Whenever I say “I’ll update tomorrow!” I always end up skipping that day. FAIL. I’m going to fix that problem by only saying that when I actually have the next post banked. Sounds like a plan to me!
The night after I shot with Clare Fonda, I hung out with a vanilla friend who is very dear to me. I mentioned her once before I moved: she used my computer and discovered that I was a spanko, and responded to it by giving me a little gift basket with a hairbrush, a mini-first aid kit and a thing of lotion. She’s such a sweet girl and I really enjoyed seeing her. We “busted a mission” (as the kids like to say) to the local CVS to buy some Bacardi and Coke and came back and drank until tipsy on the roof, looking out at the LA skyline.
The next morning, Christy Cutie came and picked me up and we drove to Santa Ana, which, it turns out, is essentially Mexico except in Orange County. There, we met up with her daddy, Photodave (of Assume the Position Studios, with whom I did my first ever spanking shoot.) and shot a pretty awesome little set of videos. We’re keeping them a secret until they’re released, but they’re A LOT of fun and feature both me and Christy. It was my first time doing a video along with another bottom, and I really like Christy. We have a lot in common: we both like writing, we’re kind of big nerds, we love cute stuff and we both enjoy (blush) spanking fan fiction. Don’t laugh at me. Fan fiction got me through a lot of dark and lonely times!
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I’m halfway to making the Japan Fingers in this photo and halfway to looking like I’m mentally deficient. But Christy is cute! |
Photodave also bought us cakepops, which was my first cakepop experience and it kind of made my life. After the spanking videos were done, and we’d had Mexican food like the folks in South Dakota can’t even dream of and really brightly colored ice cream, I did my very first rope bondage set.
I’m not “into” bondage. It’s not something I dislike, but it’s entirely neutral to me. I did, however, want to be able to add it to my repertoire of things that I’ve experienced and have a few bondage shots in my portfolio. So we did a few quick and straight forward ties and Dave took some pretty awesome photos. I did find it kind of relaxing: it’s entirely passive and very different than the very active mental states that I have when I’m experiencing *my* kink.
That evening, I went to my friends, Epipelagic, Charlie Frown and Rubashov’s apartment for a movie night. I watched extremely little of the movie because I was mostly hanging out with people and laughing and eating delicious food that Epipelagic prepared.
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Sexy woman in the kitchen! Yeah! |
Their housing situation is pretty full of win: Epipelagic is married to Rubashov and Charlie Frown is her boyfriend and the three of them live together in an awesome, poly environment. Epipelagic is kind of my role model in terms of polyamory: she’s probably the most compersive person that I’ve ever known. She always expresses genuine happiness for the things that make her friends and loved ones happy, even if they are in some ways to her personal detriment. I know that she really misses me now that I’ve moved (and I miss her EVERY DAY because she’s amazing) but she consistently expresses joy for me that I know isn’t feigned because I’m doing so well and enjoying my life here so much. It’s very refreshing and being with her and talking to her helps me to stay focused on way that I want to be. Compersion isn’t always natural, and if I deviate from it, it can be hard to retrain my mind to remain focused on the happiness that being happy for others can bring. The time I spent with her reinforced that a lot.
Epipelagic and Rubashov have a cat who is really shy and cute. He’s super fluffy and I spent a lot of time hanging out with him:
That’s all for today. I do not promise that I will post again tomorrow. I probably will, though. π
Blogging while on Vacation didn’t work out so well. This is largely because of two things: first of all, I was working quite a bit. I did more shoots in a week than I’ve ever done, and that was after I had to cancel one shoot due to illness resulting from exhaustion and another shoot cancelled on me. The second reason is because I was living in the moment as much as I possibly could: I tried to spend as much time as possible paying attention to the people I was with and the places that I was instead of being online or keeping my mind of what was going on in South Dakota. This was kind of hard for me, because I’m scatter brained and I missed my home a lot, but it ultimately was very rewarding. So I’ll now tell all the stories that I can remember from the past ten days and then wrap up with what I learned about how to be a traveling model. Onward!
One thing which Maddycake and I love doing is going to stores and trying on cute clothes. It’s one of the most girly things that I do. We go in and we shop for a long time, then we try a bunch of stuff on in different sizes and then we take photos of ourselves in the fitting rooms and in the end I almost never buy anything. It isn’t that I don’t INTEND to buy something- it’s just that nothing ever has the right combination of fitting my shape and being inexpensive.
So, we went to Hustler Hollywood and did that one of the first nights I was there.
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This didn’t fit, but it looked pretty good while not fitting! |
I found some pretty amazing booty shorts there, which were very nearly made for me:
Because they were $30 for essentially a pair of panties, and I am so very well behaved, I did not purchase them. But they were super fun.
I also tried on something that I used to be very opposed to, just for kicks:
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(It’s not the bird necklace: that’s mine) |
I have to admit: it’s a very pretty piece of neckwear. Playing dress up never stops being fun.
The next day, Maddy and I spent a while tracking down ingredients for some amazing cupcakes that we made and then making said cupcakes. They were strawberry margarita flavored, with vanilla cake with lime zest and strawberry frosting with lime juice and vest, topped with homemade pink sugar and strawberry and lime slices. They were so much epic win!
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Maddy and a new friend, Cassidy, did a lot of the work |
We had time to take some photos of my butt (because what day is complete without!?)
Then we got ready and went to a party thrown by the TNG group which I started when I lived here and handed off to Maddy when I moved. There was so much amazing food, people who I’ve missed very much, and me successfully drinking without breaking anything. MaskofNormality made the absolute best carne asada that I’ve ever eaten. It was so good that I seriously dreamed about it. Then again, everything MoN does is pretty amazing. π
I spent most of the next day shooting with Omar, an old friend and the photographer who I’ve worked with the most times. We had kind of a rough patch in terms of our friendship and collaboration when I moved away, but we smoothed things out and had an amazing time. We went to one of his secret shooting spots and took some amazing outdoor stuff, then we went and had pancakes (they were awesome) and then went back to Siq’s place and took bedroom photos while Maddy got to learn about how shoots often go, since she’s just started modeling.
I’ll eventually be posting photos from that set once I get them back. π
The next day, I shot with Clare Fonda. It was one of my highest profile shoots to date, and very, very exciting. Clare and her camera man were INCREDIBLY nice and easy to be around. They were fun and we laughed a lot during the shoot (when we were off camera of course!) and we did some awesome scenes that I look forward to sharing with you when they are released. Clare has about twelve pets and they’re all pretty adorable.
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Puppy! |
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Kitty! |
The shoot went well and I had a lot of fun. I’m looking forward to working with them again in the future. I don’t want to give away too many spoilers, but I will say that I got to wear monkey pajamas in one scene and my new plaid kilt style skirt in another and that was full of win.
That’s all for today! The story will continue tomorrow!
NOTE NUMBER THE FIRST: This entry has a lot of non spanking related photos in it. Know why? Because I’m on vacation. Kthnx.
NOTE NUMBER THE SECOND: Go ahead and play this in the background while reading this blog post. I’ve been kind of humming it to myself for the past few days. π
NOTE NUMBER THE THIRD: The end of this gets mushy. You were warned!
I arrived in Los Angeles on Wednesday. R. picked me up from the airport and drove me back to my old apartment. It was lovely to be back in a place that was so familiar to me for a long time. I had an immediate sense of belonging as we took the Chinatown exit and R. slapped my thigh with gentle excitement. I was overjoyed to get to cuddle my kitties again, too. It’s hard to have a long distance relationship with a pet. π
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Gizmo DID miss me! He snuggled me from the first minute I walked in the door! |
We spent some awesome time “catching up” and visiting and then went to a favorite Japanese restaurant in my old Little Tokyo stomping ground. Before the meal, R., Zeki, and I played a game of hangman. Those two know me pretty well: they got mine without missing a single letter and it wasn’t even in real English.
I went into the market there and checked out things that were once common parts of my life, but because I’d been away from them and living in a culture where they are not normal, had become novelties. I took photos like a tourist in the place where I once did my grocery shopping. I was jumping around with joy as I remembered just how common place adorable things are in Los Angeles.
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The amount of cuteness just overwhelmed me! |
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I DIDN’T buy a Hello Kitty Bunny Ice Cream Cone keychain because I’m trying to spend money like an adult! |
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Engrish is even MORE AMUSING than it was before! |
I spent Thursday with Maddycake and had a wonderful time. Los Angeles is having beautiful weather and the plants know that it’s spring:
We went to the zoo where we ate kettle corn and saw the only bear in Los Angeles.
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I mostly took this photo for Heather, because she loves elephants! |
We had a lot of awesome conversations and shared feelings about spanking, modeling and submission. I love being with people who can relate to me on those levels and getting a variety of viewpoints. I also just love Maddy because she’s the greatest.
I know it probably makes me sound a bit whiny, and it’s surely a First World Spanko Problem, but I really miss Malignus. I feel a lot of nostalgia for the time when I first met him and we lived halfway across the country from each other. I don’t mean that I preferred the way that things were back then, or that I even miss it, but I feel a warm happiness at the memory of a time which was very different but also very good and extremely influential to my life. I did, however, have a “you can’t go back” kind of moment: the particular corner in my old bedroom (since R and Zeki still live in the apartment that we shared, but with different roommates) which I spent a considerable amount of time in under Malignus’ will now has an L shaped desk in it. I wanted to go back into the space where I did a lot of thinking, learning and developing. Since I was unable to do so, I ran over many greatly influential moments in my mind. I learned long ago that a thing or a place does not hold memories: one does in oneself.
Being here, though, makes me very aware of the path that our relationship took and makes me both proud and happy that things came to the place where they are now. Sometimes, I get bogged down in our work schedules and the dirty dishes and things that need to get done and the small conflicts that inevitably take place when one lives with another person.I don’t lose sight of how important my relationship with Malignus is, nor how much we love and mean to one and other, but I occasionally need to take a step back to be reminded that I’m living my dream life when it comes to the really important stuff. Being given, essentially, a tour of my previous life reminds me of the growth and changes that have occurred in the past year and a half.
Honestly, in nearly every way, Los Angeles is superior to Sioux Falls. The ways in which it is not are pretty simple: the price of things and the traffic. Being in LA has made me aware of all the things that I miss from here: In-N-Out Burger, a variety of Dungeons, kink groups and BDSM stores, cheap and delicious ethnic food, the Pacific Ocean, the fog making Malibu Canyon into another world, Amoeba Records, a wide variety of people who have read the books I’ve read and wish to discuss them, Archlight Theaters, Little Tokyo, hot girls in bohemian dresses, beautifully crafted tattoo work, creperies, cup cake shops, gourmet food trucks, four Sanrio Smiles stores in one city, pretty much every store ever, the Santa Monica Promenade, gay bars, rock clubs, organic burger places, the Gold Line train and the Chinatown flea market. The list goes on and on. Los Angeles is pretty freaking amazing (if hella expensive!). When I’m catching up with friends and meeting those who joined my cliques while I was away, I’m always getting asked why I moved to South Dakota and whether or not it was worth it.
I look around at all this stuff, all this glittery and gloriously entertainment, the libraries full of books, the museums full of paintings and photographs, the parks and the theme parks.
Am I happy without all this? Yes.
I’m amazingly happy to visit Los Angeles and would love to do so frequently. But at the end of the day, I’m looking forward to getting back to a place where I can drive without worrying about causing an accident that kills 80 people, where I can afford to go to dinner and a movie without feeling guilty about spending so much money, and far more importantly, where I’m with Malignus nearly every day. Spending my days with him and Heather is a greater joy than I ever expected to know.
Have you ever mistyped a URL? One day, Malignus did. When trying to get to my blog, he instead typed www.alexinspankingland.blogpsot.com
Two switched letters. Go ahead and click that. The result?
Mega Site of Bible Studies and Information.
The site is really poorly made and ugly and contains a bunch of information for conservative Christians about the Bible and other such things. It’s certainly NOT about consensual adult spanking and photos of my butt.
I’ve been meaning to point this out for about six months now but I haven’t remembered to do it. Malignus reminded me rather forcefully to the past couple of days, so there you have it!
I’m just two letters away from Christianity. Seems a lot farther in the real world. π
I’m heading to Los Angeles tomorrow and will be there until Easter Sunday. Expect to see lots of photos: I’m primarily modeling. And shopping and living it up with my people out there. This is one of the only times when my life might sound glamorous. π
The point is, I shall be continuing to blog but shall not be posting any videos to Spanking Tube this week or the week following. You’ll live. π
A while ago, I wrote about the awesome experience I had shooting with The Spanking Court. I did three scenes in a very fun (and quite “me”) storyline. The plot centers around me as a college student protesting for animal rights. In the first segment, I brought myself to the court because I was worried that I was going to cross the line. This is the part that made this particular production so relatable for me: I’m much better at acting in situations where I’m trying to do my best and ameliorate myself than I am at being bratty. The second segment is an update where I talk about how I’ve continued to do well. Those two spankings were great fun to film because they were very positive–the theme was “You’re doing well: keep doing well!”
In the third clip, I got out of hand and crossed the line and got myself in a boatload of trouble. This was also pretty relatable for me because, let’s face it: sometimes I get myself into a world of trouble. It’s never because I try to: it’s because I don’t try hard enough not to. That’s what happened in the video, too. I didn’t keep myself under control and got arrested. (OOPS!)
This third segment, where I get a very hard, 200 stroke paddling, is now available on Spanking Court. There’s a promo video for it here:
I haven’t actually watched the entire video: I have a really hard time watching videos of myself. It just makes me feel weird. I watch enough to learn what I can do better in future videos (things with my posture, speaking more clearly et cetera) and then I’m usually done. This is a pretty intense video, too. It made me want to hug myself to watch it again.
Additionally, I’ve never posted them here before, but there are two other promo videos of me available on spankingtube. There’s one from my first shoot ever, with Assume The Position Studios:
and one from a recent(ish) shoot with Lily Starr Spanking:
Have fun watching me cry and stuff, and be sure to check out the sites from which they originate!
I’m back! For real this time!
I’m all settled in at my new home with Malignus in South Dakota. I finished the majority of my unpacking today. It looks a little odd to see my smiley, cute stuff in a place that I previously thought of as “his”, but I’m getting used to the idea of it as “ours.” HeatherFeather is still visiting with us: she traveled with us and has been helping me get settled in. She’s an amazing scene-sister: she supports me in ways that help me to grow and defeat problems, and she never fails to make me laugh hysterically. I’m going to miss her when she leaves on Monday >_<.
Because I’ve been away from the internet for a while, I have quite a few stories to share from my adventures. I’ll be taking a few days to get caught up with them, and then I’ll be back to posting things as they actually happen ;).
Things started in Los Angeles- HeatherFeather and Malignus arrived, and we spent the next two nights in a hotel. We had a few of the people I’ve become close to over for a play-party the first night. It was a ton of fun. I got spanked by one of my friends while he was wearing a panda suit, we ordered room service, Porcelain Ass abused everyone in sight with a sadistick (pure evil! I’m very glad we don’t own one!), and MaskofNormality presented me with a gift that he made me:
It’s got Pikachu’s tail and drawings that represent some of my best friends on one side.
And the Malignus Seal of Approval and my friends’ signatures on the other!
It’s ridiculously solid and really, really hurts on impact. It has beautiful craftsmanship, and I get kind of emotional over all the love and effort that went into its creation whenever I see it.
It’s okay for you all to say “AWWWW!”
I also got this great gift at the hotel party:
Because nothing says “I love you” like hand-shaped welts on the inside of your thighs. These were hard: the individual finger marks swelled up like cane-welts and the bruises were still hand-shaped four days later.
The next day was a little rough: I had a hard time saying “goodbye” to everyone at the final PTNG social, and packing the car was stressful. Princesstoy came over to the hotel room, because she didn’t make it to the party, and brought me an adorable bow that she hand made me. Malignus gave her a beating while I bantered with them, and then she got a course in advanced spanking technique using me as the learning dummy. Near the end of the evening, Malignus hit me with Princesstoy’s Evil Stick from HellΒ©, which, as expected, hurt a lot. I still maintain that it was not as bad as our stupid, extra thick lexan paddle, though.
On Sunday, we headed to Bizzarre Bazaar at Threshold after packing all my stuff up. It was the best way to end my time in LA: nearly all my friends from the scene came out, and I got smothered in hugs and affection. Bizzarre Bazaar is an anual event in which Threshold has vendors and “tasting booths” set up. The tasting booths allow you to learn more about or participate in a particular kink activity. In an indeed bizarre turn of events, I participated in three of these booths which had NOTHING TO DO WITH SPANKING!
First, I tried wax play:
That’s me! Alex Reynolds! Covered in wax! Unprecedented!
The wax play was extremely relaxing: it wasn’t painful at all and it just felt warm and snuggly on my back. It didn’t do anything for me (or even really feel kinky) but it was super nice, and I’d do it again for the “feeling good” factor.
Next, this happened:
That’s a needle. In my body.
The play-piercing experience was less relaxing than the wax play, by quite a bit. I’ve had my fair share of experience with needles in the past, but in every case they’ve either gone straight in and then straight out again, or they’ve gone through something and out the other side (when I got my ears and septum pierced back in the day). The whole “going into the skin” part wasn’t scary at all, and it didn’t hurt that much, but when it started to come out the other side, and I was aware that it was under my top few skin layers, I started to panic a bit. I hyperventalated a little, but the piercer was calming and Malignus was there with me (I would not have done it otherwise, I don’t think) and he was gently rubbing the back of my neck and playing with my hair and I quickly regained composure.
There were two booths set up which scared me a bit: the Violet Wand booth and the Fire Cupping booth. Violet Wand bothers me because of the noise: it reminds me of something of a non-consensual nature from my early life and I find it deeply unsettling. Malignus encouraged me to choose to associate it more with the sound of a tattoo gun, with which I have pleasant memories associated, and that did help quite a bit. Fire Cupping freaked me out because I have a fear of having my blood suctioned out of my body through my skin. I got this from some movie when I was a kid, I think, and it’s never left me. At first, I didn’t even want to look at the cupping while it was happening to other people. Malignus explained how it worked to me and reassured me that it wasn’t going to be horrible, and near the end of the day, I was willing to try it.
I’m not going to lie: I didn’t like it. It hurt in a weird way: especially the big one in the center. The one stayed on my back and kept hurting for a couple of days, too. I didn’t panic or freak out, though, but I think there was some whimpering happening. I was pleased with myself for doing it, though.
After the event was over, we said our final (nearly tearful) goodbyes and hit the road to Vegas.
To be continued tomorrow π
I guess I kind of lied when I said that I was back to my regular rate of posting. I’m still pulling three posts this week, but that’s the minimum that I like to do. I don’t enjoy accepting the minimum effort from myself, so I’ll try and keep sticking with things, especially because I am not entirely sure if I’ll be able to update while I’m on the road to South Dakota or not.
I’m stressed. I’ve still got a lot to do before I leave. Insecurities and fears have been popping up, surviving longer than I’d normally let them due to the climate of anxiety and vulnerability that comes with change. I’m not looking forward to saying “goodbye” to anyone, let alone everyone. Still, I’m overwhelmingly excited. I’m going to have a wonderful life with Malignus. We’re going to have an amazing time on the trip out to my new life. I’ll never have to listen to him tell me that he doesn’t have any clean dishes or food in the house ever again! π
Yesterday, I shot with Chelsea Pfieffer for the first time. She was amazingly nice and friendly. She’s the kind of person you just want to hug. The shoot was very straight-forward: it was a “Chelsea Spanks” reality shoot. The part of modeling that I’m the least good at is acting like someone other than myself when I’m in a position which is very true to my inner self, so being able to just be me while shooting a video was amazingly refreshing. Chelsea and I intend to work together again in the future when I fly back to visit Los Angeles (and to work with other amazing LA people). I’ve yet to meet someone I dislike when working on a spanking shoot: everyone has been amazingly kind, friendly and enthusiastic. I’m really digging spanking modeling. I just can’t get enough.
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I’m amazed if there are any people who have not yet tired of self taken photos of my butt in the mirror besides me. I am totally in love with my own butt. |
Chelsea spanked me for a half hour straight, which further proved to me that I have absolutely NO sense of time when I’m over a lap. It seemed like a few minutes! I know that I’ve had spankings that were confirmed to be very long by either knowing the time before and after or having another person around to let me know which had the same feeling: time just flew by because I was really happy to be where I was and I was doing the thing I adore. There have been other spankings, especially disciplinary ones, which seemed like they lasted for about an hour, but in reality were just a few minutes long. It’s probably related to the fact that there is some kind of temporal anomaly in the corner of my bedroom: time just slooooooows down there. π
Tangentially related to what I was talking about earlier (because my scene with Chelsea had an influence on this) I’ve decided that while I still think that I’m fairly hetero-aligned in terms of D/s, I am just as much of a pan-spanko bottom as I am a pan-sexual. When I was a child, my fantasies were always M/F. My first five years of spanking were exclusively M/F. Recently, I’ve been playing with girls and women as tops quite a bit, and it’s just as enjoyable for me. An open mind is a lovely thing: when I was just focused on males as tops, I was losing a lot of awesome options. F/F is pretty epic win for me, too.
Tonight, I’m going to the Halloween party at Threshold. It’s my last dungeon event before I leave LA. Even more bittersweetness. It’s going to be a lot of fun, though: all my LA people will be there, except Morri, who is currently out of the country. I didn’t even get to have a tearful goodbye! I miss you already, Morri!
When I woke up the morning after, my butt looked like this:
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Excuse all the packing that is going on in the background. |
On Saturday night, MaskofNormality, Princesstoy and I had dinner together at a Thai restaurant, where we were the only patrons and we talked quietly about kink things the entire time. We also had delicious coconut ice cream. Mmmmm! I already had my makeup on for my second costume, so it was a little strange to the waitress, I think.
From there, we went to the Bordello of Decadence: a play space in Rosemead. It was my first time there and I was really only going because it was a Halloween party and a lot of my friends were there. Pretty shortly upon arriving, I met up with my friend Porcelain Ass, who was dressed as a school girl. Princesstoy was dressed as a sailor girl and MaskofNormality was dressed as Max from “Where the Wild Things Are.” His was pretty much my favorite halloween costume ever. He made it himself and it looked EXACTLY like I imagined Max’s outfit would in real life. He even made fuzzy shoe covers. I couldn’t stop hugging him because it was so cute. I was wearing a pink hamster suit. It was fleecy and warm, though, so halfway through the night I stripped down to my panties and tanktop and ran around like that.
[I might be adding a photo here. I am waiting for permission from my friend who is also in it.]
I didn’t play at this party, but I did get to watch an awesome scene between MaskofNormality and Princesstoy. Princesstoy positively shrieks when she gets spanked hard! They were horror movie screams. MoN did an awesome job topping: he’s usually a bottom, but he totally pwnd Princesstoy, all while wearing his fuzzy outfit π Epic. Win.
I was still super sore from my spanking yesterday, especially on the areas that were covered which were previously under-spanked: Sir Siq was able to get different “territory” because he was standing on the other side of me while I was over Maddycake’s lap. Sore bottom + fleecy pajama material = mmmmmmm. Positively cozy. The weather outside was cool and foggy and it made me look forward to this winter, when I can come in from the cold, get warmed up by a good spanking and then cuddle up in something warm.
I’d be lying if I said that BoD was a favorite playspace: it doesn’t have any private rooms, and I don’t think there are any places there where I would be able to get into a good headspace during a scene. It did, however, have a good layout for socializing and pretty nice snacks :). In all, it was certainly a nice play for a big party, but not somewhere that I would go with the intention of playing.
BoD is across the street from a graveyard, and as we were walking out the sky was a bit too light for the time of night it was, but the street was heavy with fog. It was perfect murder weather. That made the night even more Halloween-y.
On Sunday, Maddycake came over again and we did literally all the rest of my packing (except the things I’ll need for the next 10 days) and had lots of snuggles. I’m going to miss all the people I’ve talked about in this entry way too much. On a side note, Monday and today have been a bit gloomy for me: part of it is the drop from having spent the weekend surrounded by all my favorite Los Angeles people. Part of it is the weather: it has stayed gray and rainy over here. Part of it is the fact that now that all my stuff is packed up, my apartment feels weird and sad. There’s also the fact that I’ve been worrying about making friends and whether or not I’ll be liked in my new community once I move to South Dakota. I spent most of my life being awkward and generally unpopular, so it’s a hard worry to shake. I’ll be with Malignus, and that fills me with glee and happiness, but I’m going to need some other friends, especially girls who want to squee over kitties and cute fuzzy stuff (when Malignus isn’t around). I know a few people online and I’ve met a couple of people in person who seem pretty awesome, so hopefully things will work out for me in that department.
Finally, I’m shooting with Chelsea Pfieffer on Friday and Lily Starr again on the first of the month. Pretty exciting stuff!
I’m back to my regularly scheduled program, so expect posting to go back to its normal pace.
It’s been about five days since I last posted. That’s unusual for me! I love blogging and aspire to do it every day, if I can. That said, I’ve been a busy, busy girl.
In case anyone hasn’t heard me talking excitedly about it recently, I’m moving to South Dakota soon: in fact, I’m leaving Los Angeles in less than two weeks. There’s an awful lot to do, getting ready to move halfway across the country, by car, to a different climate, after having lived in the same place for two years. My time has been pretty divided between productivity: packing, sorting, cleaning, organizing, preparing and enjoying the time that I have left with my friends out here. As I’ve said before, they’re awesome people who I am going to miss a great deal, and I’m very glad that I’ll be visiting them frequently.
Thursday was my last munch with the Pasadena Roses and Thorns. Their December 2010 munch was my first public kink event of all time, and I’ve really enjoyed all the relationships I’ve built there. It was a fun but bittersweet evening. Maybe I cried a little bit over it. Maybe. Everyone knows, Alex never cries. π
This weekend, I got a lot of “to do’s” crossed off my list, and I got to spend quality time with a lot of friends. This included some of the best kind of time: time spent across a lap.
On Friday night, I went to Fetnoir’s “Procrasta-ween” party at Threshold with Maddy and her Daddy, Sir Siq. Sir Siq has become my unofficial protector within the local scene: I *can* take care of myself, but sometimes, having a 6’4″ man behind me is a comforting thing, especially when I’m prancing around a dungeon in something skimpy and ridiculous like this:
The party was very small: there was a larger event going on at a different play-space that night. Still, the people in attendance were good people, and three can be a party of itself. We had some snacks and hung out a bit, because Sir Siq and I were basically going to die of hunger when we arrived. Then we went into a black light room and Maddycake and I danced around for a while. Sir Siq was dressed as a soldier and had two airsoft guns with him as part of his costume. Have you ever been shot with an airsoft gun before? I had, in passing, over a layer or two of clothes. Mostly, I’d only been grazed with them. Like most things, airsoft guns hurt a lot more when you get hit with them directly on your bare bottom.
Sir Siq drew a target on each side of Maddycake’s butt and had her bend over a bench in the private room we were in. Then he shot her directly on the first target. Then she exploded.
Not literally, of course. She just freaked out, jumping up and shouting and hopping around. It took coaxing to get her back down for the other side (including promises that I believe have not yet been fulfilled) but he eventually took the second shot. I stood back and watched her freak out and complain of the extreme hurt. Have you ever heard of the term “morbid curiosity”? I’ve never understood the evolutionary purpose of such a thing. Anyway, I’ve got a bad case of that. “I tried this thing! It totally sucked!” my friends say and I say “OOOOH! WILL HE DO IT TO ME?!”
A few minutes later, I was the one with the targets on my bare bottom. Being shot with an airsoft gun is the strongest example of pain-lag that I’ve ever felt during a scene. I’ve read descriptions of people having a full second or two of lag behind the impact and full experience of pain from a caning, and while I agree that there’s a secondary pain which is much worse than the primary in those cases, it’s never taken all that long for me to experience it. With the airsoft gun, it took at least three seconds. I had long enough to stand up and look at Maddycake with one eyebrow raised, because I didn’t feel anything really. Then all the sudden, pain appeared. It felt like a hard cane stroke, only instead of being a line of hurt, it was concentrated into a dot of agony. It developed into a little welt that looks a bit like a bug bite. Then, I got back in position and he shot me on the other side. The second of anything is at least twice as difficult to relax through, and I did a good effort at stoicism but totally squealed when I got hit this time: before it even started to hurt. I’m not about to do this all the time, obviously, but it was very cool to find out what it was like.
We went and watched a class on Mummification Play (it fit the Halloween theme!) which was interesting. I’m clearly not about to engage in it, but it is always interesting for me to learn the how and why of another kind of play so that I can better know what my fellow kinksters are experiencing.
After the class, the three of us went into my favorite room at Threshold (the one where Princesstoy topped me) so that Maddycake could spank me. She sat down on the bench and I went over her lap, which was very nice: I think the last time I had a thorough spanking while OTK was in September, during this scene, and I am pretty much addicted to that position. Maddycake was dressed as a fuzzy, pink kitten and I had my Pikachu backpack to hug (I avoided putting my face on it because I had makeup on and didn’t want to mess him up) so it was a much more adorable spanking than I usually get. Maddycake also had on fuzzy, pink paws as part of her costume, and between volleys of spanks, she would rub my butt with the paw. Usually, I’ve been rather “whatever” about sensation play, but this was extremely nice. It’s not something I’d want to incorporate into my regular play, but every once and again, it would be super enjoyable.
After Maddycake’s arm got tired (she’s not usually a top :P) Sir Siq took over while I was still over Maddycake’s lap. He stood on the other side of the bench and spanked me with all the implements I had with me and did a very thorough job of it. I tend to talk about how I don’t like playing with non-spanko purists, but he created an atmosphere which worked extremely well for me and he had great physical spanking skill. I had my blue, rubber “running track” paddle with me, and near the end, he focused on using that because it was making the strongest reaction. I wailed and shrieked (because in a dungeon you’re allowed to be noisy!) and in the end, cried (while Maddycake was rubbing my back with the fuzzy paw). I didn’t realize just how much I needed to be spanked to tears right then until I got there, but I was able to let a ton of stress go. When the spanking was finished, I lay in position and hadn’t a care in the world: I just cuddled there feeling happy and content. Sir Siq put my Pikachu under my arm for me to cuddle and Maddycake rubbed me with the paw some more. It was lovely to feel so safe among my friends.
After a bit, I got up and checked out my butt, then we got photos:
Later, Sir Siq gave Maddycake a beating and I helped out: I worked on her butt a bit while he was cropping her on the back and later, I provided banter and under-bus-throwing. It was nice to watch them play, too: they have very good energy in a scene. Afterwards, Maddycake and I had the fun of having sore bottoms together and that’s always a lot of fun. Maddycake and Sir Siq played together until the club was about to close, so once that was finished, it was time to get home and into bed. I had another big day coming up on Saturday… [to be continued, tomorrow!]
On Saturday, I went shopping with my Bee Eff Eff, Maddycake. I went to a bikini-bar with some friends on Friday night, so I had some leftover singles in my wallet because I was not particularly zealous with the tipping. I’ve been budgeting pretty carefully with the move coming up, but it was essentially leftover morale money, so, when we saw this at Sur La Table I had to get it:
I asked Maddycake what she thought this was supposed to be for and her response was “beating Alex.” Clearly. I have to admit, now that I’ve gotten it home and messed around with it a bit, this thing kind of terrifies the hell out of me. I’ve had big spoons before, but they’ve always had a very large spanking surface. This one is much smaller, and therefore much more concentrated. Then there’s the fact that the material kind of feels like Warren. -_-
At Sur La Table, they had a small Christmas tree full of kitchen related ornaments for the holidays, so I picked up the first decoration for Malignus and me as a family:
It’s a tiny wooden spoon! It’s so perfect for us. Its red handle echos that bitch, Jenny (Warren’s little sister, who used to be the bane of my existence before Warren came around and was about 8 times worse.) Awwww.
Finally, I went into The Body Shop to get some Body Butter (for the purpose of lathering up my butt to prevent dry skin when I’m getting spanked a lot) and discovered that the entire store was buy two, get two free. So, when faced with two free items I didn’t really need (because I did want to get two Body Butters to begin with. I use the Vitamin E one when I need to grow new skin and the Extra Dry Skin one otherwise) I got myself bath soap and…
See how unsure my face is? That is me being very fearful and not entirely positive what I got myself into. This is a mean thing, for sure. I also somehow managed to acquire seven new implements in the span of a couple of days, while only spending eight dollars on them. I need to stop having such good luck with this stuff. It’s going to eventually lead to my untimely demise. I’m putting a ban on buying anything new at all before I leave, unless it’s a packing supply or going to be consumed, since I have to store so much stuff to begin with. Today was the last shopping trip until I’m in LA as a visitor! :/
My Saturday finished up with a surprise visit from J. I’ll hopefully get to see him one more time before I leave, but we treated today like it would be the last time, just in case. It was bittersweet. He gave me a nice, snuggly hand-spanking that left me feeling like I was glowing.
It was pretty faded by the time I stopped cuddling to take a photo. He didn’t have long to stay today, so no baked goods. π
Whew! That’s a lot of stuff! Hope everyone else had a good weekend!