Well, this is belated.
That’s what always happens to me with holidays and events. I’m kind of amazed that I managed to make my LOL day post on LOL day.
I do have a fairly good reason for my delayed posting (although it didn’t keep me out of trouble for breaking the blogging rules): Malignus and I traveled to Texas to spend Thanksgiving with likeminded friends there, specifically WearYouOut and LilLawBrat. I stayed with them in August and spent time with them at three other parties, and we’ve grown very close. Debs, Mila Kohl, Zoey Wicks and Morgan_ were other friends that we got to spend lots of time with. It was just wonderful to spend the holiday with chosen family. It was pretty much the best holiday of any sorts that I’ve celebrated.
Our flights to Texas on Wednesday went pretty seamlessly: Malignus slept basically the whole way and I read some Foucault and then played games on my phone once my brain got sufficiently tired out for philosophy. When we arrived, we were quickly greeted by LLB and we drove back to their house where I proceeded to pounce all over everyone who was there and demand cuddles. We went swimming and in the hot tub, which we would end up doing every single night. After we dried off, Mila and I snuck off for some girly catching up which we followed with Mila playing Bright Eyes’ “Lua” on her ukulele while we sang together (Mila is much better at singing than I am). I kind of wish I had a video of this to share with you, but for some unfortunate reason I don’t film 100% of my life. 😛 The night wrapped up with Malignus giving me a super relaxing bedtime spanking before we fell asleep in a really comfortable guest bed and slept until 11 the next morning.
Thanksgiving day itself was extremely fun. WYO and LLB don’t really let me help around their house too much (because they want me to actually take a break for once!) but I helped out wherever I could get away with it. I also followed them around the kitchen asking a bunch of questions, so I hope that I picked up a few extra cooking skill points (I often see myself as a Sim, with the blue skill bar over my head filling as I do certain tasks). LLB also bought me coloring stuff because I didn’t have any with me, so I drew name plates for each of the guests at the table. I don’t have photos of these, either, because I was kind of just living in the moment, but each one was ornate and tried to capture the aesthetic preferred by the person being labeled (to the best of my understanding). Zoey’s was kind of my masterpiece- her name was written in block letters filled with hearts, and then there was a kitten peaking up over the edge of the paper. Following his preferred style, Malignus’ was a plain white piece of paper with “Malignus.” written on it in plain black lettering. 😛
The Thanksgiving meal was pretty much the best meal ever. The turkey was perfect, there were tons of amazing sides and no one fought at the dinner table (something that’s NEVER happened in my family of origin). I was extremely thankful to be there with such lovely friends.
After dinner, we participated in the Thanksgiving tradition which I started last year: thigh turkeys.
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I put the faces on in post this year, since having the marker on my skin last year was really annoying. |
In case anyone doesn’t know, turkeys really hurt, but they look pretty amazing. Zoey also received some turkeys, but Debs opted out for reasons that were somehow related to her boobs hurting. 😛
After I healed a bit, we ate some delicious pie (really, one of the best pies of all time) and then swam again. I went to sleep feeling snuggly, sore and full– pretty much the best possible combination.
On Friday, we avoided Black Friday. In fact, I think this is the first time that I successfully participated in Buy Nothing Day (totally by accident), although Malignus bought me and my friend Pandie a matching present (which I won’t post about until she gets hers).
Friday involved lots of spanking, of course, including some experiments with new-to-me implements.
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Getting spanked by LLB! |
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And of course, what holiday is complete without me being spanked to the point of tears? |
On Saturday, we ate Stanley’s Famous BBQ, which is basically the best place to eat in the world. That evening, Debs came over again and there was lots more spanking, including some extremely unacceptable implement usage. I also got nibbled on by WYO and LLB’s dog, Henry. It was kind of annoying when he nipped under regular circumstances, but when he decided to take a little chomp on my welted thighs, I got a bit cranky. 😛
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Malignus approved of Henry’s “aftercare” |
In general, Malignus and that dog got along perfectly. Apparently they are both missing each other like crazy now that we’ve gone home: WYO reports that Henry has now “given up hope and is acting like an ass.”
So, I know this isn’t the most exciting post I’ve ever made, but that was my weekend in a nutshell. It was amazing to spend time with a whole bunch of people that I care about so much. It’s very nice to be home again, though. 🙂
On the morning of the second day of Crimson Moon, James and Korey Johnson, Zoey and I went to breakfast at Denny’s. We had a nice meal and a good conversation about non-spanking related things. I knew I was really fond of James and Korey when I discovered that I could have very enjoyable conversations with them which had nothing to do with spanking, since it’s common to find spankos with whom you connect in terms of spanking, but less so to find those with whom you wish to just sit and talk about everything else.
After breakfast, we returned to the hotel in time for the Girl/Girl Spank Fest. Well, we were almost in time: we were the last girls to show up, and as a result, we ended up all bent over an ottoman with our bottoms up to get a few whacks for tardiness.
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It was dark in there. You can tell which hands belong to Zoey, because they are tiny and the object of my coveting. |
The girl/girl event was a lot of fun, although there were a LOT of ladies in a small space. I spent more time hanging out with Angel, which was lovely, and I got a spanking from Megan again. This time, though, I assed her hand! It was my first time messing up someone’s hand (although it didn’t develop into such a spectacular mess as others’ messed up hands have) and I was quite pleased with myself over this.
The lovely Miss Rose of Compass Rose Creations and I played very gently together. I think that she believed that I was a delicate thing, and I was feeling far more delicate than I usually do, and was trying to save myself for the rest of the party including shooting, so this was fine with me. To make me more comfortable, she let me lie over Angel’s lap while she stood next to me and spanked me, which was quite fun. There may or may not have been kissing happening while I got spanked. I shall neither confirm nor deny this debauchery.
After the girl/girl party, Ten and Drlectr had arrived, and I went to their room to make a big fuss over them, since they’re two of my favorite people of all time. It was great to see them, and hugs time ensued. WearYouOut and LilLawBrat had also just gotten back from the store, and they brought me a present:
It’s a Hello Kitty First Aid Kit, complete with all the stuff one usually finds in a First Aid Kit, but all cuteified. Plus, it has these special “cooling bandaids” that I think are supposed to be for when one has a fever, but they have some sort of heat relieving gel that sticks to the skin… uh, yes please?! I’ve been saving everything for when I really need it, but I filled out the “in case of an emergency” card to let everyone know that they should contact Malignus if I happen to die (he’ll be most displeased with me and put “Bad Girl” on my tombstone for dying without his permission, but he still deserves to know), and that my doctor’s name is ellee. I also got another present from Ten and Drlectr, but that’s not something that one takes photos of for the internet (well, I don’t, anyway *blush*).
I did a bunch of hanging out and some spanking, and then we went to a traditional Chicago deep dish pizza place, where I ate WAY TOO MUCH FOOD. Ugh, it was excellent, but I’m still not recovered enough to eat pizza. Total overdose.
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Ten Amorette, Missbehavin Megan and myself, waiting to be seated for dinner |
When we got back, the CCM Spanking Court was in session. I had just missed Mila being spanked by Miss Chris for god knows what charge, so she turned around and brought a case against me for being tardy. I had a most excellent defense as to why I was late (since I had been delayed to take spanking photos in a secret location), but that didn’t save me from being sentenced to 20 swats. So over the spanking bench I went, and I whimpered and wriggled as Miss Chris delivered my sentence. Later, I received a very unique threat from Mila: “You had better stop that, or else I am going to write on a piece of paper that YOU SPANKED MY GIRAFFE!” (This was after I messed around with her stuffed animal, Henry, who I suspect will become something of a legend in the scene over time).
The rest of that evening was a whirlwind. I did an awful lot of playing with people. I got some delicious spankings that left me feeling cozy, and others that made me nearly cry. I stayed up very late and had tons and tons of fun and excitement.
By the end of the night, I was super sore and very worn out:
Sometime around 4 that morning, though, my body decided that it was not pleased with the steady diet of endorphines, adrenaline and super rich food that I’d been giving it, and I became sick. I was sick for the rest of the night, and then entirely missed the vendor’s fair the next morning because I continued to be sick. In fact, I think I stayed in bed through a better portion of the afternoon. My body simply refused to let me do otherwise. I eventually got up and got myself dressed in comfy clothing, then found people to hang out with. I pepped up when I ran into Robert Wolf after some hanging out and he told me that Dana Kane was looking for me. I basically ran down to the lobby to find her. I’ve worked with Dana during two video shoots, now, and we spent a ton of time talking during my Sternwood Academy shoot (since we stayed in the same apartment) and discovered that we share a lot of the same interests, opinions and beliefs. I can’t easily describe just what she means to me, but she’s incredibly fun to be around and her presence wraps me with a sense of comfort and belonging that few people can match.
I was convinced by a combination of Dana, Robert and Naughty Freckles to enter the Miss OTK USA pageant, so after dinner (which I didn’t actually eat because my stomach was too busy failing; Robert just brought me crackers and dessert) I had to run and get changed into my performing outfit. We all had to perform a spanking related talent, and I didn’t really have one prepared, so I decided that my talent was going to be being cute, because there really isn’t a good way to perform being an intellectual upon short notice and those are pretty much the two things that I have going for me. Dana agreed to spank me in order for me to be cute during it. The pageant made me very nervous. I don’t do a lot of performing in front of a live audience. It was a good experience for me. The acts were all very cute, clever or heart-warming, and when it was my turn, Dana came up and bent me over and spanked me with her very mean, groove-backed hairbrush, making me yelp and squirm while she instructed me to be as cute as possible. It was a ton of fun, and very nice to get a chance to be spanked by her again.
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We’re total goofballs. Dana may kill me for uploading this, though! |
The winner of the Miss OTK USA title was my friend Mila. She did an awesome sketch in which she ran around bopping people with Henry (the aforementioned soon to be famous spanko giraffe) until Vince came, intercepted her and lifted her over his shoulder for a spanking. He then turned her around and insisted that she apologize to everyone, which she did so in the most adorable manner possible. She certainly deserved to win, since she combined planning and effort with cuteness and acting ability to win over everyone in the room.
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Miss OTK USA and Henry |
This seems like a good place to stop for the night. I have a few pieces of very exciting news to announce, so I’ll be doing that tomorrow and then finishing up my CCM adventures, then moving on to my misadventures in travel and my exciting times in Los Angeles, then you’ll be up to date on my comings and goings once again. <3 p="p">3>