So, the first month of the year is very nearly over.
First, let’s have some news and updates from my spanking universe.
Basic stuff first:
I’ve been trying to revitalize my spanking news blog, Spanking Wishes, and I am currently posting something on it literally every day. Please go check it out, and give the corresponding twitter account a follow: @spankingwishes.
On the subject of social media, I have been keeping very active on my Tumblr and on Twitter: @spankingland.
I’m active on Fetlife in short bursts, but will be trying to spend more time on the site. I accept all friend requests there, so please feel free to send me one. I also still have a kinky Facebook page, but I’m on that even less frequently. While I have a lot of awesome friends that I primarily communicate with through that site, I also get a ton of sexual harassment over it. I get guys sending me pictures of their genitals on that site far more frequently than on any other. I get called a bitch for not wanting to spend lots of time chatting to total strangers about sex for free. I get people demanding that I give them videos for free because “we’re friends now since you added me on facebook!”
I quickly run out of steam for dealing with this stuff. So, I’ll keep trying, mostly because the spanking romance author community is primarily on facebook and I do want to get more involved in that again, but it’s a struggle for me. If you want to send me a friend request, feel free: just be aware that while I do not post photos that include nudity (including bare bottom photos) on facebook, I post explicitly about spanking pretty much all the time and post links to NSFW material.
The Spanking Awards are going on now, which is always an exciting time!
So far, voting has been opened up in 4 categories.
The first one is Best New Spankee. There were so many new spankees this year that were really amazing, and I’ll be giving a shoutout to a handful of them in a post over Spanking Wishes in the next couple of days (since that’s less about me and more about videos), but the selection in the voting is also awesome. I’m happy to see a bunch of my friends included! I’m particularly proud to see three performers who did their first ever spanking shoots with Paul and I for Northern Spanking in the voting. They’re also three of my favorite girls in general, since I’ve been lucky enough to build close friendships with a lot of the performers that we work with.
So, I’m proud of you guys: Ava Nicole, Linny Lace and Nuna Starks! All three girls deserves awards for being adorable, hard working and taking lots of hard spankings. I love you guys! Plus, a big shout out to my friends Tai and Kenzie, who I haven’t gotten a chance to shoot yet, but really look forward to the day that I do! You girls all kick ass. So, go vote for one of these amazing ladies.
The next is Best New Top, which is a new category this year. I think I may have suggested this at some point, but I don’t know if I actually did or if I just thought about it. But either way, I’m glad that John added this category! Tops don’t get as much love in the spanking video world, to be honest, but we literally couldn’t make videos without them (or, we could just make self spanking, which would get boring really quickly). Plus, after having spent a lot of time on both sides of the the paddle in videos, I feel like it’s more important that a Top does an excellent job than almost any other person involved in video production. You have to be physically accurate and you need to be able to carry yourself with authority and have believable scolding going on. So, yes, love to Tops. Tops everywhere.
In this category, one of my favorite “new” Tops is up for voting: Princess Kelley May! I say “new” as Kelley has a ton of experience as a Top and had done a little bit of it on camera before her return to the screen, but she definitely made a splash when she came back after having been away for a long time. Plus, her shoot for Northern was her first time shooting for a membership site.
Anyway, Kelley is an absolutely great Top. I love the way she scolds and I love the way that she spanks. Besides, she’s totally gorgeous and always has PERFECT HAIR. I’ve been trying to get her to teach me her secrets for years but I think I’m just not destined to have perfect hair.
The other lady I adore in this category is my girl Adriana Evans. As I mentioned in my previous post, Adriana and I have become very close in the past year or so. I love her so much and miss her all the time!
Adriana is also a great Top. I love being spanked by her, although our spanking play often ends up taking a somewhat different direction due to the nature of our relationship… 😉
The next category is Best Facial Expression. I’ve come in the ranking for this before, but I’ve never won it and I would really love it if you would vote for me and make that happen! Think of all the times that I’ve had my face covered with tears and I’ve looked truly pitiful during a spanking. Think of how much eye cream I have to use because I’m always scrunching my face up in pain and agony and I don’t want to get fine lines out of control. Think of the fact that I’ve literally popped my jaw out of alignment because I was biting a pillow too hard when screaming and wailing. (The photo above is a screenshot from Spanking Blogg’s listing about me. You can’t actually click the links. I tried. It’s my own post. Siiiiiigh)
My campaign promises are more hard spankings producing more pathetic sad faces from me. I guarantee it.
The most recently opened category is Best Male Top. My most beloved, very favorite Top on Earth is up for voting in this category. Surprise, it’s Paul!
Honestly, Paul deserves an award just for putting up with my massive amounts of nonsense on a daily basis. But he also does an absolutely fabulous job in videos. He gives hard spankings, he gives perfect canings, and he doesn’t have a gross ego about it. He’s just the best. You should vote for him. :3
So, that’s where we are so far with the Spanking Awards. Remember that you can vote once per device, so if you use the internet from your laptop, desktop, iPad and phone… then you can vote four time. Juuuuuuust saaaaying!
I’m going to start a second post that tells you about what else I’ve been up to this month, but I’ll finish this one with some upcoming news.
I’m going to be on the road a lot coming up!
I’m heading to the UK in the start of February. I’m sorry to tell you guys that this time, I am NOT going to be available for shoots and sessions while I’m abroad. I’m only actually going to be over there for six days, and it is my plan to spend as much of that time as possible just hanging out with my friends and having a much needed kick back.
That said, for those of you who want to do sessions with me in London or elsewhere in the UK, I’ll be over for an extended period of time in August. Make a preliminary mark on your calendars, and feel free to shoot me an email and inquire about details whenever it suits you. I’ll be available to both give and get hard spankings, plus I’ll likely be able to do 2-2-1’s with some of my lovely British friends, as well. But that’s a long way off. I just want to make sure you guys know that my choice not to work while I’m over this time isn’t a permanent change. I just kinda need a holiday. It’s going to be the best.
Later in February, I’ll be heading to Palm Springs for some fun and adventures. (I’m fully booked for my time there, but if enough people are interested in seeing me in that direction I could certainly come out again later one). I’ve never been there so there’s a lot of fun stuff I’m looking forward to seeing.
Then, near the end of the month, I’m heading to Vegas. I *am* taking bookings for both shoots and sessions while I’m there, so feel free to shoot me an email about that: . I am going to see a bunch of friends and have an awesome time while I’m there and I’m just so excited.
And after that, I’m heading to Denver to get to see my dear and darling Amoni. Hopefully I can get her to photograph me again! And what’s a trip to Denver without a visit to one favorite spanking sites that I don’t run? I’ll be getting a bunch of spankings for Real Spankings and Real Spankings Institute while I’m there! If anyone would be interested in seeing me for sessions in that area, please let me know ASAP! I’d love to be able to get together with you during that visit. Email address is above.
So, that’s the basic news. Watch this space for more detailed information about what my life was like in January, coming soon!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Paul left for the UK just before I left to go to my family of origin’s house for the holiday. Being around them is always difficult, but it’s a topic that I don’t really want to delve into here. Suffice to say, it was a very long week with very bland food, family stress and the sadness of being separated from Paul. He’s gone until the spring time, doing very important stuff that I’m very glad he’s doing, but it’s still hard on me.
I came home feeling fairly down, but being at home has brightened me, honestly. My family of origin’s house is so dreary that all the comforts and coziness of my little place here have been really highlighted to me in the past couple of days. My days have been quiet but good, and cat cuddles make the house not feel really lonely.
Soon, I’ll be heading out of town again, on a long-session trip that will include some very exciting adventures. Then I’ll be home for a bit, I’ll get to watch Star Wars (I planned all my travel for the month around this) and then I’ll head back to the F.O.O’s for Christmas. It’s funny, I was *so* enthusiastic about Christmas this year while Paul was here. I was doing early shopping and we watched the holiday parade at Disneyland, which is something I’ve wanted to see ever since I was a little kid and I had a VHS tape with a recording of it on it (this is how I experienced a lot of the world as a small child). Both that parade and the special holiday World of Color water show were just amazing, and I couldn’t stop being excited. We went to The Grove one day for me to see the giant Christmas tree there, too. I mean, technically we went to go to stores, but I was all about the Christmas tree.
This giant Christmas tree is at California Adventure. I saw three giant Christmas trees before my Christmas spirit started to wane.
After Thanksgiving, my enthusiasm has…dwindled. The F.O.O has a way of doing that to me, I guess. I’m hoping that my next trip will perk me back up in that department.
Well, now that I’m done being a bummer, onto some exciting news. We’re got The Spanking Awards going on now! It’s voting time already, and the first category is Best Creative Blog. Alex in Spankingland has been nominated once again. I want to thank everyone who listed me as their choice, since there were several of you! You guys’ loyalty to my blog means a lot to me, and it reminds me that I need to attend to you regularly!
There are some other excellent choices on the list, too. Fellow spanking romance author Casey McKay was nominated, and if you haven’t read your blog, it’s one you should definitely check out. She shares her favorite fiction work as well as really intriguing snippits from her personal life.
The blog Consensual Spanking was also nominated, which is a blog that makes caption and stories based around spanking photos.
There’s also Wolfie Toons, where you can always count on seeing cute and funny spanking cartoons. I’m sure you guys must be familiar with this blog, but if you’re not, definitely go take a look and enjoy what he has to offer there.
Erica Scott has, of course, been nominated again! Erica is one of my best friends and a part of my chosen family (you know, the family that *doesn’t* drive me batty!). Erica is a truly exceptional blogger, especially in her perfect balance of fun spanking stuff and real, honest sharing about her and her life. And she’s a remarkable women. I just adore her.
Hermione’s Heart is another blog that I’ve enjoyed reading for a long time, and it’s the host of the Spanko Brunch every Sunday (which I really should get back to participating in). It’s another truly great blog.
Ludwig and Kaelah’s blog was also nominated, which is another that I’ve enjoyed for a long time. The stories and pictures that they share are always both exciting and reaffirming to me.
Bonnie’s My Bottom Smarts is nominated, as well. Bonnie’s blog is such a good resource for those looking to find other blogs, as she has the world’s greatest collection of blog links. Plus, her posts are so thoughtful and informative. I hadn’t visited Bonnie’s blog in a while and when I went back to grab the link I regretted that I hadn’t. It’s definitely quality stuff.
Pandora Blake’s blog is on the list, too. I think that everyone knows just how much I adore Pandora and how much I support her. Her blog has always been an inspiration to me, and she continues to challenge my held beliefs and open my mind to this day. Pandora is really a treasure in the spanking scene. We’re so lucky to have her.
Finally, there’s Tim the Tum, whose blog includes really great spanking stories and some of the most thoughtful and interesting writing about spanking videos that I’ve seen in a while.
So, all in all, it’s a great list of candidates. Checking out each of the blogs that have been listed made me feel really enthusiastic about the blogging scene again, too, which is something I’d been needing. After I left blogger, I stopped feeling a certain sense of blogging community. I want to get back to commenting on others blogs and engaging with other bloggers more. Especially should do if I’m whining to get more comments myself, huh?
I hope that you all go vote. I obviously hope that you’ll want to vote for me, but there are so many other blogs on this list that deserve recognition, so go pick your favorite, whatever it is!
In other exciting news, I have a trip to the UK coming up in January. I’m flying out on New Year’s Eve, which will be a bit of a strange experience, since I won’t know when the date has actually changed since I’ll be changing time zones. Maybe I’ll re-enter the new year more than once? In my mind, 2016 will start when I land, I suppose. I’ve had a long history of weird or lame New Year’s Eve celebrations, so I think that getting off the plane, going through customs and then being greeted with a kiss from Paul will certainly be a good change of pace! I hope the flight isn’t too full of drunk people, though. Could be interesting.
I’ll be in England from the 1st thru the 20th of January, and Paul and I will be doing a location shoot in a big, Victorian house for four days, with a handful of brand new spankees plus a couple of English models I’ve never had a chance to meet before but that I’m very excited to meet and work with. So that should be a great adventure.
I’m hoping that I’ll be able to see some friends while I’m there, too, and do some exploring. And maybe I’ll tell you the stories from my last trip before this one starts, we’ll see.
I’m also finishing up my fourth spanking book! I’ve been keeping it kind of under lock and key and not posting any Works in Progress type snippits, but it’s my first historical piece, set in Victorian England. It’s called The Doctor’s School for Naughty Girls and it combines a lot of my core fantasies, as the title pretty much suggests. It’s a bit edgier than my other books in certain ways (or, for some it may seem to be less so, as it’s my least age-play oriented book to date) and I’m very excited about it. I need to finish a few more scenes and then send it to my editor to begin that whole process, but I’m hoping that it will be out for you guys soon. In the mean time, if you haven’t read The Doctor’s Little Girl, Daddy’s Little Angela (or the entire Little Haven collection) and The Sheriff’s Little Girl, now would be a great chance to grab one of those to tide yourself over until my new book comes out.
So, lots of exciting things going on right now and in the near future. In the immediate future, I need to get some food. I have an empty fridge and there’s no point in shopping right before I leave again. So, I’m going to go grab myself something before I head home to try to get a few more things done. I’m having late night snacks (which I assume means pie, since that’s our go-to) with Princess Kelley later, but I need energy before that.
Remember to vote for your favorite spanking blog! The contest is no fun if no one votes. :3
This post has been delayed because of the insanity that life has been recently, but I’m finally finishing it!
I went to bed the night before New Year’s Eve feeling pretty down. I had no plans for the following evening except sitting at home on the couch with my family, when I would have much rather been having an exciting, partying adventure. I felt glum.
I woke up the next morning early afternoon and opened up my laptop. I knew that the results for Spankee of the Year were going to be announced that day, and I wasn’t sure if they would be up yet or not, but I had been dedicating way more time and attention to this contest than was really necessary.
I discovered that they were, in fact, posted. John’s blog is set up so you can’t see the full post when you visit the homepage and have to click on the image to continue, which made the suspense of opening the page higher than it would have been. Honestly, I was expecting to not even place in the contest, and I was happy to be among only ten girls nominated. All of the girls who were in the running are absolutely gorgeous and talented performers. Some of them are my very good friends of mine. I had a faint “wouldn’t it be awesome if I won?” thought process in the back of my head, but it seemed like a pipe dream to me.
When I clicked though to the page, I saw this:
I just kind of sat there with my mouth hanging open staring at it for a long time.
Despite not actually believing that I was likely to win, I really wanted to. I’ll be perfectly honest– I’ve always wanted to win this as long as I’ve been a spanking model. I feel a little bit silly about it, like caring this much about winning an award is somehow childish, but that’s the truth. It’s a dream come true for me, and I feel so much gratitude towards everyone who voted for me.
Continuing with my vulnerability for a moment, I find this award extremely validating because I’ve always worried that people don’t actually like me as a model and are only putting up with me because I’m there. I know that there are always going to be some people who don’t like me, but it makes me really happy to know that there are quite a lot of you who do. So thank you for liking me! You put a smile on my face!
I’ve been a spanking model for a little over three years now, having done my first shoot in September of 2011. I’ve done hundreds of videos, shot for 40 some spanking sites and clips stores, worked in three countries, lived out of suitcases for up to two months at a time, met almost almost all the people who I idolized in videos before my modeling days began, made great friends with many of them and, of course, fell in love. I’ve learned so much about myself, and I’m proud of the ways that I’ve grown throughout the process. It still sometimes feel surreal to me. I feel so fortunate to get to have all these experiences, and I can’t wait to see what the coming years will bring me.
I love what I do so much, and I love connecting with the spanking community. Thank you all for making it possible for me to do this. I will do my best not to get too mushy, but I appreciate all the support that I’ve gotten over the past couple of years. Whether you left nice comments on my pictures and videos, bought my content, listened to me spazzing out when traveling was stressful, rubbed lotion into my butt after a tough shoot, calmed me down when I worried that I was the worst spanking model ever, gave me a place to crash when I was on the road, encouraged me to be myself, told me you were proud of me or any other amazing thing you did, I appreciate it so much.
As an interesting side note, I did a little bit of research as to who else has been Spankee of the Year and I discovered that it’s actually a very small group that I’ve joined. Since 2007, there have only been five different models named Spankee of the Year: Samantha Woodley in 2007 and 2010, Amelia Jane Rutherford in 2008 and 2009, Ten Amorette in 2011, Sarah Gregory in 2012 and me! This makes me feel even more honored to have been selected.
At the end of the day, I know that this isn’t a huge deal, and the world is no different than it was before I was given this award, but it still helps to cheer me out of most funks to think about it, and I still can’t really believe that I won. I feel a little overwhelmed by all the things that have happened recently. My book has been well received, I won Best Creative Spanking Blog again and now this! I keep worrying that I’ve been asleep since December and this is all a dream!
I hope that 2015 is a great year full of lots of spankings! It’s been off to a good start so far, having already shot for Good Spanking, and having four more shoots booked for the coming months already, so I have no plans to slow down.
Thank you again if you voted for me. As soon as I get a chance, I’ll be making you guys a special thank you gift. ❤︎
Hey everyone!
Thank you so much for voting for my blog for the “Best Creative Spanking Blog” Category in The Spanking Awards! They announced last night that I won! It’s my second awards in a row winning (there weren’t any awards given last year) and it makes me feel pretty darn special. Despite all my difficulties keeping this blog up in the past year, it’s refreshing to hear that you guys still enjoy it!
I’m not the kind of person who has won many medals in my life, so this one really means a lot to me, even if it’s just a graphic!
I found out about the fact that I had won when Erica tweeted at me: I was in the grocery store with my mom running around getting stuff for Christmas dinner at the last minute. It turns out that I took first, Pandora got second and Erica got third. Pandora and Erica are two of my all time favorite people, so I’m happy to share the rankings with them. I certainly don’t think I’m a better blogger than either one, though, and I wouldn’t even HAVE a blog if it wasn’t for those two! They were two of my biggest influences in starting this little corner of the internet.
I want to extend my gratitude to everyone who reads my blog, whether you voted or not! I wouldn’t have a blog if I didn’t have people to read it. It means so much to me that you guys think what I have to say is worth your time!
I’d also like to thank Paul for helping me in my struggle to keep posting regularly, for giving me lots of sexy things to write about, and above all else, for being the most loving and encouraging partner I could ask for. I’m the luckiest girl in the world to have him.
On the same note, I’d like to thank Rafa and Z, my wonderful vanilla boyfriend and girlfriend. It means so much to me that two non-kinky people have so wholeheartedly embraced my lifestyle. They support me in everything that I do and never make me feel like my life is any weirder or than their own. I’m so lucky to have such an awesome trifecta of wonderful people supporting me, cheering me on in the good times and supporting me when things are harder.
I’d like to thank John over at Spanking Blogg for resurrecting the Spanking Awards this year! I know it’s a lot of work to do, but it’s very appreciated!
Finally, I’d like to thank my amazing assortment of friends, play partners and lovers for filling my life with happiness and adventures. This makes for a very contented Alex as well as a lot of great stuff to share with everyone here!
I hope to make 2015 another wonderful year of blogging, and to have lots of exciting spanking tales to share with all of you.
(Don’t forget that the Spankee of the Year voting is still going on!)
Hey guys,
I’m in New Jersey right now, visiting my family of origin. Unlike last year’s winter wonderland, things have just been cold and drizzly. Being here is a mix of being very relaxed and lazy and also being a bit stressed and sad. It’s hard not to focus on the things that I’ve lost here, but when I enjoy the positive, I can have a good time. I’ve been having pretty much the worst possible sleep cycle ever since I’ve been here, though. My body just wants to be nocturnal, and I keep grumpily struggling against this. Since I’m home, I obviously don’t have any exciting spanking stories to share with you, although I’ve certainly had it on my mind whenever I’m alone!
There have been a couple of things brightening my days, though. One of these is the fact that my book has been really well received so far. I’m so excited about this! The charts vary, but at one point, it was the second highest selling BDSM erotica book on Amazon, and it’s been highly ranked in the Erotic Romance category, too. Plus, with only one book out, I’ve been close to the top fifty erotic authors list on Amazon. These numbers fluctuate, so if you go to look, it might not be the same, but it’s been making me really excited to see. Not to mention the fact that I’ve only gotten five star reviews so far!
I’m really overjoyed that people are buying and reading my book, and it’s been especially exciting to me to have my friends read it and enjoy it. If you haven’t done so yet, I hope you will consider doing it! It’s not expensive at all, and it’s super hot, in my own personal opinion! I’ve had a lot of people asking me if it’s going to be available as a paperback, and I think the answer is that it probably won’t be. You don’t need to own a kindle to download the book, though. You just need to download the free kindle software for your computer or phone. It’s super easy, and you can immediately start enjoying my naughty novel! Click here to buy it for less than five dollars and to make me smile!
Another piece of big exciting news is the fact that I’ve been nominated for Spankee of the Year! When I first started doing videos, I kind of idly daydreamed about winning this award, and it’s super exciting to have been nominated. It’s a contest, so I would really appreciate anyone who is willing to go and vote for me!
The whole thing is made a little bit problematic by the fact that a lot of the other nominees are some of my best friends! It feels weird to be competing against people who I know and love. A lot of us have the same friends, and it puts them in an awkward situation of having to decide who to vote for. So, I’m not going to let myself get TOO competitive, although I must admit that winning would make me a happy girl indeed. I’m just pleased to have made it this far!
I guess a big part of the point of this post is that a lot of things that have been happening in my life these days are beyond my wildest dreams. I never thought I’d be able to “make it” as a spanking model, let alone be nominated for this prize! I doubted myself all the way through my writing process for The Doctor’s Little Girl, worrying that no one would read it and that those that did wouldn’t like it. So, I’m really pleased with myself, in a way that I don’t feel guilty admitting. I’ve always struggled with self esteem issues, and both these things have been extremely validating.
I have been working on a couple of other posts, but the holidays make me way too distracted. I’ll get there, I promise!
I started to write about some of the more dreary things that are going on in my family life and the sadnesses that Christmas time brings up for me, but I decided against it. I’ve got to keep myself positive. So, I’m going to try to get a little sleep and then when I get up I’m going to bake cookies and wrap presents: I’ll force myself to get the rest of the way “into the spirit.”
I hope you’re all having a good holiday! ❤︎
Hi guys!
I’ve just had way too much stuff going on recently, and I have about six blog posts in progress, but I wanted to take a second to point out a couple of things.
First of all, I want to remind you guys that the voting for the 2014 Spanking Awards has officially started. This year, the Awards are being hosted on Spanking Blogg instead of on the now pretty much defunct Spanking Spot.
This year, Alex in Spankingland was once again nominated for Creative Spanking Blog of the Year. During the last awards (in 2012, as no prizes were given in 2013) I was proud to have received this award.
I absolutely LOVE a lot of the other blogs who were nominated this time, though. Included among them is the blog that encouraged me to start blogging in the first place: Erica Scott’s Life, Love and Spanking. Erica is one of my best friends, and if a week goes by where I don’t get to see her, it seems like it’s been too long. Her blog is heartfelt, honest and hilarious, and she’s been a role model for me in my process of opening up and talking about my real life on my blog more and more.
Another one of my favorite blogs was nominated: Pandora Blake’s Spanked Not Silenced. Pandora’s blog is an amazing mix of important intellectual discussion of spanking, D/s and pornography topics as well as very personal, introspective writing. She’s also been a big influence on me as a blogger, and I followed her writing closely back before it ever occurred to me that I would meet her!
A third blog that I really enjoy which has been nominated is Snowflake Roasting Service. I don’t actually *know* S and Snow, the couple who runs what is probably the best original content tumblr spanking blog of all time. It feels like I do, though, because their exhibition isn’t just for spanking and sexual play: they share a lot of their lives with the internet. I’ve talked to S a few times over the past couple of years, too, and he’s always been super friendly and nice. Definitely A+ people doing top quality amateur content.
I don’t really know Hermione, who writes Hermione’s Heart, either, but she’s very dedicated to keeping the conversations in the spanking blogs world going, and she blogs with consistency that makes me jealous. She writes in a way that makes her feel like an old friend, and I really enjoy following her.
I had never visited the other nominated blogs, but I’m definitely going to check them out now!
There are several other categories up for voting now, which I will certainly talk about in the next couple of days. Getting writing done has been hard recently because there are a lot of distractions when I’m away from home.
Speaking of writing: over the past several months, I’ve mentioned that I’ve been working on two big projects. One of them is ready to reveal: I’ve just finished writing my first ever spanking romance novel, which will be released by Stormy Night Publications in the next couple of days. I’ll be posting more information about it soon, but it’s been a big undertaking for me. I’ve never written anything longer than a 30 page academic paper before, so writing an entire book was a challenging and exciting process for me. I loved writing it, though. It was an interesting experience, too, because as much as I write about my personal life and as many spanking stories as I’ve shared, I almost never write about sex. I had a ton of fun creating all the sex scenes in my book, borrowing bits and pieces from long term fantasies of mine and from actual experiences (but you’ll have to read it and try to guess which ones are which). The book explores a lot of themes that I find super hot, although not necessarily the ones I do on film: specifically, it’s chock full of medical play and age play scenes, but of course there’s a very high dose of spanking, too. I personally think it’s super hot, and I hope that you’ll give it a read when it comes out. So, stayed tuned for more information on The Doctor’s Little Girl in the next couple of days.
Anyway, it’s the middle of then night in the timezone where I currently am, so I need to head to bed.
More tomorrow!
Last night, I sat down to work on a blog post, since I haven’t written anything since I got back from Denver. I got partially through a conceptual post, but my mind was a little bored so I decided to take a look at a few things. I checked the other blogs that I look at regularly to see what had been going on there and I pulled up The Spanking Spot. I didn’t know that today was the day that they announced the winner of the Creative Spanking Blog of the Year Award, for which I was nominated. What I saw was this:
I sat there slack-jawed for a while before I realized that it meant this:
I’m really overwhelmed with happiness to have won this award. I’m also feeling extremely grateful at the moment. There are some people I’d like to thank.
To start out with, I’d like to thank everyone who voted for me and encouraged others to do so. Obviously, I would not have won if so many wonderful people had not done this. The fact that you guys all cared enough to do so really makes me extremely happy.
I’d like to thank Brushstrokes at The Spanking Spot for running the contest to begin with, for I’d have no way to win an award if it wasn’t being offered. I think that having The Spanking Awards gives us something to be excited about as a community and allows recognition for great work. Thanks for that.
I’d also like to offer my thanks to people who nominated me for this award: my friend Amoni, the wonderful Pandora Blake (whose own blog has been an inspiration to me for a long time) and some people whose names I don’t recognize but who I infinitely appreciate: Mr Allen and J.
There are, of course, more people who I feel appreciative towards. I appreciate Malignus’ constant love and support in every area of my life. I appreciate YS for, among many other wonderful things he does for me, creating a rules structure which requires me to stick with my blog. Since these rules were implemented, my posting has been very regular and my traffic statistics have been better than ever before. I’m thankful for PTL for her intrest and investment in the blog, as well, and for her never-failing ability to point out my ocassional gramaticle errorrs. 😛 I appreciate Amoni again, this time for providing me with the wonderful photograph of me which is on my main page. I appreciate my boyfriend Rafa and my recently-ex girlfriend but still very beloved friend, L, for being the most supportive and understanding vanilla partners that a spanko girl could ask for. I appreciate the myriad of people with whom I get to have my adventures for giving me amazing things to write about. I appreciate SF, who, besides giving me my first spanking and introducing me to this whole crazy world, taught me both the value and means of producing proper grammar and good writing. I’m an extremely lucky girl with many wonderful people in my life, and I’m glad for all of them. Thank you.
I appreciate the people who have supported me in my efforts as a blogger. The first name that comes to mind when I think of this will always be Erica Scott, who has always been around to answer my questions and inspire me with her own excellent writing. Erica is very precious to me, and the help that she’s given me means an infinite amount. Others who helped me get my start include my friend and now-retired blogger, Sophie Grey and Todd and Suzy over at American Spanking Society.
Finally, I’d like to thank my fellow bloggers whose links and mentions of me have driven me the greatest amount of traffic. At the very top of this list, by leaps and bounds is Chross, whose list I’ve been lucky enough to be featured on a number of times. Bonnie at My Bottom Smarts has also been a huge contributor of traffic (and support!) since the very start of my blog. All Things Spanking and Spanking Blog have been a huge help, as well.
Finally, thank you. Whoever you are, reading this, since without your readership, my blog is pretty pointless. You make my day. 🙂
I can’t stop stressing how happy this makes me. Back over the summer, Malignus and I were driving somewhere and we our conversation got on the subject of these awards. I kept talking about how much I’d like it if my blog were to win an award. “Of course I’d like to win an award as a model, but that doesn’t matter as much to me as winning one for my blog would,” I remember saying. “My blog is really my pride and joy, and it represents the parts of me that I care the most about.” I ended that conversation with “Of course, that would never happen, but it’s nice to think about.” HA! Take that, past self! I showed you!
I’ve been wanting to use this photo for a long time but it never really fits in, so I’m going to use it RIGHT NOW to congratulate myself:
That’s me. I’m a happy kitty, tapping away at my keys excessively loudly and making Malignus have to go into the other room to do anything while I’m blogging. TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP TAP. (Note: I am not actually a kitty, nor am I a “kitty-person” who’ll get down on the floor and rub against your leg. You’re safe here.)
Hopefully in the next couple of days, some celebration will be in order and I’ll be able to share that with you in my next post.
I love you, internet. I really do. ♥
I’ve been having a good couple of days, and I’ve got lots of exciting news.
My blog has been nominated for Creative Spanking Blog of the Year over at The Spanking Spot! I’m incredibly excited just to see my page listed on the voting options that it gives me jitters.
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I’m also really glad that I got my redesign taken care of, so the page is spruced up for the awards! |
I’d like to thank the four people who nominated my blog for this. I’m really proud that in the past year I’ve been able to increase my readership so much, make new friends in the spanking community, engage in conversations and dialoges on a variety of subjects and share my thoughts and experiences with the spanking world at large. While I shall not tell you what to do, I really hope that you will consider voting for me. Many of the competing blogs are excellent, as well, and I wish everyone the best of luck. 🙂
(Small dance of excitement.)
The are several other categories open for voting. There is Best Facial Expression During a Spanking, which is populated by lots of great pain faces. I’m personally extremely fond of Ten Amorette’s face in all situations, but especially when she’s getting a spanking. I also love the way that Amelia Jane Rutherford emotes during a scene, especially her expressions of shock and appall before her actual spanking starts. And we couldn’t talk about patented faces without mentioning Sarah Gregory, who is an expert at showing just how much something hurts on her face. There’s also a girl named Liesje, who I was not previously familiar with, from the Dutch site Real Life Spankings who appears to be in great distress at her spanking and is making a face one doesn’t see very often in videos: the “screaming like a dying monster face.”
This is a sort of face that *is* frequently seen in my home. I like the honesty of it.
The next category is Most Improved Spanking Site. All of the sites that are nominated for this award are wonderful. Bars and Stripes has had an awesome cast of both Tops and spankees in the past year, and continues to have a very unique “feel” to it. Instead of being a set of different stories, this site feels like one, complete fantasy world, which I’m very fond of. Triple A Spanking has really come a long way in the past year, as it’s been growing and developing. It has beautiful girls and great ideas going into it. Spanked in Uniform had a very unique improvement this year: they’ve expanded to include Stark Trek and Harry Potter inspired sections that are extremely unique and very well pulled off. English Spankers is a site with which I only became familiar in the past year, so I can’t say what they’ve improved upon exactly, but I know that their content is quite lovely indeed. There were also two new sites launched this year who fall into this category: Spanking Sorority Girls and Dreams of Spanking. I’ve shot for both of these sites, although my content has not yet been released on Spanking Sorority Girls. Spanking Sorority Girls is a very fun site with some cute concepts, and it’s held together by very charming Veronica Ricci, who stars on the site. Veronica is a total knock out and a ton of fun to work with. Dreams of Spanking is a very unique site, and I know that Pandora has worked incredibly hard to make it so. She really has moved away from the “traditional” sort of spanking site to bring us a set of unique stories, pairings and models that are constantly exciting.
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Plus, one of the photos on the voting page is of me. Yay! |
The final category open for voting is New Spankee of the Year. I don’t actually really know anything about any of the girls who were nominated, but many of them are very lovely looking, and I think I have a bit of a girl crush on Mei Mara. It’s those eyes! So adorable.
Anyway, please go vote for your favorites. I’m sure everyone has worked very hard and deserves their nomination. 🙂
My blog is clearly not about the latest in spanking news, but today, I have a few things that I’d like to point out.
Item of business number the first:
I’ve updated the template of the blog to be more visually appealing, and to include a kind of awesome new header, featuring a photo of me which was taken by my good friend Amoni Jones. I’ve updated my blog roll to include only blogs that have recently posted. If you took a hiatus from blogging, please send me a note when you return so I can, once again, include you. If you’re interested in trading links, please email me at For those of you who are interested in the details, I also updated the blog description and added a separate section for my disclaimers, which were also updated. I’ll be going through the static FAQ and cast of characters pages to update that information next. I’m happy to say that the current layout of the blog is much closer to what I originally intended for the page to look like during its inception.
Item of business number the second:
The 2012 Spanking Awards are open for nominations over at The Spanking Spot. I’m really excited to announce that, at least in this preliminary stage, I’ve been nominated for New Spankee of the Year, Creative Blog of the Year and Spankee of the Year (the title currently held by my most beloved Ten Amorette).
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Does this make a photo of me and Ten naked together topical? Please? |
I really wish that I could say that this sort of validation isn’t important to me, but that would be a huge lie. Until the spanking community, I was a quiet and forgettable girl. I could hardly get anyone to sign my yearbooks in school, let alone dream of being a superlative. I always fancied myself Most Likely to be Completely and Utterly Forgotten, Most Likely to be Shunned by Family and Friends and Spend Life Alone Due to Perverse Obsessions or Most Likely to Have Her Dead Body Discovered by a Public Librarian. I’m obviously now a very different girl than I was when I was younger, but I imagine it will take years to shake those feelings from the back of my mind. So, needless to say, this is a matter of huge excitement to me, and I’m really just overwhelmed with joy to have received nominations, especially from people for whom I have great respect. This makes me super happy. I went ahead and nominated a few people myself. If there’s someone you feel should probably win a prize, go ahead over and list them.
Item of business number the third:
I can’t remember if I mentioned that my sets have been up for a while now on Real Spankings and Real Spankings Institute, but in case I did, I’ll mention it again. I feel like I haven’t done an “updates” sort of post for a while, so it’s likely that I did not. I had an absolutely fabulous time filming with Betty Blaze, and I can’t wait to go back and shoot again.
Shooting with Real Spankings was extremely exciting for me, because it was the first spanking site that I really looked at when I started using the internet for spanking related things, and I’d followed it on and off for years. It was just magical to put on the uniform myself and become part of that world.
Additionally, a couple of days ago my first clip went up on Amateur Spankings! Filmed during TASSP, this is an interview style video, which, of course, includes my butt:
I advice you all to go check those out. 🙂
Item of business number the fourth:
For those of you who don’t yet know, my best of best friends, Heather Green has launched a blog: The grammatically challenged musings of Heather Green. She’s only posted twice so far, but I’m sure there is quite a bit more to come. In case anyone hasn’t heard, Heather is incredibly sweet, a dedicated friend and, despite what the name of her blog might suggest, quite a smart chick.
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From Northern Spanking. She’s also a knock out, basically. |
Anyway, I recommend that you all go check her blog out. I expect it to be down to earth, honest and full of a seriously dorky sense of humor (just like my dearest Heather).
Item of business number the last:
One of my favorite stores for buying spanking related things, Paddles and Panties has released Christmas themed items, including holiday paddles and seasonal panties.
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Obviously, these ones are not for me. |
I think that the idea of having special panties for each season is a VERY good one. They also have items for guys, which I think is fairly special considering the frequently heteronormative nature of the spanking community.
I have a good spanko friend who happens to have a phobia which is a bit unique: she’s afraid of Santa Claus. This would probably make a pretty effective punishment implement for her, right?
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I know that’s cruel. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. |
It’s now 2:30 AM, and I’m behind schedule on my posting schedule as enforced by my wonderful Boss of Me, YS, so I stayed up to finish this one up, only to get a Semi-Boss scolding me off to bed. So now that I have finished, I shall check for typos in the morning. Heather W, if you see anything, PLEASE DON’T SAY ANYTHING.