who wanted to sit on everyone despite being way too big for that.
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Cupcake, myself and Amoni. Amoni’s bangs are the cutest ever. |
I have no sense of chronology anymore, but at one point I went to hang out with my super good friend and retired model, Sophie Grey. We met up with Danny Chrighton, whose name I’ve been spelling wrong on this blog since the start of time. Excuse to spank me in the future? After we all got together, we walked to a sushi restaurant near Sophie’s place and had an excellent meal. We walked around and got ice cream, which always raises the quality of my day. We decided to go to Goodwill, mostly because I wanted to and Sophie and Danny said it was a great one. So in we went. I kept finding everything vaguely school skirt-ish pretty instantly, but nothing was the right fit for either Sophie or I. Then we went through the “Wares” department, where we discovered something that felt super out of place: a paddle.
It was just a fraternity paddle, sitting there among the random plastic bowls and old clocks. I don’t have a clear photo of it, but it was big and hardwood and heavy. It had a set of Greek letters on it, and then the list of all the brothers from that house written on it. Sophie and I decided to buy this, but felt super awkward and weird walking around carrying it. Here’s possibly the worst photo of me that I’ve uploaded to this blog in the past few years (I recently looked at a bunch of my old posts and I used to be a lot sillier looking than I am now. Wow.)
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This is me posing with my ice cream cone and trying to be nonchalant about the fact that I’m holding a big fucking paddle! |
This whole thing was made even more awkward by the fact that it was us two girls with Danny buying it, and that Sophie and I couldn’t stop giggling, and that I didn’t have enough cash to cover it and had to borrow a dollar from Danny. Poor boy at the Goodwill checkout. -_-
We carried this around in a bag while we stopped for supplies, then we went back to Sophie’s place. We decided that we wanted to remove the part that has all the boy’s names on it (since it’s kind of a piece of paper that’s attached with varnish and is aging weirdly, and because this paddle’s new job is spanking girls). I don’t know if these sorts of paddles are some sort of collector’s item or anything, but I haven’t done this, so if it’s a horrible idea, someone should let me know. Anyway, we decided to leave it alone and not get spanked with it that night.
We watched TV and had some cider (yes, I basically only drink cider when I drink alcohol) and then started watching videos that the three of us had done in the past which we thought were funny. Danny had the best one: a video that he did for Spanked Call Girls where he did a “pimp accent” while spanking Leia Ann Woods. Infinitely entertaining.
Eventually, it got late and became time for some actual spankings, instead of just videos. 😀 Danny had brought over a couple of implements, and Sophie and I lay on the bed next to each other while he took turns spanking one of us and then the other. It started out as soft and gentle, but grew in intensity, as spankings are wont to do. I like getting spanked with Sophie. She really obviously enjoys being spanked. She’s super relaxed and makes lots of happy noises, and that sort of pushes me into a similar space. Eventually, though, Danny got out a cane and started giving us taps with this. In the same natural and undeniable progression, this began to grow into full fledged strokes, making both of us yelp and wiggle. “Danny!” Sophie protested, “this is supposed to be a good girl spanking!”
“It is!” Danny said. “This is a nice, gentle bedtime caning for good girls.” He gave her another moderately hard stroke.
“You can’t just make something nice by saying that it is!” she pouted.
“I’m pretty sure that’s actually how it works,” Danny said, pleased with himself. Sophie and I made sad faces at him, but this obviously did nothing. This was tragic, because we minded the caning SO MUCH (yeah, no we didn’t!).
After he’d finished caning us, Danny remembered that he had his belt on, so he took this off and applied it to us. It was very nice. Belting has become a favorite spanking activity recently: it seems to be just the right mix of sting and thud, and often very well distributed. Like I mentioned before, there’s something hot and manly about taking a belt off. This particular segment was especially enjoyable.
When the belting was over, we got a cool down and then a nice lotion rub and I found myself in the “no bones syndrome” kind of state, where I couldn’t just get up and walk and had to roll around like I was lacking any actual muscular control. I sort of rolled back into my panties and then into bed, where the three of us cuddled all night. Friends who cuddle in bed together are the best kinds of friends.
While in Denver I also did a bondage shoot, which is something that I’m still fairly new at. This shoot was with The Monk of Mayhem. He was a really personable and nice guy, and I enjoyed chatting with him when I wasn’t gagged. 🙂 Bondage is intense and serious business, but I find filming it to be gratifying. There’s a lot of discomfort associated with bondage, largely in the form of being stretched in odd ways for longer than my body wants to be and in the horrible pins and needles feeling that comes when I’m finally untied from a pose. This is extremely different than the kinds of pain that I’m used to, and it’s a bit strange for me, but it’s never been “bad.” The primary word that I have to describe it is “interesting.” Sometimes it’s intense. Sometimes it doesn’t even feel kinky to me. It’s almost always very aesthetically pleasing, though:
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Photo by The Monk of Mayhem |
The whole time that all this stuff was happening, though, my mind was often elsewhere. I was constantly aware of how many days were left before Paul arrived to visit me, and I got increasingly more excited and jittery as the number of days got lower and lower. The night before he was to get here, I could hardly sleep. I kept waking up and wondering if it was the time that I was supposed to leave to pick him up from the airport yet, which it of course was not.
I finally slept, though, and woke up surprisingly refreshed. The day that followed was one of the best ever. You’ll hear about it in the next post. ♥
The day after filming for Dreams of Spanking, Nimue, Pandora and I got up and got ready for another day of adventures in pornography: this time for Nimue’s World. In case you aren’t familiar with the site, Nimue’s World is a mixed fetish site with quite a bit of spanking content. It has other BDSM stuff, bondage, exhibitionism, girl sex and other good stuff mixed in, too. I honestly didn’t know a lot about the site before Nimue asked me to shoot for it. I just knew that Pandora had filmed for it previously. I looked at a lot of the preview materials before shooting, though, and decided that I liked the feel of it. It seems to emphasize the feeling of playtime, and it’s often very visually obvious to me that the people filming on the site like each other (sometimes, for some of the more horrible stuff, there’s a behind the scenes clip to make this more obvious) and I find that very comforting. As a model, it’s important to my content-viewing-enjoyment to feel that a site is overall positive about itself, its content and its cast, and I certainly got this vibe the first time that I viewed Nimue’s site.
Nimue and I filmed two videos and did three photosets. The first scene was one that Nimue wrote based on some of my preferences that I told her about during our pre-shooting email exchanges. Specifically, I told her that I like force, roughness and clothes ripping. I don’t think that these are things that people tend to associate with me, so I’m going to diverge for a minute here.
My primary, ideal kink scene is something that I think everyone who has read this blog for more than five minutes can probably identify: I like pretty domestic spanking scenes that mix affection, trust, vulnerability and physical intensity more than I like anything else. That’s at the very heart of my kink experience. All of the scenes that I’m interested in doing involve spanking in some way (or, for those who don’t consider it the same thing, involve beating me on the thighs. That’s nearly as important to my kink as traditional spanking is). There are a ton of other “kinds” of spanking scenes that also appeal to me, though. Role-play scenes. Ridiculous scenes. Super formal things. I like lots of variety, but for a long time, I was hesitant to explore physically rougher (in terms of handling) and emotionally darker scenes. At some point fairly recently, some switch flipped and I discovered that I found this to be delightful. I started testing the water with slightly less emotionally comfortable stuff from time to time, and it exhilarated me. This is a theme that I’ll discuss at more length later in my narrative, because there’s an episode in which it’s more relevant, but for now, I came up with the idea of having my clothes all ripped off and I was excited that Nimue included it.
I like this (in an obviously consensual environment) because it feels like it’s high on the scale of roughness, impatient, horrible, rapey. The scene that Nimue wrote was a bullying one, and I like that, too. It’s a scenario I’ve only ever explored during videos (well, on the receiving end, anyway. There are certain individuals who might claim that I am occasionally a bully to Mila). It works out pretty well for me, though. It allows me to play with my peers in a way that’s rough but which makes logical sense as to why the authority is set up. I like it because the authority is set up by force. That’s the name of the game. Nimue’s bullying scene set us at school. She was dressed in uniform, but because it was my first day, I just had on a dress and knee socks. I hadn’t received my uniform yet. Nimue told me to go get her book that she’d forgotten but needed for class, as part of the fine tradition of older, more experienced students bossing newbs around. I refused, unaware of said traditions. Nimue responded by bringing it: she pulled me to the floor by her hair, wrestled around with me, shoved me, ripped my dress off (it ripped gloriously, like it was designed to be torn off. It was kind of epic) and then started to slap me around. She spanked me, including doing it in very non-traditional positions and she rolled me over and slapped me on the breasts. This was pre-negotiated, although I’d never done it before.
Holy. Shit. That hurt.
It was a humbling experience to be hit in a way that was totally different than what I was used to and what fit into my kink picture. I often see myself as being a pretty heavy player. I’ve taken some epic beatings in my day. When I’m well, in a secure environment and playing with someone I love, I’ve never actually found an upper limit of what I can tolerate in terms of spanking. This reminded me that I’m not actually all that physically tough: I’m just good at taking spankings. As odd as it may sound, it felt really nice and refreshing to be reminded of that. It made me tremendously vulnerable, but I felt safe and trusting towards everyone who was around me. But every slap, even though entirely not hard compared to what I was used to, took my breath away. I was shocked by how much it hurt. That section was mercifully short, though, and we returned to things I could take properly. The whole scene ended up being really hot, and chock full of the kind of awful that I’ve come to adore.
The second thing we shot was a bondage photoset. Nimue did a wonderful job tying me, and I like the way the photos came out. It was Nim’s idea that I wear my glasses for it and I liked the look: super dorky naked girl all tied up. What’s not to love? Pandora did the photography, and I think she did a lovely job as well.
Following this, we moved into the bedroom to do a wonderfully sexy film entitled “Best Girlfriend Ever.” This film has me and Pandora together, with her as my Domly girlfriend. I’ve decided to experiment with self-bondage and have gotten myself trapped in a very vulnerable position– with my feet up, basically in a diaper position.
Pandora comes in and catches me and chastises me for not being safe, as well as for keeping my desires to experiment with bondage to myself instead of asking her to tie me up. I try to explain that I was doing it to surprise her. She responds by spanking me with her hand and then a leather paddle, and also gives me a number of slaps on my breasts while they’re bound in a rope harness. In my opinion, Pandora made this scene crazily hot. There’s a lot of sexual energy between us in the film (and it’s genuine, she and I are involved off camera) and it’s really wonderful. I’m going to eventually write about the way that my relationship between kink and sexuality has evolved (and the ways in which it hasn’t changed at all) since I haven’t really addressed that recently, but let’s just say I enjoyed doing this. 🙂
Our next project was a photo set in which I got to wear my fabulous bunny romper (a gift from my scene sister Betty Crocker) again. In this scene, Nimue brushed and braided my hair while I threw a tantrum about it, resulting in me experiencing the far less pleasant side of the hairbrush. I’m not going to lie: throwing a tantrum while someone is playing with my hair is counter intuitive. I love having my hair touched in just about any way: tender playing, brushing, rough horribleness, it all works for me. I had to think of all sorts of horribly unfair things in order to inspire my tantrumy faces.
I think that these pictures are incredibly sweet and adorable. How can you not say “Awww?”
The final thing we did was a stripping photoset, which Nimue suggested that we do outside. I agreed to this, although I made her shoot it pretty quickly because fuck being cold. I do like being naked in the outdoors, although I didn’t enjoy it as much as I would have it the weather had been warm. Nimue was pretty effective with it, and I tried my best to do minimal whining. 😛
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That was the end of the day’s work. All of the sets have been put up on Nimue’s World, so I recommend checking them out. I’ve watched them all at least a couple of times, as well as having perved on a bunch of the other content on her site, especially her spanking content. It’s good stuff. I like Nimue a lot, and I hope to film with her again in the future. ♥
Hi, everyone!
Let’s start out with the fact that I’m alive and well. After six weeks away, I’ve returned to my happy home in South Dakota. I expected that I’d get home and start churning out blog posts right away, but it took me a bit to find my grove. I had a lot of things to get caught up on the past week, and I’ve been working at housework/regular work/sleeping rather fiercely.
Now, it’s time to blog.
I want to start out by thanking everyone for keeping up with me, even when my adventures have kept me from posting regularly. I only was able to post four times in August, yet it was my best month yet. Thanks for your loyal readership! I promise good and frequent content in the coming months.
When I left off, I had just recently arrived in Texas. My time there was spent visiting WearYouOut, Lillawbrat, and Debs and shooting spanking videos for the site Firm Discipline. I also spent a lot of time eating delicious things, because my hosts are foodies. I got to have authentic, the best of the best, Texas BBQ and it kind of knocked me off my feet. It was JUST AMAZING.
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I didn’t eat all this by myself, don’t worry. |
I had a lot of really good times while I was there, including going to the zoo with new, up and coming spanking model, Mila Kohl. Mila loves giraffes a lot, and her special stuffed animal is a giraffe named Henry, so doing this with her was pretty much an epic win:
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I was concerned that she may die of excitement. |
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Nose to nose! |
I also, of course, got spanked a lot while there, since that was the purpose of the visit. I’ll be going through and talking about some of the videos in detail. This is just an overview post. I will give you this image to tide you over until that happens:
After about ten awesome days, Heather Green, my close friend, scene sister and fellow model, joined us for an evening. We filmed several videos, including one where I topped Heather and one where I threw Heather and Debs into the pool. Fun. Times.
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From left to right: Heather Green, Alex Reynolds (me) and Debs |
The next afternoon, Heather and I left for Dallas, where we did a second shoot for Amateur Spankings. Our first shoot hasn’t been released yet, but we had a lot of fun shooting with Gary and Val. During one scene, Heather and I were getting paddled next to each other. When the scene was finished, I looked at the paddle and noticed this:
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Score! Another point for Heather and me in the battle of bottoms vs. implements! |
The next morning, we took off on our road trip, which we documented carefully on film. I’m editing it right now to make a behind the scenes video which includes a lot of candid spanking conversation, us talking about preferences and how our interests/obsessions developed, the story of Heather’s first spanking and video evidence of Heather spanking me with part of a broken car bumper on the side of the road in Texas. Once I finish up the edit, this will be available on my clips store.
Our first day consisted of pretty much just driving, talking and filming. The next morning, though, we went to an Ostrich Farm and took a short break there. There were also deer, donkeys, goats and lorikeets. It was tons of fun.
From there, we drove to Phoenix, where we did a Damsel in Distress shoot. This was a fairly new experience for us, but we had a lot of fun, and the photographer was really kind.
I’ll talk more about that shoot later, too.
From there, we drove to our next overnight in Flagstaff, where we stayed in a hotel, hung out in the hot tub and chatted a lot and rested up for our adventure the next morning:
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My face looks awkward because it was INSANELY bright out |
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Everywhere we go, I love being with Heather! |
We headed to the Grand Canyon the next morning. I’d been there once before, but Heather was seeing it for the first time. When we arrived, we were hungry, and so I suggested that we get lunch at the Bright Angel Lodge, since that was where I had eaten the last time that I visited and it had been good food at a reasonable price. While we were eating, Heather kept asking me how long it was going to take before we would get to the Canyon– I guess she didn’t realize that you’re able to park very close to it and just walk up to the rim. I didn’t tell her otherwise.
When we finished eating and came out the back exit of the lodge, the canyon was RIGHT THERE. Heather’s was really surprised and excited: her face lit up as if it was suddenly Christmas.
We spent the day hiking around the rim. Heather wanted to go to the bottom, but we weren’t really prepared to do that, so we decided to do that the next time that we came. Heather was very daring the entire time that we were there and kept going right up to the edge. I’m, however, a bit uncomfortable with heights, so I ended up staying back and taking photos from a distance. I possibly spent some time clinging to handrails, too. Just a little.
Another thing which was awesome about the Grand Canyon was the fact that I’d been there before, so I knew all the science and history of the Canyon and park pretty well, so I felt super smart when I could just burst out with some interesting tidbit of information. I decided that in the future, I’m going to research wherever I’m going in advance because knowing stuff before you get to a place makes you awesome.
We drove a bit more after we finished in the park, and then spent another night. The next morning, we got up and headed for Vegas. We were excited to be finally arriving there, and pumped for Shadowlane. It didn’t stop us from pausing to visit the Hoover Dam, though!
Here we are, crossing the state line into Nevada:
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It was so hot I thought we would die. |
And here we are sweating our faces off by the bridge.
We went into the gift shop there, largely because we wanted to cool off– it was in the 110’s out. There, I discovered this awesome thing:
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I didn’t buy this, because I was trying to save money and it was $12, but it was a CACTUS ON A STICK. My previous long distance Dominant, Scotchgrove, used to threaten that he was going to “whip you in the throat with a cactus” when he got full of righteous anger. I think that this would make a hilarious spanking implement. Oh well. Next time! (If anyone wants to send me a cactus on a stick, I would love you forever and make a really ridiculous video involving it. Just in case you have one lying around your house.)
Anyway, after we were thoroughly educated about the history of bringing water to the desert by way of the feat of engineering that is the Hoover Dam, we got back in the car and drove the rest of the way to Vegas.
I will continue this tale in my next post.
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Whenever I say “I’ll update tomorrow!” I always end up skipping that day. FAIL. I’m going to fix that problem by only saying that when I actually have the next post banked. Sounds like a plan to me!
The night after I shot with Clare Fonda, I hung out with a vanilla friend who is very dear to me. I mentioned her once before I moved: she used my computer and discovered that I was a spanko, and responded to it by giving me a little gift basket with a hairbrush, a mini-first aid kit and a thing of lotion. She’s such a sweet girl and I really enjoyed seeing her. We “busted a mission” (as the kids like to say) to the local CVS to buy some Bacardi and Coke and came back and drank until tipsy on the roof, looking out at the LA skyline.
The next morning, Christy Cutie came and picked me up and we drove to Santa Ana, which, it turns out, is essentially Mexico except in Orange County. There, we met up with her daddy, Photodave (of Assume the Position Studios, with whom I did my first ever spanking shoot.) and shot a pretty awesome little set of videos. We’re keeping them a secret until they’re released, but they’re A LOT of fun and feature both me and Christy. It was my first time doing a video along with another bottom, and I really like Christy. We have a lot in common: we both like writing, we’re kind of big nerds, we love cute stuff and we both enjoy (blush) spanking fan fiction. Don’t laugh at me. Fan fiction got me through a lot of dark and lonely times!
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I’m halfway to making the Japan Fingers in this photo and halfway to looking like I’m mentally deficient. But Christy is cute! |
Photodave also bought us cakepops, which was my first cakepop experience and it kind of made my life. After the spanking videos were done, and we’d had Mexican food like the folks in South Dakota can’t even dream of and really brightly colored ice cream, I did my very first rope bondage set.
I’m not “into” bondage. It’s not something I dislike, but it’s entirely neutral to me. I did, however, want to be able to add it to my repertoire of things that I’ve experienced and have a few bondage shots in my portfolio. So we did a few quick and straight forward ties and Dave took some pretty awesome photos. I did find it kind of relaxing: it’s entirely passive and very different than the very active mental states that I have when I’m experiencing *my* kink.
That evening, I went to my friends, Epipelagic, Charlie Frown and Rubashov’s apartment for a movie night. I watched extremely little of the movie because I was mostly hanging out with people and laughing and eating delicious food that Epipelagic prepared.
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Sexy woman in the kitchen! Yeah! |
Their housing situation is pretty full of win: Epipelagic is married to Rubashov and Charlie Frown is her boyfriend and the three of them live together in an awesome, poly environment. Epipelagic is kind of my role model in terms of polyamory: she’s probably the most compersive person that I’ve ever known. She always expresses genuine happiness for the things that make her friends and loved ones happy, even if they are in some ways to her personal detriment. I know that she really misses me now that I’ve moved (and I miss her EVERY DAY because she’s amazing) but she consistently expresses joy for me that I know isn’t feigned because I’m doing so well and enjoying my life here so much. It’s very refreshing and being with her and talking to her helps me to stay focused on way that I want to be. Compersion isn’t always natural, and if I deviate from it, it can be hard to retrain my mind to remain focused on the happiness that being happy for others can bring. The time I spent with her reinforced that a lot.
Epipelagic and Rubashov have a cat who is really shy and cute. He’s super fluffy and I spent a lot of time hanging out with him:
That’s all for today. I do not promise that I will post again tomorrow. I probably will, though. 😛