On a daily basis, I happily answer questions about lots of different things in my comments, ask box on tumblr and email. Usually, these questions are related to logistical things (where can I find a particular video, when will you next be visiting my area et cetera) or questions about my life, history and interests (which implements I prefer to be spanked with, whether I was spanked as a child or not, how I got into the scene et cetera). I do my best to answer everything that I get, although questions that are too personal or that request information which isn’t mine to give out get skipped over. There is a pair of similar questions that I consistently get, and I’m going to answer them on the public forum so that the information gets out there. That said, because I’m discussing people other than myself, these answers are intentionally vague.
The first question is “What happened to Heather Green/Michaels? Is she ever going to make more videos?”
Usually people sound a bit worried about Heather’s video making cessation, and ask if she’s alright.
Heather is doing quite well, but has retired from modeling. She’s happily living out some of her life’s greatest dreams at the moment, and has chosen to stop doing films in order to focus on her vanilla pursuits. Heather still has one unreleased video that I know of: a scene that I’m also in which will be coming out on Northern Spanking at some point in the fairly near future. That said, she won’t be making any new films, so that will likely be the last “new” Heather Green release. We’ll all miss seeing videos from her, but I’m very glad that she’s happy and well. ^_^
The second question, similar in nature is “What happened to Spanking Debs and Firm Discipline? Where can I purchase those videos?”
Firm Discipline is currently off-line and the content that was held therein is not available for purchase anywhere at the moment. Debs has taken a break and stepped back from video production. I don’t know if this is permanent or if she’ll be back. I also don’t know when or where the existing content will be available again. I’m under the impression that it will be for sale again at some point, although I don’t know the specifics. I’ll post more information when I have it. In the meantime, you’ll just have to wait and see what happens. I’m sorry I can’t tell you more, I honestly don’t know the answers to this. Several people have asked me if I can distribute the Firm Discipline scenes that include me. The answers is that I am not able to do that. Sorry!
I know that this is a far less interesting post than that which I usually have! I just wanted to share this information and let you all know the answers to these questions. If you have any other questions (about anything, really) feel free to leave them in the comments or email me at alexinspankingland@gmail.com
I met Mila Kohl last year at TASSP. TASSP just ended. This means that I’ve only known Mila for one year. It feels like I’ve known her forever. Mila is one of my best friends, and she’s my scene sister. Our sisterly relationship takes several different forms. I sometimes worry about her and dote on her (insisting that she triple check things, buying her stuff that I perceive as really important like school uniforms et cetera) and sometimes, I break down around her and she helps to put me back together. She’s one of the people with whom I’ve had the most fun ever, and we can make something really not exciting like driving around in Dallas into the silliest, most enjoyable time ever. We also interact in a way that’s fairly new to me, too. We bicker.
Mila and I can spend an infinite amount of time going back and forth with virtual biting, hair pulling, whining, teasing and, most importantly, tattling. There was a time when my attitude was: “Virtual bratting? That’s lame.” With Mila, I’ve embraced a love for these antics when they don’t annoy the other people involved in them. I realize that this is about 45% of my twitter feed ever since I convinced Mila to get twitter (@MilaKohl, if you aren’t already following her), so I can’t really say for sure that I’m not bothering anyone, but eh, it’s my part of the internet. I can do what I want there. As always, the introduction of this doesn’t mean that it’s going to permeate the rest of my relationships and dynamics. It’s just another option.
As Paul and I started developing our relationship following my visit to England, Mila discovered that she could actually tattle on me to someone, which took things to a whole new level of ridiculousness. I will totally an unabashedly admit that this is awesome.
Shortly after BBW, I went to Texas to visit WearYouOut and LilLawBrat, and to have adventures with Mila. On the day that I showed up to Mila’s place, we were both in really high spirits. I was excited to be on an adventure, and I had broken out of some gloom that I’d let fall on myself before that. Mila was excited to have the company, and she was getting ready for her trip to the UK. The first hour that I was at her house was one of the most ridiculous ones in my life, in an amazing way. She showed me her mass amount of kittens:
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There are like, five there, all staggered. It’s not easy to hold five wiggly kittens. |
There was much embracing. Possibly too much, if there’s such a thing:
Then we went and jumped on her trampoline, during which time I told her quite over-excitedly that Paul and I had started being in a relationship and doing D/s officially, although we didn’t put this on the internet for a few more days. I think everyone should try this at least once in their lives: tell your best friend really exciting news while jumping on a trampoline. Maybe that’s not as fun if you don’t a best friend as awesome as Mila. I don’t know. Eventually, jumping on a trampoline got tiring and we kind of collapsed happily.
It was then determined that we needed to go to the thrift store to try to find Mila a school uniform, because she didn’t have one of her own and that hurt my heart. I don’t think it mattered all that much to her, but I really wanted her to have one because it mattered to me. While we drove there, we listened to music loudly in the car, singing along at the top of our lungs. I love driving around in Texas when I’m not in Dallas because I think that it’s beautiful: lots of sky, green everything, beautiful wild flowers. The landscape just felt joyful. I took my joy out on Mila, shoving her and teasing her (but joyfully, of course!) until we made up and I gave her in-car cuddles.
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Best spelling and grammar on a sign ever. Thanks, Texas! |
Following our shopping adventure, Mila and I decided that we were hungry so we headed to a Hibachi restaurant. While there, we sat at a table with other people so we *tried* to talk about things quietly, except both of us were incredibly excited about what we were saying. At one point, I dipped my hair in soysauce without knowing it, then tossed my head back and… failed. Mila is never letting that story go, ever, so I’m just going to be open about it.
That night, Mila and I recorded the most epic, 20+ minute video blog of all time. It was amazing, and incredibly incriminating because it has me shoving her right on camera. It also included Mila balancing one of her cats on her head without injury. It was cute and funny and full of win… but we didn’t record any sound by accident. If I ever figure out how, I might make some GIFS of some of the more adorable parts. For now, it’s our lost masterpiece. I had a crazy tantrum when I discovered the lack of sound. Not even funny. Tragic and awful. That night, we tried to go to sleep but couldn’t stop talking. It just kept going. Something funny would pop into one of our minds and we’d break into giggle fits again. The ridiculosity continued even after I fell asleep: I apparently turned to Mila and said, in my sleep “Mila, we need this ice cream! It’s made by bees!”
Either the next day or the day after that, I P.A.ed while Mila filmed for Firm Discipline. I’m not linking to a site because the site is currently not active. It’s down pending changes, but they’re still shooting and making awesome stuff, and it will be back before too long. The film that Mila did was pretty adorable. Mila was in trouble for supposedly committing breaking and entering. The situation was kind of silly, though, and *I* don’t think it was a fair accusation, but no one asks me these things. (Let’s take a moment to notice that I’m sticking up for Mila. Ok, back to regular stuff now.) The spanking was entirely done by hand, but it was really, really hard, and Mila cried beautifully. Poor Mila crying. It shatters the heart. She’s so sweet and vulnerable, and her eyes are so pretty when she cries. For someone who spends probably a quarter of her time trying to get Mila in trouble, it was actually tough to watch her getting spanked, even though it was for a video. I just wanted to… stop what I was doing and run and hug her. Because of the love.
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I also did the photography for this set. I’m not a pro, but I think I did okay. Mila’s butt looks amazing, of course. |
Once filming was over, I had to cuddle Mila obsessively. Her face just gets so damn sad.
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She just needs cuddling! And then more cuddling! |
We spent a little bit more time together after that, but soon she had to take off for England. While she was there she had a whole boat load of adventures. I spent another few days hanging out in Texas and geting my sunbathing on:
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Fuck you guys and your stupid cakes. >_< |
Well, this is belated.
That’s what always happens to me with holidays and events. I’m kind of amazed that I managed to make my LOL day post on LOL day.
I do have a fairly good reason for my delayed posting (although it didn’t keep me out of trouble for breaking the blogging rules): Malignus and I traveled to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with likeminded friends there, specifically WearYouOut and LilLawBrat. I stayed with them in August and spent time with them at three other parties, and we’ve grown very close. Debs, Mila Kohl, Zoey Wicks and Morgan_ were other friends that we got to spend lots of time with. It was just wonderful to spend the holiday with chosen family. It was pretty much the best holiday of any sorts that I’ve celebrated.
Our flights to Texas on Wednesday went pretty seamlessly: Malignus slept basically the whole way and I read some Foucault and then played games on my phone once my brain got sufficiently tired out for philosophy. When we arrived, we were quickly greeted by LLB and we drove back to their house where I proceeded to pounce all over everyone who was there and demand cuddles. We went swimming and in the hot tub, which we would end up doing every single night. After we dried off, Mila and I snuck off for some girly catching up which we followed with Mila playing Bright Eyes’ “Lua” on her ukulele while we sang together (Mila is much better at singing than I am). I kind of wish I had a video of this to share with you, but for some unfortunate reason I don’t film 100% of my life. 😛 The night wrapped up with Malignus giving me a super relaxing bedtime spanking before we fell asleep in a really comfortable guest bed and slept until 11 the next morning.
Thanksgiving day itself was extremely fun. WYO and LLB don’t really let me help around their house too much (because they want me to actually take a break for once!) but I helped out wherever I could get away with it. I also followed them around the kitchen asking a bunch of questions, so I hope that I picked up a few extra cooking skill points (I often see myself as a Sim, with the blue skill bar over my head filling as I do certain tasks). LLB also bought me coloring stuff because I didn’t have any with me, so I drew name plates for each of the guests at the table. I don’t have photos of these, either, because I was kind of just living in the moment, but each one was ornate and tried to capture the aesthetic preferred by the person being labeled (to the best of my understanding). Zoey’s was kind of my masterpiece- her name was written in block letters filled with hearts, and then there was a kitten peaking up over the edge of the paper. Following his preferred style, Malignus’ was a plain white piece of paper with “Malignus.” written on it in plain black lettering. 😛
The Thanksgiving meal was pretty much the best meal ever. The turkey was perfect, there were tons of amazing sides and no one fought at the dinner table (something that’s NEVER happened in my family of origin). I was extremely thankful to be there with such lovely friends.
After dinner, we participated in the Thanksgiving tradition which I started last year: thigh turkeys.
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I put the faces on in post this year, since having the marker on my skin last year was really annoying. |
In case anyone doesn’t know, turkeys really hurt, but they look pretty amazing. Zoey also received some turkeys, but Debs opted out for reasons that were somehow related to her boobs hurting. 😛
After I healed a bit, we ate some delicious pie (really, one of the best pies of all time) and then swam again. I went to sleep feeling snuggly, sore and full– pretty much the best possible combination.
On Friday, we avoided Black Friday. In fact, I think this is the first time that I successfully participated in Buy Nothing Day (totally by accident), although Malignus bought me and my friend Pandie a matching present (which I won’t post about until she gets hers).
Friday involved lots of spanking, of course, including some experiments with new-to-me implements.
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Getting spanked by LLB! |
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And of course, what holiday is complete without me being spanked to the point of tears? |
On Saturday, we ate Stanley’s Famous BBQ, which is basically the best place to eat in the world. That evening, Debs came over again and there was lots more spanking, including some extremely unacceptable implement usage. I also got nibbled on by WYO and LLB’s dog, Henry. It was kind of annoying when he nipped under regular circumstances, but when he decided to take a little chomp on my welted thighs, I got a bit cranky. 😛
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Malignus approved of Henry’s “aftercare” |
In general, Malignus and that dog got along perfectly. Apparently they are both missing each other like crazy now that we’ve gone home: WYO reports that Henry has now “given up hope and is acting like an ass.”
So, I know this isn’t the most exciting post I’ve ever made, but that was my weekend in a nutshell. It was amazing to spend time with a whole bunch of people that I care about so much. It’s very nice to be home again, though. 🙂
Hi, everyone!
Let’s start out with the fact that I’m alive and well. After six weeks away, I’ve returned to my happy home in South Dakota. I expected that I’d get home and start churning out blog posts right away, but it took me a bit to find my grove. I had a lot of things to get caught up on the past week, and I’ve been working at housework/regular work/sleeping rather fiercely.
Now, it’s time to blog.
I want to start out by thanking everyone for keeping up with me, even when my adventures have kept me from posting regularly. I only was able to post four times in August, yet it was my best month yet. Thanks for your loyal readership! I promise good and frequent content in the coming months.
When I left off, I had just recently arrived in Texas. My time there was spent visiting WearYouOut, Lillawbrat, and Debs and shooting spanking videos for the site Firm Discipline. I also spent a lot of time eating delicious things, because my hosts are foodies. I got to have authentic, the best of the best, Texas BBQ and it kind of knocked me off my feet. It was JUST AMAZING.
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I didn’t eat all this by myself, don’t worry. |
I had a lot of really good times while I was there, including going to the zoo with new, up and coming spanking model, Mila Kohl. Mila loves giraffes a lot, and her special stuffed animal is a giraffe named Henry, so doing this with her was pretty much an epic win:
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I was concerned that she may die of excitement. |
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Nose to nose! |
I also, of course, got spanked a lot while there, since that was the purpose of the visit. I’ll be going through and talking about some of the videos in detail. This is just an overview post. I will give you this image to tide you over until that happens:
After about ten awesome days, Heather Green, my close friend, scene sister and fellow model, joined us for an evening. We filmed several videos, including one where I topped Heather and one where I threw Heather and Debs into the pool. Fun. Times.
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From left to right: Heather Green, Alex Reynolds (me) and Debs |
The next afternoon, Heather and I left for Dallas, where we did a second shoot for Amateur Spankings. Our first shoot hasn’t been released yet, but we had a lot of fun shooting with Gary and Val. During one scene, Heather and I were getting paddled next to each other. When the scene was finished, I looked at the paddle and noticed this:
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Score! Another point for Heather and me in the battle of bottoms vs. implements! |
The next morning, we took off on our road trip, which we documented carefully on film. I’m editing it right now to make a behind the scenes video which includes a lot of candid spanking conversation, us talking about preferences and how our interests/obsessions developed, the story of Heather’s first spanking and video evidence of Heather spanking me with part of a broken car bumper on the side of the road in Texas. Once I finish up the edit, this will be available on my clips store.
Our first day consisted of pretty much just driving, talking and filming. The next morning, though, we went to an Ostrich Farm and took a short break there. There were also deer, donkeys, goats and lorikeets. It was tons of fun.
From there, we drove to Phoenix, where we did a Damsel in Distress shoot. This was a fairly new experience for us, but we had a lot of fun, and the photographer was really kind.
I’ll talk more about that shoot later, too.
From there, we drove to our next overnight in Flagstaff, where we stayed in a hotel, hung out in the hot tub and chatted a lot and rested up for our adventure the next morning:
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My face looks awkward because it was INSANELY bright out |
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Everywhere we go, I love being with Heather! |
We headed to the Grand Canyon the next morning. I’d been there once before, but Heather was seeing it for the first time. When we arrived, we were hungry, and so I suggested that we get lunch at the Bright Angel Lodge, since that was where I had eaten the last time that I visited and it had been good food at a reasonable price. While we were eating, Heather kept asking me how long it was going to take before we would get to the Canyon– I guess she didn’t realize that you’re able to park very close to it and just walk up to the rim. I didn’t tell her otherwise.
When we finished eating and came out the back exit of the lodge, the canyon was RIGHT THERE. Heather’s was really surprised and excited: her face lit up as if it was suddenly Christmas.
We spent the day hiking around the rim. Heather wanted to go to the bottom, but we weren’t really prepared to do that, so we decided to do that the next time that we came. Heather was very daring the entire time that we were there and kept going right up to the edge. I’m, however, a bit uncomfortable with heights, so I ended up staying back and taking photos from a distance. I possibly spent some time clinging to handrails, too. Just a little.
Another thing which was awesome about the Grand Canyon was the fact that I’d been there before, so I knew all the science and history of the Canyon and park pretty well, so I felt super smart when I could just burst out with some interesting tidbit of information. I decided that in the future, I’m going to research wherever I’m going in advance because knowing stuff before you get to a place makes you awesome.
We drove a bit more after we finished in the park, and then spent another night. The next morning, we got up and headed for Vegas. We were excited to be finally arriving there, and pumped for Shadowlane. It didn’t stop us from pausing to visit the Hoover Dam, though!
Here we are, crossing the state line into Nevada:
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It was so hot I thought we would die. |
And here we are sweating our faces off by the bridge.
We went into the gift shop there, largely because we wanted to cool off– it was in the 110’s out. There, I discovered this awesome thing:
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I didn’t buy this, because I was trying to save money and it was $12, but it was a CACTUS ON A STICK. My previous long distance Dominant, Scotchgrove, used to threaten that he was going to “whip you in the throat with a cactus” when he got full of righteous anger. I think that this would make a hilarious spanking implement. Oh well. Next time! (If anyone wants to send me a cactus on a stick, I would love you forever and make a really ridiculous video involving it. Just in case you have one lying around your house.)
Anyway, after we were thoroughly educated about the history of bringing water to the desert by way of the feat of engineering that is the Hoover Dam, we got back in the car and drove the rest of the way to Vegas.
I will continue this tale in my next post.
<3 p="p">3>