I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Paul left for the UK just before I left to go to my family of origin’s house for the holiday. Being around them is always difficult, but it’s a topic that I don’t really want to delve into here. Suffice to say, it was a very long week with very bland food, family stress and the sadness of being separated from Paul. He’s gone until the spring time, doing very important stuff that I’m very glad he’s doing, but it’s still hard on me.
I came home feeling fairly down, but being at home has brightened me, honestly. My family of origin’s house is so dreary that all the comforts and coziness of my little place here have been really highlighted to me in the past couple of days. My days have been quiet but good, and cat cuddles make the house not feel really lonely.
Soon, I’ll be heading out of town again, on a long-session trip that will include some very exciting adventures. Then I’ll be home for a bit, I’ll get to watch Star Wars (I planned all my travel for the month around this) and then I’ll head back to the F.O.O’s for Christmas. It’s funny, I was *so* enthusiastic about Christmas this year while Paul was here. I was doing early shopping and we watched the holiday parade at Disneyland, which is something I’ve wanted to see ever since I was a little kid and I had a VHS tape with a recording of it on it (this is how I experienced a lot of the world as a small child). Both that parade and the special holiday World of Color water show were just amazing, and I couldn’t stop being excited. We went to The Grove one day for me to see the giant Christmas tree there, too. I mean, technically we went to go to stores, but I was all about the Christmas tree.
This giant Christmas tree is at California Adventure. I saw three giant Christmas trees before my Christmas spirit started to wane.
After Thanksgiving, my enthusiasm has…dwindled. The F.O.O has a way of doing that to me, I guess. I’m hoping that my next trip will perk me back up in that department.
Well, now that I’m done being a bummer, onto some exciting news. We’re got The Spanking Awards going on now! It’s voting time already, and the first category is Best Creative Blog. Alex in Spankingland has been nominated once again. I want to thank everyone who listed me as their choice, since there were several of you! You guys’ loyalty to my blog means a lot to me, and it reminds me that I need to attend to you regularly!
There are some other excellent choices on the list, too. Fellow spanking romance author Casey McKay was nominated, and if you haven’t read your blog, it’s one you should definitely check out. She shares her favorite fiction work as well as really intriguing snippits from her personal life.
The blog Consensual Spanking was also nominated, which is a blog that makes caption and stories based around spanking photos.
There’s also Wolfie Toons, where you can always count on seeing cute and funny spanking cartoons. I’m sure you guys must be familiar with this blog, but if you’re not, definitely go take a look and enjoy what he has to offer there.
Erica Scott has, of course, been nominated again! Erica is one of my best friends and a part of my chosen family (you know, the family that *doesn’t* drive me batty!). Erica is a truly exceptional blogger, especially in her perfect balance of fun spanking stuff and real, honest sharing about her and her life. And she’s a remarkable women. I just adore her.
Hermione’s Heart is another blog that I’ve enjoyed reading for a long time, and it’s the host of the Spanko Brunch every Sunday (which I really should get back to participating in). It’s another truly great blog.
Ludwig and Kaelah’s blog was also nominated, which is another that I’ve enjoyed for a long time. The stories and pictures that they share are always both exciting and reaffirming to me.
Bonnie’s My Bottom Smarts is nominated, as well. Bonnie’s blog is such a good resource for those looking to find other blogs, as she has the world’s greatest collection of blog links. Plus, her posts are so thoughtful and informative. I hadn’t visited Bonnie’s blog in a while and when I went back to grab the link I regretted that I hadn’t. It’s definitely quality stuff.
Pandora Blake’s blog is on the list, too. I think that everyone knows just how much I adore Pandora and how much I support her. Her blog has always been an inspiration to me, and she continues to challenge my held beliefs and open my mind to this day. Pandora is really a treasure in the spanking scene. We’re so lucky to have her.
Finally, there’s Tim the Tum, whose blog includes really great spanking stories and some of the most thoughtful and interesting writing about spanking videos that I’ve seen in a while.
So, all in all, it’s a great list of candidates. Checking out each of the blogs that have been listed made me feel really enthusiastic about the blogging scene again, too, which is something I’d been needing. After I left blogger, I stopped feeling a certain sense of blogging community. I want to get back to commenting on others blogs and engaging with other bloggers more. Especially should do if I’m whining to get more comments myself, huh?
I hope that you all go vote. I obviously hope that you’ll want to vote for me, but there are so many other blogs on this list that deserve recognition, so go pick your favorite, whatever it is!
In other exciting news, I have a trip to the UK coming up in January. I’m flying out on New Year’s Eve, which will be a bit of a strange experience, since I won’t know when the date has actually changed since I’ll be changing time zones. Maybe I’ll re-enter the new year more than once? In my mind, 2016 will start when I land, I suppose. I’ve had a long history of weird or lame New Year’s Eve celebrations, so I think that getting off the plane, going through customs and then being greeted with a kiss from Paul will certainly be a good change of pace! I hope the flight isn’t too full of drunk people, though. Could be interesting.
I’ll be in England from the 1st thru the 20th of January, and Paul and I will be doing a location shoot in a big, Victorian house for four days, with a handful of brand new spankees plus a couple of English models I’ve never had a chance to meet before but that I’m very excited to meet and work with. So that should be a great adventure.
I’m hoping that I’ll be able to see some friends while I’m there, too, and do some exploring. And maybe I’ll tell you the stories from my last trip before this one starts, we’ll see.
I’m also finishing up my fourth spanking book! I’ve been keeping it kind of under lock and key and not posting any Works in Progress type snippits, but it’s my first historical piece, set in Victorian England. It’s called The Doctor’s School for Naughty Girls and it combines a lot of my core fantasies, as the title pretty much suggests. It’s a bit edgier than my other books in certain ways (or, for some it may seem to be less so, as it’s my least age-play oriented book to date) and I’m very excited about it. I need to finish a few more scenes and then send it to my editor to begin that whole process, but I’m hoping that it will be out for you guys soon. In the mean time, if you haven’t read The Doctor’s Little Girl, Daddy’s Little Angela (or the entire Little Haven collection) and The Sheriff’s Little Girl, now would be a great chance to grab one of those to tide yourself over until my new book comes out.
So, lots of exciting things going on right now and in the near future. In the immediate future, I need to get some food. I have an empty fridge and there’s no point in shopping right before I leave again. So, I’m going to go grab myself something before I head home to try to get a few more things done. I’m having late night snacks (which I assume means pie, since that’s our go-to) with Princess Kelley later, but I need energy before that.
Remember to vote for your favorite spanking blog! The contest is no fun if no one votes. :3
Hi guys!
It’s been a long time since I’ve updated my blog. I miss you all!
Things have been busy over here, recently. Honestly, I don’t really know where the time goes. The time since my last post seems like a blur. It’s only by looking back at my calendar and the pictures that I took that I can remind myself of as much that happened as possible.
Shortly after the release of The Sheriff’s Little Girl, in the end of September, I headed out of town for a few days. I was doing an extended session with someone who is also a great friend, so it’s a lovely way to spend some time. The day after I got back, I got together with a new friend. She had emailed me after reading my blog and lived not far from me, so we met up and hung out. We went to the mall together and walked around, chatting about video games, cats, and of course, spanking. It was a really fun afternoon, and it was great to make a new connection through This Thing We Do.
That night, Paul and I had some much needed play time:
The next day, Paul and I drove down to Orange County so that he could pick up the car that he bought. Paul loves cars, and he spent a long time deliberating about what sort to get here in America. I’m quite pleased with the one that he chose: I think it suits him quite well!
I haven’t had a chance to get spanked in or over it yet, but I’m looking forward to it.
That night, we met up with Spankcake in order to help Erica Scott’s partner, John, surprise her for her birthday. We went to an amazing Japanese restaurant in the Hollywood Hills with an awesome view. We had champagne and Spankcake and I shared sushi (as usual for us!). Most importantly, we got to celebrate Erica, who we love so much. I’m not going to go into too much detail about the night, since this post is basically a clips show of the past six weeks, but you can read Erica’s account of it here. I will say that it was a truly amazing night, and some of the most fun I’ve had in a long time. John’s love and affection for Erica and his pleasure at seeing her so happy is something that always makes me smile when I recall it.
The next day we had the adorable Linny Lace over for a shoot! In case you aren’t familiar with Linny, she’s a pretty new spanking model based in Los Angeles. She did her first spanking shoot with Paul and I for Northern last spring. She’s super cute and very sweet, and I was happy to have her back for another shoot. If you use tumblr, you can follow her there.
This day, we were experimenting with producing content for someone else: they had seen me posting about custom videos available and had emailed me asking if I would film content for their site. We gave it a go. The plan was to shoot half the day for this other site and half the day for NS. It wound up being a *very* long day, but Linny was such a trooper. Because we had commitments to the other site, we only ended up being able to do one video for us, but it was a very fun one: our Halloween special.
This film was all my idea. Paul isn’t particularly enthusiastic about Halloween, but I definitely am. It’s one of my favorite holidays because I love dressing up. I kind of miss being young enough to be able to go door to door trick-or-treating, to be perfectly honest. So, I wrote a video about Linny and I having done that. In it, we’re American girls living in England, where the trick-or-treating is not so strong (and you get people like Paul and John Osborne being grumps about Halloween). I imagined that we’d want to participate in some of the mischief night aspects of the holiday and that our neighbors, and the local authorities, would not be so keen on that idea.
The video started with us sitting on the rug and sorting out our candy from our very full treat bags. This was a very thinly veiled excuse for us to have to buy two treat bags worth of Halloween candy, I’ll admit it, but it was all in the name of verisimilitude! Paul, our guardian, then interrupted us, having just gotten off the phone with the police about our criminal mischief involving egging houses and wrapping trees in toilet paper (admittedly, that’s a worse offense in the UK than in Southern California when you think about how rain works). Of course, we had to be severely punished, and we were both spanked and then caned.
We got to wear Halloween costumes in this, of course: Linny brought a really amazing Red Riding Hood costume that she made herself, and I wore my Hello Kitty costume from last year:
The next few days were full of sessions, working on my current Work in Progress, admin stuff and my butt wearing these shorts:
That Saturday, we did a shoot with Chelsea Pfieffer. Half of it was for Good Spanking and half of it was for my clips store, Kitchen Sink Spanking.
Shooting for two sites in one day is long, but we got a lot of good stuff done! The scenes that we did for KSS probably won’t be released for a while, but you can see a couple pictures anyway:
And here are a couple from Good Spanking (these videos are currently live on the site):
Do you like my bunny slippers? I’m kind of in love with them. They were a gift from someone awesome off my Amazon Wishlist. I kinda wish I could wear them every day.
We took that Sunday off, but on Monday, it was time to shoot again! This time, we shot with Cupcake SinClair. I had never met Cupcake, but I realized as soon as I met her that she was seriously sweet: the name suits! She’s so spunky and full of energy, and she was such a pleasure to work with. We’re definitely going to have her back for a longer shoot in the future. We did scenes for both Northern Spanking and for her site (linked earlier in this paragraph). It’ll be a little while before we get to introduce her on the site, but I’m excited for it, because the videos we did are totally great.
We had a lot of behind the scenes fun and giggles:
And here’s a picture of Paul and I being cute together off camera:
I had probably too much fun spanking her. This girl has a serious tolerance, so I got to use my meanest hairbrush, the one I try to avoid getting spanked with as much as possible!
The day after that, we drove down to Orange County to meet up with one of the ladies I’ve been friends with in the spanking community for the longest: Lily Starr. She was in town to do sessions, and I jumped at the chance to do a shoot with her! We did scenes for Lily Starr Spanking, Northern Spanking and Kitchen Sink Spanking.
One of the scenes that we did for Lily’s site was particularly fun: we got to wear Halloween costumes again! I had hoped that we could both dress up as slutty bears, as I had ordered stuff for a slutty polar bear costume to wear later in the month and Lily had a slutty panda outfit. However, the postal service failed me and my box arrived a day too late. Fortunately, Lily had some cute slutty Disney girl outfits that we wore instead.
In the scene, Lily was my friend (very much like in real life, in fact) and we had a Halloween party at my house. We spiked the punch and things got a bit out of control. Except we were playing as teens, so it was quite a big deal, and Paul (who played my dad) was super not thrilled to have a house full of drunken teenagers. I knew I was in for a spanking, but I didn’t know he was also going to punish my friend. We both got it very hard, too.
This film is special because it’s actually the first time that Lily and I have ever been spanked together on camera, despite having been filming together since 2011. We finally got to fix that!
We also did a really cute scene where Lily was my strict Aunt, who punished me for disobedience and bad language (and I got to wear my bunny slippers again):
And we did some cute scenes for Northern with Lily getting spanked by Paul. I love watching her get spanked because she has such sweet and genuine reactions.
That night, when we were finished shooting, we took some much needed alone time and snuck off to Disneyland, since we were pretty close by. We got dinner, watched the fireworks and went on a few rides. It was something we so needed! Even though we work together, it gets stressful to not get to also spend some down time together, and it was the refreshment that I needed, since there was a lot more busyness coming right up.
Despite my best efforts at brevity, I’m not going to be able to fit everything that’s happened into one post like I originally planned. Hopefully it won’t be another six weeks before I post again!
Before I go for the night, I have a couple things to add:
First, if you have a tumblr blog and you want to share the pictures featured in this post, that’s cool. Here’s what you need to do if you’re going to do that:
1) Put www.alexinspankingland.com as the source on the picture.
2) Not use them to advertise for something else, claim them as your own work/pictures of you or add a fictional story in which you rename me or make up a background for the picture (I’m sharing my life with you and don’t feel comfortable with it being used for these things, so please respect that).
3) Ideally, tag me @alexinspankingland so I can reblog your post. 🙂
The other thing:
Big thank you to the three people who left me blog comments while I was away, and to everyone who kept visiting this blog, keeping the traffic surprisingly high for a place that wasn’t being updated. I really appreciate you guys. I would *love* to get comments more often, even just saying hi. Engaging back and forth is so much more fun than just rambling about myself into a void. 🙂 Part of the reason that I use tumblr more often these days is because I get so much feedback and participation from people (admittedly some of it is totally dick, but most is great). I guess the real reason is because it takes a few minutes to add a post there where as this one took me almost two hours and hours are pretty hard to come by these days. But the fact that I get to interact with people there is really rewarding.
Hey everyone!
Thank you so much for voting for my blog for the “Best Creative Spanking Blog” Category in The Spanking Awards! They announced last night that I won! It’s my second awards in a row winning (there weren’t any awards given last year) and it makes me feel pretty darn special. Despite all my difficulties keeping this blog up in the past year, it’s refreshing to hear that you guys still enjoy it!
I’m not the kind of person who has won many medals in my life, so this one really means a lot to me, even if it’s just a graphic!
I found out about the fact that I had won when Erica tweeted at me: I was in the grocery store with my mom running around getting stuff for Christmas dinner at the last minute. It turns out that I took first, Pandora got second and Erica got third. Pandora and Erica are two of my all time favorite people, so I’m happy to share the rankings with them. I certainly don’t think I’m a better blogger than either one, though, and I wouldn’t even HAVE a blog if it wasn’t for those two! They were two of my biggest influences in starting this little corner of the internet.
I want to extend my gratitude to everyone who reads my blog, whether you voted or not! I wouldn’t have a blog if I didn’t have people to read it. It means so much to me that you guys think what I have to say is worth your time!
I’d also like to thank Paul for helping me in my struggle to keep posting regularly, for giving me lots of sexy things to write about, and above all else, for being the most loving and encouraging partner I could ask for. I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have him.
On the same note, I’d like to thank Rafa and Z, my wonderful vanilla boyfriend and girlfriend. It means so much to me that two non-kinky people have so wholeheartedly embraced my lifestyle. They support me in everything that I do and never make me feel like my life is any weirder or than their own. I’m so lucky to have such an awesome trifecta of wonderful people supporting me, cheering me on in the good times and supporting me when things are harder.
I’d like to thank John over at Spanking Blogg for resurrecting the Spanking Awards this year! I know it’s a lot of work to do, but it’s very appreciated!
Finally, I’d like to thank my amazing assortment of friends, play partners and lovers for filling my life with happiness and adventures. This makes for a very contented Alex as well as a lot of great stuff to share with everyone here!
I hope to make 2015 another wonderful year of blogging, and to have lots of exciting spanking tales to share with all of you.
(Don’t forget that the Spankee of the Year voting is still going on!)
Hi, everyone!
I’ll have a real post for you before the weekend is over, but I wanted to let you know that I’ve done some site maintenance. The following changes have been made:
I still need to do another Cast of Characters page update. In the past, I’ve had a couple of people with hurt feelings because they didn’t appear on the cast page. I’m super sorry about this if I’ve left you off. I never intentionally ignore someone here. While I do, occasionally simply forget to include someone, it’s more likely that you simply hadn’t appeared in the narrative yet when I last did my update. This is currently NOT up to date and will get there… eventually. (I’m no longer making time-based promises about when stuff will get done, aside from my two updates per week)
I want this blog to be easy to read, visually appealing and well laid out, so I welcome any feedback about these updates, or other changes you’d like to see.
I usually don’t post links to individual posts that I enjoyed like some bloggers do, but I’ve gota couple things for you to check out, if you’re interested. 🙂
This is all for now. More coming soon!♥
The blog post which I am currently writing will be my 100th. This fills my heart with joy and excitement.
I know that recently, I haven’t been as dedicated to blogging as I’d like to be. I want you all to believe me when I say that it’s something I’m going to be putting a strong effort into again, even though I’ve said that in the past with mixed results. How do we know it’s true this time? Because I’ve been focusing on what, exactly, makes me happy and fulfilled in life and trying to put as much time and energy as possible into those things, as opposed to spending time doing unimportant things, or wearing myself down with the day-to-day. One of the things on this list is blogging. I find it to be satisfying, rewarding and fun. As such, I’m going to be focusing on it nearly every day, if I can. This doesn’t mean I’ll post every day, since sometimes I spend more than one day on a post, but I will be doing the good work on a regular basis again.
One thing which I haven’t done as much of recently is taking photos of myself holding things. This is because I mostly haven’t been blogging about my day to day life, so my photos have all come from adventures. Here is me holding a piece of paper that I wrote something on!
Thank you for reading all the posts that you have. I wouldn’t have been able to keep things up for so long without such a great community of readers. I want to give a shout-out to Lea, at Lea’s Corner, for being such a dedicated commenter. I think Lea has commented on all 100 of my posts, and I find this dedication seriously moving. If you don’t already read her blog, you absolutely should. She’s a great writer and an awesome person. I had the pleasure of meeting her at Shadowlane, and while I didn’t get to spend as much time with her as I would have liked, she proved to be as lovely, clever and fun in person as she is online. I also appreciate everyone else who comments regularly, or who has just done so once. It soothes my heart like balm to know that my words are actually being read by someone! At Shadowlane, a few people met me and said “Oh, I read your blog!” and this was a huge ego boost for me. I love it when people tell me that they’ve enjoyed watching videos or looking at photos of me, but the people who let me know that they enjoy the blog really get the points because my blog is about me as a person, and because I care a lot more about my writing ability than my looking-cute-while-being-spanked ability (although I must admit that the latter is also of UPMOST IMPORTANCE TO ME).
So, thanks everyone. You deserve a regular posting schedule as thanks for your dedication and appreciation, and you’ll get one.
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He’s cheering me on, you see. |
My daily life has recently focused on finding work and planning and organizing upcoming travel mixed with promotional activities, clip editing, guinea pig cuddling and domesticity. Tonight, I’m going to a scene-friend’s birthday party, and on Sunday I’m hosting an event for the first time as a group leader in South Dakota. When I lived in Los Angeles, one of my prides-and-joys was PTNG, a Pasadena based The Next Generation social group which I gave to Maddycake when I moved (and was later moved to Hollywood but still is thriving). I recently was given leadership responsibilities for South Dakota Kink’s Sioux Falls socials after the previous leader who worked on those stepped down, and I’m very excited to be in a group leader position again. The community here is very different than the one that I focused on in Los Angeles, but I’m confident in both my abilities and the fact that I’ll seek guidance if I get in over my head. If you’re local to Sioux Falls and somehow found my blog but not the local kink community, send me an email at alexinspankingland@gmail.com so that I can hook you up with some awesome events. 😀
Today is also Erica Scott’s birthday, which should basically be a holiday in the spanking world, as far as I’m concerned. I know I’ve said this before, but I’ll say it again: Erica is one of the kindest, smartest, wittiest and most enjoyable people that I’ve met in the spanking world or otherwise. She’s sweet and wonderful and I feel very fortunate for the time that I’ve gotten to spend with her. Many happy returns!
It is my sincerest hope that she gets lots of amazing birthday spankings and that everyone pays attention to her, dammit! 😀
I now need to go call Amoni to hear about her new bunny, so that’s all for now.
I was going to somehow try to skip writing about Shadowlane, because I don’t really like writing posts which are just “this happened. Then this happened. Then this happened!” and because so many other people (especially Erica Scott and Beth Eisley) have written great posts describing the party. That said, I do have good stories, and stories are part of what my blog is all about. Also, I’m going to feel a bit more “free” once I’m entirely caught up on what I’m “supposed” to post about.
Heather and I arrived in Vegas on Wednesday afternoon, and we got dressed in better clothes and did our makeup in the parking lot.
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Much more presentable than I was before we Vegased ourselves up |
We then went to Holstein’s in the Cosmopolitan: a place where we had eaten during our first trip to Vegas. I ordered something which was called the “Nom Nom Burger” pretty much entirely because of the name. It had potato chips on it. I nommed. Heather and I got an alcoholic coke float which also included poprocks. It was amazing.
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We went into a couple of stores, but then Heather had a session to go to, so she dropped me off with Ten and Drlectr at the Suncoast, the hotel where the party was held. I have infinite love for those two. We hung out a little bit, then we went to go get all you can eat enchiladas and margaritas. I had JUST finished eating my Nom Nom Burger, so I just got a margarita. It was massive and delicious. I didn’t even finish it in the time that it took my friends to each eat two plates of enchiladas.
Ten and Drlectr were going to a show that night, and I was feeling tired and wanted to get to Dana Kane‘s house, where we were staying over, so I decided to stay and hang out in the hotel. Fortunately, I met up with Richard Windsor and Tomdiscp at the bar, and they proceeded to buy me drinks and chat me up. Richard is at the top of the list of people I wish I had been able to spend more time with: he’s funny, clever, caring, respectful and nice to be around. Also, he let me wear his hat:
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I hope that some Richard Windsor/Alex Reynolds collaborations are coming in the future! |
While hanging out at the bar, I also got to meet Caroline Grey, the Canadian spanking model living Ireland. She was all jet lagged but still all awesome. I kept drinking (which, in case you’ve noticed a lack of posts about me drinking, I really don’t do very much of that anymore) and by the time Heather picked me up, I was texting Heather Wayland (The Boss of Me) and telling her that I was “too drink” to come visit her that night. Sounds about right. I sobered up while Heather drove me over to Dana’s.
It was awesome to see Dana and her husband! I first met them nearly a year ago when I did my first Spanking Court shoot, and I really got to know them when Heather and I stayed in an apartment with them during the production of Sternwood Academy. We got there close to the time at which they were preparing for bed, and we were tired, so we spent a little bit of time hanging out and then got ready to sleep. I did sneak a peek at Dana’s closet full of implements, though. My god, that thing is FULL OF IMPLEMENTS. It puts my collection to shame. Just the sheer amount of canes that she has startled me. She saw me eying them and told me: “I break a lot of canes.” I suppose that’s probably accurate. Ouch!
Dana has a cat named Noodle that I’m kind of in love with. He doesn’t seem to understand that he’s a cat and therefore is supposed to be aloof. He’s so dog like, in fact, that he plays fetch and actively tries to get pets and cuddles. He also tries to eat human food and go places he shouldn’t, but all in all, he’s a very lovable scamp. I added this to my collection of photos of me with famous spankos cats:
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I think that collection was previously full of just Clare Fonda’s cats. |
The next morning we had some breakfast and then hung out a bit. Dana gave us some good advice, and we enjoyed both of our friends’ company a little bit more before we had to go. They were not able to attend the party, which was sad for everyone, but I’m glad that we got to visit them before it got into full swing.
We packed up our stuff and drove back to the hotel, where we got ready to do a shoot for the Clare Fonda sites. I really love working with The Camera Man, and this time, I got to meet and shoot with Veronica Ricci. She’s A LOT OF fun to work with, and incredibly hot.
Later, I met up with and hung out with my friend, Whooperine. We’ve been at every party together, and we had the same first party, so that’s kind of a neat thing we’ve got going on. He had a pretty awesome suite, and I had fun taking a tour of it with him. I discovered that his bathroom included THE SUPER CORNER:
It’s probably not good for claustrophobic spankos, but I found it very comforting. Extra wall-hug!
His bed also had about 80 pillows on it, so I made a giant, plus mountain to lay over:
Most. Comfortable. Spanking position. Ever. 😀
Later still, I finally met up with Heather W. We’ve known each other online for ages, but had never had a chance to be in the same place at the same time. There was hugging and photo taking and rejoicing. I also met Beth Eisley for the first time and fell instantly in love. Ugh. She’s the best. She’s perfectly cute, super sweet, and incredibly smart. I’m smitten.
That evening, we went to a bunch of suite parties and drlectr gave me my first night, midnight paddling during a mass group effort. This is the part of the story where the details kind of break down. I did a lot of hanging out with awesome people, and I had a lot of fun, but I didn’t stay up too late because the next morning was my shoot for Shadowlane itself!
Unfortunately, the Shadowlane shoot didn’t go perfectly smoothly. There were mixups about time schedules, so the scene which had originally been planned for me and Mila Kohl never got shot. We did get to do a scene with Amy Hunter, though, which was most excellent, and I think turned out very well. I’m just disappointed that we didn’t get to do anything full length. Eve did say that she would have me back to work again when it wasn’t so hectic. I don’t have any pictures from the shoot yet, but I’ll show you when I do.
After I finished with Shadowlane, it was time for me to shoot with Northern Spanking. This was very exciting to me, because there’s something very thrilling about being on sites overseas. The Top for the scene that I shot was Stephen Lewis, who I’d seen in many videos but never had a chance to meet before, and I was very excited about that. I don’t give away the storylines for shoots before the content goes up, but I will say that the scene which we shot (which also included Heather Green) was very formal. It was, in fact, the most formal scene I’ve ever participated in. It totally pushed my buttons in all the right ways. I feel like it is almost inappropriate that I like being spanked by English people so much, like it is some how linked to hegemony or fetishizing the other or whatnot. But the truth is, the stories that I first encountered when I discovered that there were stories involving spanking where all stories written in England and they were all overflowing with formality. When I got into my first spanking relationship, it was with SF, who is both English and ridiculously formal. Stephen had the same sort of thing going on in this scene: he was formal and rigid without seeming cruel or even cold. I just ate it up. It was one of the best scenes I’ve ever done for a video. Everyone from Northern Spanking was incredibly nice, friendly and accommodating. I’m planning to get over to the UK sooner rather than later, and I look forward to working with them again when I do!
That evening was the Vendor Fair, I think. I’m having trouble with the timeline of things, again. I got to see Erica again, which was wonderful, and to meet her boyfriend, John. He’s a really great guy, and I was very impressed with him. I wasn’t vending, so I wandered from booth to booth and said hi to lots of people. I noticed at Ten’s booth that I was on the cover of one of her DVDs. Sweet!
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I’m on the bottom right. 🙂 |
Heather and I also hung out with Veronica a little more, and we ended up talking Pokemon. Uh, can you say BFFs?
Later that night, Heather and I participated in the Spankolympics, as hosted by Northern Spanking. We only did the first event before the room got too hot and noisy for us, but we owned it: we took the gold medal in “sprinting,” which meant that Heather had to spank me 100 times as quickly as possible. Due to her extreme physical fitness, we did better than a bunch of “real” tops (Heather is pretty much just a bottom) and finished in 15 seconds. WINNERS.
We spent the rest of the evening hanging out at suite parties and having fun. I also changed my clothes six or seven times.
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This is me as a contrite school girl. |
I don’t remember too much of what happened during the day on Saturday– I think I was mostly working, in either shoots or sessions. I know that when I saw Erica at dinner she told me that she didn’t see me at all that day, so that’s probably the most accurate description. Eventually, though, I did start getting ready for the banquet.
Now, let me start off by saying that I’ve never been much of a girly-girl, in case you haven’t noticed. I’m in my element in clothes that I got six or seven years ago and don’t quite match each other, a kind of fluffy skirt, a panda t-shirt, maybe a pair of knee socks and my now overly worn saddle shoes which were once upon a time, kind of fancy. I get girlied up for shoots, but I’ve never been super at it. Recently, though, I’ve wanted to embrace that side of things more. The Heathers helped me with this: they helped me pick out my outfit, Heather W picked out my bling and did my makeup and Heather G straightened my hair for me. Heather W suggested that I should wear a pair of her heels. I did it. I was about six feet tall with them on, but instead of feeling HUGE I felt beautiful. It helped that everyone kept fawning over how good I looked all dressed up. It also helped when Beth showed up at the door in her underwear and just said “HAIRSPRAY?!”
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There’s a sexier photo of me somewhere. I will obtain it and post it later. |
The banquet itself was a lot of fun. There was pretty good food and I got three pieces of cake, so that I could sample them and decide which one was the best.
The best part was after we finished eating, though, and they played some slow dancing music. I never really had a traditional “prom” experience. I went to two, but one was with The Worst Boyfriend Ever and the other I got basically thrown out of for being there with a girl. I’ve always wanted to slow dance, but neither of my boyfriends are really the type for it (I don’t THINK Rafa and I ever slow danced together. Maybe we did at graduation or something. Unclear). Anyway, Whooperine and I danced together and he didn’t even tell me to take my shoes off. It was kind of magical– everyone kept telling me I was pretty and that I looked great and none of it was backhanded. Everyone I ran into was smiling at me because they actually liked me. I was slow dancing with a boy, not sitting at some back table being an outcast. I try not to be mushy, but the experience was all kind of a dream come true. I might have teared up from happiness at one point.
Later, the music picked up and we all danced to fast songs, which I am horrible at, but was not ashamed about. At one point, our dance circle included me, Heather G, Erica, Sarah Gregory, Princess Kelley and Mila Kohl. It was probably pretty hot. I was constantly surprised at how all the girls in my age group knew every song they played. “These songs were my college years!” Kelley explained. Ah. Right. I never heard any songs during my college years, because you are not allowed to play the radio in the library. 😛
Again, the evening was spent bouncing around from suite party to suite party, catching up with people and having a blast. Sunday morning was the Corporal Punishment Court (I think) and I came dressed like this:
Court was ridiculously fun. Almost all the cases were really funny, and they left me rolling around with laughter. Beth brought a case against someone which was really adorable, and there was a Heather vs. Heather case, because “regular Heather” (Heather Green) kept losing her key to the room and asking Heather W for it. Anyone who knows Heather G would not be surprised by this at all: when we lived together, the two of us were frequently in trouble over lost keys. This is a habit which enough being in trouble got rid of for me, but apparently not for Heather. Anyway, having fun at the expense of your friends is what friendship is all about, right? This time, it was at the expense of six strokes with a leather implement, delivered by StrictDave. As a side note, Dave was very impressive to watch as a Top. We didn’t scene together (he’s on the list of people I would have liked to spend more time with) but I was blown away by his technical proficiency when delivering a spanking. The man clearly knows what he’s doing, and he turns a spanking into some kind of crazy dance.
The rest of the party was much more relaxed for me. I hung out with people and chatted, had some fun scenes, got to know knew people and catch up with those I’ve known a long time and just have fun.
I could go into the play by play of the last day, but really, I don’t have the energy to do things justice, so I’ll say this: the people at Shadowlane made the party amazing for me. I love so many of them, and I felt wonderfully at home and accepted.
It was the best party ever. The only thing that would have made it better would have been in Malignus could have been there with me. And ellee. And Ami. So, more people. But especially Malignus. Being away from him for six weeks was a long time.
After Shadowlane was officially over, Whooperine and I spent an extra night in Vegas at The Mirage. This involved lots of fanciness: we had a big, beautiful room with a wonderful view of the Strip, he had rented a Porsche which we tooled around in, we watched La Reve, which was absolutely other worldly and we ate a really excellent meal beforehand. That evening, Ten, Drlectr, Jerry Diamond and his partner came to hang out in the hotel and we had lots of fun goofing around. Jerry consistantly referred to people as “Bob X” if X= the person’s actual name and he had us all in hysterics. After they got tired and went back to where they were staying, I took a bath in the fancy tub and went to sleep. The next morning, after a bit of running around, Whooperine and I went to go see dolphins and tigers at the Mirage’s Secret Garden before going to the airport. It was AWESOME.
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I took this photo of two dolphins making out. |
It was the perfect end to the perfect party. That afternoon, I went to the airport and got my flight home. I was delayed, of course, because this is me we’re talking about, but by a bit after midnight, I was home again.
And home is wonderful place to be.
The last day of Chicago Crimson Moon was far less eventful or busy than those before: I mostly spent it chilling out in Morgan’s suite with friends, and I participated in a medium amount of spanking. Highlights of the day included Drlectr spanking me (and just about every other girl still in attendance) with “the Bible Belt”– a leather belt with “BIBLE” imprinted on it that was made by Big Bubba.I also got to spend time talking to some people that I was familiar with from the internet but hadn’t met before, including Cassandra Park, who is just as insightful and well-spoken in person as she is in her writing!
That evening, I did my only actual video for Chicago Crimson Moon– this was in association with the new production company called Saturday Spanking Club. It was a lot of fun to film, and it involved two tops and two bottoms: always a good thing! My spanking scene is pretty intense and includes me crying (not like that’s all that unusual: it seems like I’m crying in about a quarter of the videos that I do these days). Anyway, I had a great time shooting it, and can’t wait to release it on my Clips Store.
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Lily Starr and me! |
That night, my friends, Korey, James and Vincent and I spent a long time talking. It started out with some semi-serious discussion and devolved into a long and ridiculous conversation about how to have two live-in concubines for $5 a day or less. All three are great people, and I’m so happy to have had a chance to spend as much time with them as I did during CCM. We ended up going to sleep about an hour before we had to get up to go to the airport. But that was okay, I assumed, because I would be on my flight to Los Angeles shortly after that and I’d be able to sleep.
WRONG. I checked my bags, I went to my gate, but because a friend had gotten me a ticket that did not guarantee me a seat, I didn’t get on my plane. I sat and chatted to Malignus on the phone for a while, then went to the next flight. I did not get this flight, either. I did some work (difficult, since there was no free internet in the airport) and then went to another flight. No luck. I ate a tiny lunch and then went to another flight. I did not get on. Between my lack of sleep, the fact that I was carrying around a bunch of my stuff and the fact that I really, really wanted to be in Los Angeles already, I was getting frustrated and worn out. Sometime in the early evening (after I’d been in the airport since 7 AM), I called Malignus and admitted defeat– it seemed that there was no way I’d be getting a flight. He got me calmed down and walked me through the creation of a plan, called a bunch of people and places for me and enlisted the assistance of friends. In the end, I got a flight to LA the next morning, a hotel room for the night and a ride to said hotel. I had a really hard time sleeping in a hotel all by myself, but because I was exhausted, I finally fell asleep. The next morning, I got an early cab to the airport and was on my flight by 7 AM.
Unfortunately, this lead to me arriving in Los Angeles a day and a half later than originally planned, which meant that I had to cancel a trade shoot with an art photographer which I had planned for the first day I was to be in town. The photographer opted not to reschedule, which was sad, but not the end of the world. I spent the first day or so getting rested up and regaining my sanity after air-travel had destroyed the majority of it. Then, I dived head first into working. The first couple of days were mostly spent setting my schedule: people tend to say “Sometime while you’re in LA, we’ll shoot,” which doesn’t do me any good in terms of scheduling, so I had to run around and pin down times with various people. Besides booking shoots, preparing myself for them in various ways (stretching or making minor changes to my appearance) and going to shoots, I spent time preparing for my own productions, planning for Texas and Shadowlane, converting and uploading clips to my Clips Store and trying to get to see every single person that I knew in Los Angeles. I was originally planning to stay in LA for a week and then fly to Sioux Falls. From Sioux Falls, I intended to fly to Texas on the 15th for even more shooting, but as my schedule for Los Angeles came to burst at the seams, I decided to stay in LA until I flew to Texas. Despite staying for twice as long as originally intended, I was still without much downtime, and discovered that it was impossible to please everyone, so I just did my best. I got to spend time with a lot of amazing people who I love very much, and I’m super thankful for that. I also got to do lots of shoots. Aside from the first two days I was there, I think that I worked every day I was in Los Angeles.
In addition to a plethora of art photographers, I shot with Dallas Spanks Hard, which was certainly an intense experience, and did a ton of shooting with Lily Starr Spanking. I also spanked Odette Delacroix and Maddy Marks for two different videos that are forthcoming on my site. Here are a few of the fruits of my labors:
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Photo by deezImages |
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Photo by Real Moments |
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Photo from Dallas Spanks Hard |
I also managed to attend a munch, spend most of a weekend with Lily Starr and Chica09, have fun at movie night with Epipelagic and company, go on a couple of dates and eat lots of really good food.
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but in Sioux Falls, if you want to eat something exotic in Sioux Falls, you pretty much have to cook it yourself. There are a couple of restaurants in a number of different foreign cuisines available, but they are all extremely americanized. So, when I was in Los Angeles, I made a point to go on an international tour with my mouth (I realized how inappropriate that sentence was and decided to leave it there anyway, lol). I ate so many freaking delicious things. I ate Indian food, Ethiopian food, massive amounts of sushi, samosas and onigiri from street vendors, Japanese curry (which may be my favorite food of all time), an insane amount of fresh, organically grown fruit, delicious “grown up” mac and cheese with kale and tomatoes in made by my dear, sweet Zeki, Cajun food, prawns, lobster, black sesame ice cream and this cupcake that looks like a bear:
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Ethiopian food! |
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I split this between three people and we had leftovers. I’m not that fat. |
I somehow managed to do all this and then fit into clothes that I had put into storage before I left LA because they were too small for me. Who’s a boss? [Note: I am technically the opposite of a boss. Move along.]
I also went to a vanilla engagement: the Los Angeles Little Tokyo Tanabata Festival. In case you haven’t figured this out on your own, I’m very fond of Japanese culture. I got to spend some time in Little Tokyo this weekend for the festival, and while it’s way less cool than being back in actual Tokyo (where I haven’t been in several years, unfortunately) it was still pretty epic win.
I did have an unusual experience at the Tanabata Festival, though: a fan recognized me. I’ve had a few encounters where I was pretty sure someone recognized me. Usually, this happens in some place like a gas station or an airport. Someone, usually a guy, insists that they know me from somewhere, but I’ve never seen them before in my life. Then they realize that they know me from seeing me get spanked on the internet (but don’t say this) and get suddenly embarrassed and have to go. This time, though, it was a younger guy (in his 20’s or early 30’s) and he came up to me and straight-up asked me if I was Alex Reynolds. I wasn’t with anyone at the time, and there was nothing relating to the (extremely few) parts of my vanilla life that I keep secret around, so I told him that I am, indeed, Alex Reynolds. He said that he was really fond of my work and watched my videos on a few different sites. We chatted for a couple minutes and then he took his photo with me and we went our separate ways. It was a kind of interesting experience. It didn’t make uncomfortable at all: I found it kind of nice. It’s still kind of mind boggling that a year ago this time, I’d just started blogging and had never done a video yet, nor had I been to a party, so I was basically a nobody, but now I’m getting recognized on the streets of LA while I’m eating onigiri. It’s been a kinda crazy year, I guess!
I also got to have lunch with Erica Scott, which was a huge treat. It was unfortunate because it took me forever to get there, and then couldn’t stay as long as I’d have liked, but we got to talk and get excited about Shadow Lane together.
At the end of my time in Los Angeles, I somehow managed to pack up the majority of my stuff (I had gotten things out of storage) and I took off for Texas, where I am at the moment.
I’ll be trying to keep you updated as I go, this time, but it’s a bit tricky while on the road.
I’m finally getting around to posting about one of the most exciting parts of my vacation to Los Angeles for me. I got to meet Erica Scott.
I’m sure that my readers are familiar with who she is: she’s pretty much the best spanking blogger (in my opinion) and she has a wonderful mix of wit, insite and honesty in her writing. She’s also a fellow spanking model and has made some pretty awesome videos.
Erica was also, without her knowledge, fairly influential to my choice to get actively involved in the spanking scene instead of keeping my spanking life a secret, hidden activity that I did not share with anyone but the few who were involved. It went like this: I got drunk one night and made a fetlife account and started trolling through spanking related groups and observing how people interacted with each other in them, trying to see if it was a place where I felt I could ever “fit in.” I noticed various people who seemed pretty awesome, and others who made me decidedly uncomfortable. I’ve always been a “no nonsense” kind of girl. I don’t take bullshit from people. If someone who hasn’t earned the right to tries to boss me around, they’re in for it. If someone makes a creepy sexual advance at me, I will make fun of them to all my friends. I had trouble figuring out how someone who enjoys taking a passive role and likes to be spanked (this was before the idea that I might have *gasp* submission in me had even been allowed to enter my mind) could present herself as both these things. The kind of woman that I ideally wanted to be was one who was outspoken, confident, even boisterous, who had no shame about what she wanted and knew that her choices, be they to be spanked, to be passive, to choose to submit, what have you, did not make her any less fierce and respectable. But I didn’t know if that was possible, or if the community could find that to be “okay.”
Then I discovered Erica and I knew not only was it possible to be the kind of woman that I wanted to be, but that there was someone setting a positive example for me in the community. Having Erica around, just on the internet, made me feel somehow safer and it made me like the Spanking World, hell, the world in general, more because she existed.
Then a sock puppet claiming to be a Mormon spanko started to freak out when “she” got called out on her socketry and attacked a whole group of people, including me, and I discovered that the spanking community was FULL of smart, strong, hilarious women like Munchkin, Lily Starr, The Famous Kat (who doesn’t seem to have a blog anymore), and Iggy, and that the male Tops were often awesomely fun individuals that I could truly respect anywhere, like Richard Windsor. And then suddenly, BAM, I felt like I was part of something. I grabbed that and ran and my life has been pretty fricken amazing ever since.
Anyway, needless to say, I like Erica a lot and was looking forward to meeting her. We met up at a Starbucks and she got us some comfy chairs (since I was taking the bus due to transportation failures, she got there first). And then we started talking: we talked about our favorite people to film with, what my shoots had been like recently, what her best and worst experiences shooting had been, what she enjoyed about parties she’d attended, what I get out of playing with sadists and why that’s awesome for me and a bunch of other stuff. She explained the way that some groups and organizations within the scene came to be and she laughed out loud when I told her a clever brattism that I’d said in a recent shoot. Hanging out with her made me feel great: she’s warm and welcoming in person and just as well spoken as she is online. She’s fun and sweet and awesome. And she’s beautiful. There’s something about her that’s undeniably stunning.
We sat and talked for two and a half hours. It was an awesome day.
The rest of my trip to LA was largely filled with vanilla adventures. I went to the Sanrio Store
and I sang Japanese Karaoke with Zeki. MaskofNormality took me out to Indian food and we talked about all sorts of stuff. Then, in the end, I packed up all my stuff and headed back to South Dakota. Malignus and Heather picked me up from the airport and I came home, got a lovely spanking and then started to catch up on all the sleep I missed. The trip was excellent, and I can’t wait until I have a chance to go back!