Hi friends!
I bet you’re pretty surprised to see me updating my blog, aren’t you? It’s been…well, over a year. Something like 18 months, I guess. Blogging is something that I’ve had an increasing amount of difficulty finding time to do, but I miss it, and I’d like to start putting in the effort to make it happen again. It’s a bit odd, though. Since I stopped blogging very often several years ago, I kind of feel like you guys don’t know me that well anymore. Hopefully, you’re still following me on Twitter and Tumblr, although Tumblr has become kind of a lost cause these days, and maybe you follow me on Instagram when my account isn’t being deleted. But I’d like to catch up with you all here, in this space that belongs entirely to me.
To start things off, I went through and updated all my pages. There’s a new travel schedule, new answers and some new questions in the FAQ, new credits on my Resume/links list, and some updated information about booking a session with me. Please don’t think that just because sometimes life gets out of control with regards to my ability to blog that I’m not available for sessions, custom videos, or shoots anymore: I am still accepting new people to play with and love working on new artistic projects!
I obviously can’t tell you every single thing that happened in the past 18 months, but I’m just going to give you some bullet points.
– Working on Northern Spanking has become a huge part of my life. I love that site so much, and I’m passionately dedicated to making the best possible spanking content, as well as being the kind of producer that I would ideally want to work with as a model. I do not like to brag, but I’m very proud of the work that we’ve done, and I think that it’s only getting better. Here are a few favorite scenes I’ve worked on recently:
– In fact, at the end of last year, we launched a completely redesigned version of the website, which is much more technologically advanced as well as more visually pleasing than the old site. You can save favorites, search tags, stream video in addition to downloading it, create a queue, see your recently watched films…and do all of it from mobile, as well. Let me tell you, being able to use my own website from my phone has greatly improved the quality of my life. Anyway, if you’ve never joined the site before, you probably should give it a try, because I love it and I think it’s amazing.
– Also last year, we launched a new brand: Spanked and Diapered. I don’t know if I’ve ever really blogged about my exploration of ABDL, but it began when I first got to know Adriana. It’s something that had always been a low-key interest of mine. I can remember early “startles” the same way that I can about spanking, but the interest was more of a curiosity and not a pressing need the way that my spanking obsession was. So, it went on the backburner, because my spanking interest was very powerful and it took up all my fantasy time.
When Adriana and I first started playing together and she helped me to explore that interest, it immediately worked for me. I don’t identify as an ABDL. I’m very careful about this, because I know that there’s a huge difference between someone who likes spanking but can get by fine without it and a dyed-in-the-wool spanko, and I’ve been known to be a little bit touchy about the language there. So, it’s important for me to be respectful. That said, a lot of ABDLs love to include spanking in their play, the same way that I love to include ageplay, babyspace, regression, and of course, diapers in some of mine.
Anyway, we decided to create a site dedicated to this intersection of my fetish and my kink. Last year, we launched a Clips Store featuring a bunch of my favorite models doing some very hot stuff. Now, we’re working on getting a membership site up and running, which I’ll be telling you all about very soon. It’s so exciting to me. This is the first time that I’ve seen something go from an idea to an actual, full-fledged website, and it’s delightful.
– My cat, Gizmo, who I often called “the baby monster” on this site back when I gave my cats scene names as if that was ever going to matter, passed away just over a year ago. I’m honestly still incredibly sad. He was an old man, and even older for his breed, but he had spent so much of my life by my side and he was one of the sweetest animals that I ever knew. I honestly think I’ll be sad about it forever.
After he passed away, my other cat, Senor (“the punk”) got very depressed and anxious. He’s like me– prone to a lot of big emotions. Everyone recommended that we get another cat, and it seemed like it would be easier to introduce him to a kitten, so my new little boy, FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper the Cat (aka Cooper most of the time) came into our lives. Tomorrow will be the one year anniversary of us getting Coop.
Honestly, it took Senor a long time to warm up to him. Cooper has A LOT of energy, and it seemed like the day that we got the kitten was the day that Senor decided that he was a senior cat! But now, I can safely say that they love each other. They spend a lot of time play wrestling, but also will sleep next to each other and lick each other’s fur. Heckin’ cute.
– I did A LOT of traveling. Honestly, the main reason I never blogged is because I was basically never home, and I was often keeping myself so busy that I was going to bed as soon as I got to my hotel/airbnb/whatever. I’m trying to do a little bit less of that this year, but then I look at my travel schedule and I see that that’s probably unlikely. I do, however, hope to manage it a little bit better.
-Throughout the course of my blogging, I’ve referred back to several different health problems that were constantly popping up throughout my life. If I remember right, I’ve generally been pretty vague about them, but I have severe allergies, migraines, sinus and respiratory problems, some skin problems, digestive issues…and a few other things. Last year, I got diagnosed with a condition called Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. It turns out that all the various problems that I’ve been trying to treat separately all had one root cause. I’m taking medications and supplements, and I’m eating a kind of odd seeming restricted diet (for example, I can never eat chocolate again) but I’m doing much better. My energy levels are better, and as a general rule, the amount of days where I don’t feel well has gotten much lower.
I say “as a general rule” because I was sick for approximately all of the winter in one way or another. Extremes in temperature make my condition flare, and I was on the east coast when it was freezing and snowing in November and had a ton of symptoms that just wouldn’t quit. I was doing better for a couple of weeks and then I got sick right before Christmas…and I just stayed sick. I had a cold that began bronchitis that became a sinus infection, and that flared up the respiratory side of my MCAS…
Anyway, I’m finally feeling better now. I guess what I’m trying to say is that my new treatment plan isn’t a cure: I still have issues sometimes. But as a general rule, the number of days per year where I feel well has only been going up, and I’d say that most of the time, I feel great. I’m much much much better than I was. Plus, I’ve been losing a lot of weight since I got healthier, which has been a great bonus.
– My Top space has continued to develop. Over the past couple of years, my interest in Topping has gone from just being an interest into a full-fledged core part of my kink play. Sometimes, I’ll go to events and only end up playing as a Top and I’ll leave feeling happy and content. My needs as a bottom as still extremely core to me, of course, but so many of my fantasies these days are about things like being a teacher or professor and spanking naughty students, for example.
– In less uplifting news, my (real, biological) mom was diagnosed with cancer a couple months ago and has been inpatient in the hospital since early December. I got to visit her twice so far– difficult because she’s in New York and I’m in California, and she seems to be doing pretty well, but it’s just been a stressful time. Add on top of that the fact that a very important person to me here in LA who is only 25 also got a cancer diagnosis in May and is still undergoing treatment now…and it’s been a tough year. It gets very heavy to deal with sometimes, knowing that two people that I love are on opposite sides of the country and dealing with different forms of the same terrible illness. I do my best to be supportive of both of them while also taking care of myself.
Gifts of Airline and Hotel gift cards REALLY help me right now, by the way. They allow me to be able to travel and see my mom while she’s recovering!
-At the end of the day, I’m still just a naughty girl who loves spanking and enjoys participating in it whenever possible! The last year had challenges, for sure, but it also had great times: Paul and I took a long road trip to the PNW with just the two of us and had a wonderful time together, and I got a lot of chances to visit my favorite friends. There are many of those coming up soon, too. I’m heading to Denver soon, to shoot for Real Spankings and visit friends, and at the end of next month I’ll be headed to Vegas to meet up with a ton of my favorite humans.
– I have two new ways that you can get naughty business from me: I have an Only Fans now, which I update every single day with exclusive selfies, photosets, and video. It’s got a lot of my most intimate content on it. I also now have a Many Vids store where you can see me exploring various different fetishes! So far, that store has less emphasis on spanking, but it’s got a lot of sexy stuff.
Ok, friends. This post has been kind of a weird mix of exciting stuff, work stuff, very personal stuff, and sad things. But I’m glad to be back here, and I will do my very best to post again soon.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Paul left for the UK just before I left to go to my family of origin’s house for the holiday. Being around them is always difficult, but it’s a topic that I don’t really want to delve into here. Suffice to say, it was a very long week with very bland food, family stress and the sadness of being separated from Paul. He’s gone until the spring time, doing very important stuff that I’m very glad he’s doing, but it’s still hard on me.
I came home feeling fairly down, but being at home has brightened me, honestly. My family of origin’s house is so dreary that all the comforts and coziness of my little place here have been really highlighted to me in the past couple of days. My days have been quiet but good, and cat cuddles make the house not feel really lonely.
Soon, I’ll be heading out of town again, on a long-session trip that will include some very exciting adventures. Then I’ll be home for a bit, I’ll get to watch Star Wars (I planned all my travel for the month around this) and then I’ll head back to the F.O.O’s for Christmas. It’s funny, I was *so* enthusiastic about Christmas this year while Paul was here. I was doing early shopping and we watched the holiday parade at Disneyland, which is something I’ve wanted to see ever since I was a little kid and I had a VHS tape with a recording of it on it (this is how I experienced a lot of the world as a small child). Both that parade and the special holiday World of Color water show were just amazing, and I couldn’t stop being excited. We went to The Grove one day for me to see the giant Christmas tree there, too. I mean, technically we went to go to stores, but I was all about the Christmas tree.
This giant Christmas tree is at California Adventure. I saw three giant Christmas trees before my Christmas spirit started to wane.
After Thanksgiving, my enthusiasm has…dwindled. The F.O.O has a way of doing that to me, I guess. I’m hoping that my next trip will perk me back up in that department.
Well, now that I’m done being a bummer, onto some exciting news. We’re got The Spanking Awards going on now! It’s voting time already, and the first category is Best Creative Blog. Alex in Spankingland has been nominated once again. I want to thank everyone who listed me as their choice, since there were several of you! You guys’ loyalty to my blog means a lot to me, and it reminds me that I need to attend to you regularly!
There are some other excellent choices on the list, too. Fellow spanking romance author Casey McKay was nominated, and if you haven’t read your blog, it’s one you should definitely check out. She shares her favorite fiction work as well as really intriguing snippits from her personal life.
The blog Consensual Spanking was also nominated, which is a blog that makes caption and stories based around spanking photos.
There’s also Wolfie Toons, where you can always count on seeing cute and funny spanking cartoons. I’m sure you guys must be familiar with this blog, but if you’re not, definitely go take a look and enjoy what he has to offer there.
Erica Scott has, of course, been nominated again! Erica is one of my best friends and a part of my chosen family (you know, the family that *doesn’t* drive me batty!). Erica is a truly exceptional blogger, especially in her perfect balance of fun spanking stuff and real, honest sharing about her and her life. And she’s a remarkable women. I just adore her.
Hermione’s Heart is another blog that I’ve enjoyed reading for a long time, and it’s the host of the Spanko Brunch every Sunday (which I really should get back to participating in). It’s another truly great blog.
Ludwig and Kaelah’s blog was also nominated, which is another that I’ve enjoyed for a long time. The stories and pictures that they share are always both exciting and reaffirming to me.
Bonnie’s My Bottom Smarts is nominated, as well. Bonnie’s blog is such a good resource for those looking to find other blogs, as she has the world’s greatest collection of blog links. Plus, her posts are so thoughtful and informative. I hadn’t visited Bonnie’s blog in a while and when I went back to grab the link I regretted that I hadn’t. It’s definitely quality stuff.
Pandora Blake’s blog is on the list, too. I think that everyone knows just how much I adore Pandora and how much I support her. Her blog has always been an inspiration to me, and she continues to challenge my held beliefs and open my mind to this day. Pandora is really a treasure in the spanking scene. We’re so lucky to have her.
Finally, there’s Tim the Tum, whose blog includes really great spanking stories and some of the most thoughtful and interesting writing about spanking videos that I’ve seen in a while.
So, all in all, it’s a great list of candidates. Checking out each of the blogs that have been listed made me feel really enthusiastic about the blogging scene again, too, which is something I’d been needing. After I left blogger, I stopped feeling a certain sense of blogging community. I want to get back to commenting on others blogs and engaging with other bloggers more. Especially should do if I’m whining to get more comments myself, huh?
I hope that you all go vote. I obviously hope that you’ll want to vote for me, but there are so many other blogs on this list that deserve recognition, so go pick your favorite, whatever it is!
In other exciting news, I have a trip to the UK coming up in January. I’m flying out on New Year’s Eve, which will be a bit of a strange experience, since I won’t know when the date has actually changed since I’ll be changing time zones. Maybe I’ll re-enter the new year more than once? In my mind, 2016 will start when I land, I suppose. I’ve had a long history of weird or lame New Year’s Eve celebrations, so I think that getting off the plane, going through customs and then being greeted with a kiss from Paul will certainly be a good change of pace! I hope the flight isn’t too full of drunk people, though. Could be interesting.
I’ll be in England from the 1st thru the 20th of January, and Paul and I will be doing a location shoot in a big, Victorian house for four days, with a handful of brand new spankees plus a couple of English models I’ve never had a chance to meet before but that I’m very excited to meet and work with. So that should be a great adventure.
I’m hoping that I’ll be able to see some friends while I’m there, too, and do some exploring. And maybe I’ll tell you the stories from my last trip before this one starts, we’ll see.
I’m also finishing up my fourth spanking book! I’ve been keeping it kind of under lock and key and not posting any Works in Progress type snippits, but it’s my first historical piece, set in Victorian England. It’s called The Doctor’s School for Naughty Girls and it combines a lot of my core fantasies, as the title pretty much suggests. It’s a bit edgier than my other books in certain ways (or, for some it may seem to be less so, as it’s my least age-play oriented book to date) and I’m very excited about it. I need to finish a few more scenes and then send it to my editor to begin that whole process, but I’m hoping that it will be out for you guys soon. In the mean time, if you haven’t read The Doctor’s Little Girl, Daddy’s Little Angela (or the entire Little Haven collection) and The Sheriff’s Little Girl, now would be a great chance to grab one of those to tide yourself over until my new book comes out.
So, lots of exciting things going on right now and in the near future. In the immediate future, I need to get some food. I have an empty fridge and there’s no point in shopping right before I leave again. So, I’m going to go grab myself something before I head home to try to get a few more things done. I’m having late night snacks (which I assume means pie, since that’s our go-to) with Princess Kelley later, but I need energy before that.
Remember to vote for your favorite spanking blog! The contest is no fun if no one votes. :3