The last day of Chicago Crimson Moon was far less eventful or busy than those before: I mostly spent it chilling out in Morgan’s suite with friends, and I participated in a medium amount of spanking. Highlights of the day included Drlectr spanking me (and just about every other girl still in attendance) with “the Bible Belt”– a leather belt with “BIBLE” imprinted on it that was made by Big Bubba.I also got to spend time talking to some people that I was familiar with from the internet but hadn’t met before, including Cassandra Park, who is just as insightful and well-spoken in person as she is in her writing!
That evening, I did my only actual video for Chicago Crimson Moon– this was in association with the new production company called Saturday Spanking Club. It was a lot of fun to film, and it involved two tops and two bottoms: always a good thing! My spanking scene is pretty intense and includes me crying (not like that’s all that unusual: it seems like I’m crying in about a quarter of the videos that I do these days). Anyway, I had a great time shooting it, and can’t wait to release it on my Clips Store.
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Lily Starr and me! |
That night, my friends, Korey, James and Vincent and I spent a long time talking. It started out with some semi-serious discussion and devolved into a long and ridiculous conversation about how to have two live-in concubines for $5 a day or less. All three are great people, and I’m so happy to have had a chance to spend as much time with them as I did during CCM. We ended up going to sleep about an hour before we had to get up to go to the airport. But that was okay, I assumed, because I would be on my flight to Los Angeles shortly after that and I’d be able to sleep.
WRONG. I checked my bags, I went to my gate, but because a friend had gotten me a ticket that did not guarantee me a seat, I didn’t get on my plane. I sat and chatted to Malignus on the phone for a while, then went to the next flight. I did not get this flight, either. I did some work (difficult, since there was no free internet in the airport) and then went to another flight. No luck. I ate a tiny lunch and then went to another flight. I did not get on. Between my lack of sleep, the fact that I was carrying around a bunch of my stuff and the fact that I really, really wanted to be in Los Angeles already, I was getting frustrated and worn out. Sometime in the early evening (after I’d been in the airport since 7 AM), I called Malignus and admitted defeat– it seemed that there was no way I’d be getting a flight. He got me calmed down and walked me through the creation of a plan, called a bunch of people and places for me and enlisted the assistance of friends. In the end, I got a flight to LA the next morning, a hotel room for the night and a ride to said hotel. I had a really hard time sleeping in a hotel all by myself, but because I was exhausted, I finally fell asleep. The next morning, I got an early cab to the airport and was on my flight by 7 AM.
Unfortunately, this lead to me arriving in Los Angeles a day and a half later than originally planned, which meant that I had to cancel a trade shoot with an art photographer which I had planned for the first day I was to be in town. The photographer opted not to reschedule, which was sad, but not the end of the world. I spent the first day or so getting rested up and regaining my sanity after air-travel had destroyed the majority of it. Then, I dived head first into working. The first couple of days were mostly spent setting my schedule: people tend to say “Sometime while you’re in LA, we’ll shoot,” which doesn’t do me any good in terms of scheduling, so I had to run around and pin down times with various people. Besides booking shoots, preparing myself for them in various ways (stretching or making minor changes to my appearance) and going to shoots, I spent time preparing for my own productions, planning for Texas and Shadowlane, converting and uploading clips to my Clips Store and trying to get to see every single person that I knew in Los Angeles. I was originally planning to stay in LA for a week and then fly to Sioux Falls. From Sioux Falls, I intended to fly to Texas on the 15th for even more shooting, but as my schedule for Los Angeles came to burst at the seams, I decided to stay in LA until I flew to Texas. Despite staying for twice as long as originally intended, I was still without much downtime, and discovered that it was impossible to please everyone, so I just did my best. I got to spend time with a lot of amazing people who I love very much, and I’m super thankful for that. I also got to do lots of shoots. Aside from the first two days I was there, I think that I worked every day I was in Los Angeles.
In addition to a plethora of art photographers, I shot with Dallas Spanks Hard, which was certainly an intense experience, and did a ton of shooting with Lily Starr Spanking. I also spanked Odette Delacroix and Maddy Marks for two different videos that are forthcoming on my site. Here are a few of the fruits of my labors:
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Photo by deezImages |
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Photo by Real Moments |
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Photo from Dallas Spanks Hard |
I also managed to attend a munch, spend most of a weekend with Lily Starr and Chica09, have fun at movie night with Epipelagic and company, go on a couple of dates and eat lots of really good food.
I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before, but in Sioux Falls, if you want to eat something exotic in Sioux Falls, you pretty much have to cook it yourself. There are a couple of restaurants in a number of different foreign cuisines available, but they are all extremely americanized. So, when I was in Los Angeles, I made a point to go on an international tour with my mouth (I realized how inappropriate that sentence was and decided to leave it there anyway, lol). I ate so many freaking delicious things. I ate Indian food, Ethiopian food, massive amounts of sushi, samosas and onigiri from street vendors, Japanese curry (which may be my favorite food of all time), an insane amount of fresh, organically grown fruit, delicious “grown up” mac and cheese with kale and tomatoes in made by my dear, sweet Zeki, Cajun food, prawns, lobster, black sesame ice cream and this cupcake that looks like a bear:
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Ethiopian food! |
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I split this between three people and we had leftovers. I’m not that fat. |
I somehow managed to do all this and then fit into clothes that I had put into storage before I left LA because they were too small for me. Who’s a boss? [Note: I am technically the opposite of a boss. Move along.]
I also went to a vanilla engagement: the Los Angeles Little Tokyo Tanabata Festival. In case you haven’t figured this out on your own, I’m very fond of Japanese culture. I got to spend some time in Little Tokyo this weekend for the festival, and while it’s way less cool than being back in actual Tokyo (where I haven’t been in several years, unfortunately) it was still pretty epic win.
I did have an unusual experience at the Tanabata Festival, though: a fan recognized me. I’ve had a few encounters where I was pretty sure someone recognized me. Usually, this happens in some place like a gas station or an airport. Someone, usually a guy, insists that they know me from somewhere, but I’ve never seen them before in my life. Then they realize that they know me from seeing me get spanked on the internet (but don’t say this) and get suddenly embarrassed and have to go. This time, though, it was a younger guy (in his 20’s or early 30’s) and he came up to me and straight-up asked me if I was Alex Reynolds. I wasn’t with anyone at the time, and there was nothing relating to the (extremely few) parts of my vanilla life that I keep secret around, so I told him that I am, indeed, Alex Reynolds. He said that he was really fond of my work and watched my videos on a few different sites. We chatted for a couple minutes and then he took his photo with me and we went our separate ways. It was a kind of interesting experience. It didn’t make uncomfortable at all: I found it kind of nice. It’s still kind of mind boggling that a year ago this time, I’d just started blogging and had never done a video yet, nor had I been to a party, so I was basically a nobody, but now I’m getting recognized on the streets of LA while I’m eating onigiri. It’s been a kinda crazy year, I guess!
I also got to have lunch with Erica Scott, which was a huge treat. It was unfortunate because it took me forever to get there, and then couldn’t stay as long as I’d have liked, but we got to talk and get excited about Shadow Lane together.
At the end of my time in Los Angeles, I somehow managed to pack up the majority of my stuff (I had gotten things out of storage) and I took off for Texas, where I am at the moment.
I’ll be trying to keep you updated as I go, this time, but it’s a bit tricky while on the road.
I discovered via the spankoblogosphere that today is Consensual Spanking Day.
I never even knew there WAS such a day!
It is, however, an important day for me: it’s my 7th Spankoversary. Seven years ago today, I received my first spanking.
Seven years is a very long time. It makes me feel quite old, in a certain way, and also extremely lucky. In those years, I’ve had amazing times because of my involvement in the spanking community. I’ve grown from a meek and timid girl who couldn’t say the word “spanking” aloud to save her life to someone outgoing, boisterous and obsessed with putting photos of her butt on the internet.
I’d love to spend today getting a long, hard, bare bottom, over the knee spanking (okay, no matter how outgoing I’ve become, I still feel my stomach churn just TYPING that!) from someone that I’m close to and who understands me as a spanko. Unfortunately, I’m currently in Los Angeles, and away from everyone with whom I have that relationship, so that sort of spanking is going to be on-hold for a while, but that’s alright. I have the memories of billions of spankings to think of. I’ve been spanked by a wide variety of people: friends, video producers, near strangers at parties, and those precious few people to whom I’ve chosen to surrender my authority. Every experience is different– some spankings leave me feeling giggly and happy, others cozy and spaced out, others sobbing and in need of hugs. Sometimes the motivation to be spanked comes from a place of submission, other times, from the knowledge that I need to be corrected, still others from selfishness, and a few simply because I know that the end product will be something that I desire.
My point is, it’s been a wild ride so far, and I’m very grateful for all the love and acceptance I’ve gotten from you guys.
I have a couple of other exciting pieces of news:
Remember Sternwood Academy?
Need some help? Here are a few images to spark your memory:
I’ve had A TON of people message me or comment asking when Sternwood would be released and it finally has been: it’s available on DVD from Amazon and Paddles and Panties. I really recommend that you pick this up. It’s pretty much the greatest thing I’ve ever participated in as a model!
Additionally, I recently released a new, exclusive video introducing a great, new spanking model: Maddy Marks. It’s a very fun video in which Maddy and I interact as real friends, and it’s another one of those rare chances to watch me top. I know many of you are fond of girl/girl videos, so please check this one out!
She’s a really beautiful girl, with long legs and an adorable butt, plus an expressive face and big eyes!
Anyway, I’d love it if you’d check those things out!
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On the morning of the second day of Crimson Moon, James and Korey Johnson, Zoey and I went to breakfast at Denny’s. We had a nice meal and a good conversation about non-spanking related things. I knew I was really fond of James and Korey when I discovered that I could have very enjoyable conversations with them which had nothing to do with spanking, since it’s common to find spankos with whom you connect in terms of spanking, but less so to find those with whom you wish to just sit and talk about everything else.
After breakfast, we returned to the hotel in time for the Girl/Girl Spank Fest. Well, we were almost in time: we were the last girls to show up, and as a result, we ended up all bent over an ottoman with our bottoms up to get a few whacks for tardiness.
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It was dark in there. You can tell which hands belong to Zoey, because they are tiny and the object of my coveting. |
The girl/girl event was a lot of fun, although there were a LOT of ladies in a small space. I spent more time hanging out with Angel, which was lovely, and I got a spanking from Megan again. This time, though, I assed her hand! It was my first time messing up someone’s hand (although it didn’t develop into such a spectacular mess as others’ messed up hands have) and I was quite pleased with myself over this.
The lovely Miss Rose of Compass Rose Creations and I played very gently together. I think that she believed that I was a delicate thing, and I was feeling far more delicate than I usually do, and was trying to save myself for the rest of the party including shooting, so this was fine with me. To make me more comfortable, she let me lie over Angel’s lap while she stood next to me and spanked me, which was quite fun. There may or may not have been kissing happening while I got spanked. I shall neither confirm nor deny this debauchery.
After the girl/girl party, Ten and Drlectr had arrived, and I went to their room to make a big fuss over them, since they’re two of my favorite people of all time. It was great to see them, and hugs time ensued. WearYouOut and LilLawBrat had also just gotten back from the store, and they brought me a present:
It’s a Hello Kitty First Aid Kit, complete with all the stuff one usually finds in a First Aid Kit, but all cuteified. Plus, it has these special “cooling bandaids” that I think are supposed to be for when one has a fever, but they have some sort of heat relieving gel that sticks to the skin… uh, yes please?! I’ve been saving everything for when I really need it, but I filled out the “in case of an emergency” card to let everyone know that they should contact Malignus if I happen to die (he’ll be most displeased with me and put “Bad Girl” on my tombstone for dying without his permission, but he still deserves to know), and that my doctor’s name is ellee. I also got another present from Ten and Drlectr, but that’s not something that one takes photos of for the internet (well, I don’t, anyway *blush*).
I did a bunch of hanging out and some spanking, and then we went to a traditional Chicago deep dish pizza place, where I ate WAY TOO MUCH FOOD. Ugh, it was excellent, but I’m still not recovered enough to eat pizza. Total overdose.
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Ten Amorette, Missbehavin Megan and myself, waiting to be seated for dinner |
When we got back, the CCM Spanking Court was in session. I had just missed Mila being spanked by Miss Chris for god knows what charge, so she turned around and brought a case against me for being tardy. I had a most excellent defense as to why I was late (since I had been delayed to take spanking photos in a secret location), but that didn’t save me from being sentenced to 20 swats. So over the spanking bench I went, and I whimpered and wriggled as Miss Chris delivered my sentence. Later, I received a very unique threat from Mila: “You had better stop that, or else I am going to write on a piece of paper that YOU SPANKED MY GIRAFFE!” (This was after I messed around with her stuffed animal, Henry, who I suspect will become something of a legend in the scene over time).
The rest of that evening was a whirlwind. I did an awful lot of playing with people. I got some delicious spankings that left me feeling cozy, and others that made me nearly cry. I stayed up very late and had tons and tons of fun and excitement.
By the end of the night, I was super sore and very worn out:
Sometime around 4 that morning, though, my body decided that it was not pleased with the steady diet of endorphines, adrenaline and super rich food that I’d been giving it, and I became sick. I was sick for the rest of the night, and then entirely missed the vendor’s fair the next morning because I continued to be sick. In fact, I think I stayed in bed through a better portion of the afternoon. My body simply refused to let me do otherwise. I eventually got up and got myself dressed in comfy clothing, then found people to hang out with. I pepped up when I ran into Robert Wolf after some hanging out and he told me that Dana Kane was looking for me. I basically ran down to the lobby to find her. I’ve worked with Dana during two video shoots, now, and we spent a ton of time talking during my Sternwood Academy shoot (since we stayed in the same apartment) and discovered that we share a lot of the same interests, opinions and beliefs. I can’t easily describe just what she means to me, but she’s incredibly fun to be around and her presence wraps me with a sense of comfort and belonging that few people can match.
I was convinced by a combination of Dana, Robert and Naughty Freckles to enter the Miss OTK USA pageant, so after dinner (which I didn’t actually eat because my stomach was too busy failing; Robert just brought me crackers and dessert) I had to run and get changed into my performing outfit. We all had to perform a spanking related talent, and I didn’t really have one prepared, so I decided that my talent was going to be being cute, because there really isn’t a good way to perform being an intellectual upon short notice and those are pretty much the two things that I have going for me. Dana agreed to spank me in order for me to be cute during it. The pageant made me very nervous. I don’t do a lot of performing in front of a live audience. It was a good experience for me. The acts were all very cute, clever or heart-warming, and when it was my turn, Dana came up and bent me over and spanked me with her very mean, groove-backed hairbrush, making me yelp and squirm while she instructed me to be as cute as possible. It was a ton of fun, and very nice to get a chance to be spanked by her again.
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We’re total goofballs. Dana may kill me for uploading this, though! |
The winner of the Miss OTK USA title was my friend Mila. She did an awesome sketch in which she ran around bopping people with Henry (the aforementioned soon to be famous spanko giraffe) until Vince came, intercepted her and lifted her over his shoulder for a spanking. He then turned her around and insisted that she apologize to everyone, which she did so in the most adorable manner possible. She certainly deserved to win, since she combined planning and effort with cuteness and acting ability to win over everyone in the room.
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Miss OTK USA and Henry |
This seems like a good place to stop for the night. I have a few pieces of very exciting news to announce, so I’ll be doing that tomorrow and then finishing up my CCM adventures, then moving on to my misadventures in travel and my exciting times in Los Angeles, then you’ll be up to date on my comings and goings once again. <3 p="p">3>
Whew! The past week or so has been a whirlwind!
I just got back from my second spanking party, Chicago Crimson Moon, a few days ago, and I’m currently in Los Angeles.
I left Sioux Falls for Chicago on Thursday of last week. I hadn’t been feeling great for a few days leading up to it, and I felt so lousy in the morning that I almost didn’t want to go to the party, but I rallied and thought about all the fun and excitement waiting for me and I made it to the airport. The flight from Sioux Falls to Chicago was incredibly easy, and before I knew it, I was at the hotel. The excitement picked up for me when I got to meet Betty Crocker, with whom I’ve talked online quite a bit. We then ran into Morgan, and he let us hang out in his suite while he went on airport runs. From the pre-party time, Morgan’s suite was full of epic win, since Betty and I were hungry and he already had it stocked with snacks. I then got cleaned up and got into hanging out with people as they showed up.
Soon, a group of friends had assembled. My good friend, Missbehavin Megan was kind enough to put my hair into french braids for me. I’m not able to do anything even remotely fancy with my hair, and it was very cute indeed, so I was quite pleased with this. I also really enjoy having my hair played with, and having it styled gives me the same kind of “nice” feeling.
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Yay, braids! |
Later, I watched TNSpanker unpack his implement bag. He’s found some amazing pieces at antique stores, which kind of blows my mind. I’ve never found anything spanking related at an antique store, although I did get the famous Trout Paddle and a very vicious spagetti measuring device (I’d take a photo, but I’m not at home as I write this, and I have very few implements in my traveling bag with me and that’s not one of them) from the thrift store. Still, there’s nothing impressive about Trout compared to a vintage cat-‘o-nine! I guess Tennessee is just a great place to buy spanking stuff, or something! Then, having that wonderful sense of self preservation which I am so known for, I made it known to TNS that I’d never been spanked with a Jokari paddle, and he was ever so kind as to do that for me. I don’t know why a Jokari would be worse than other sorts of wooden paddles, but it seemed that way to me. It could be partially a mind-game: the whole collective entity of spanko bottoms are being subjected to mind-games about various implements all the time, because there’s this general idea that certain things suck, so we psyche ourselves up for them to deliver on their expected hurt and so they do.
None the less, the Jokari was rated as “I’m glad that we don’t own one of these” and my spanking with it was mercifully short compared to what it could have been, although certainly long enough that I really felt it.
A little later, my group of friends headed to dinner at a restaurant right near the hotel where the party was held. We had a very good meal, although the waitress declined to sing to Megan, despite the fact that I told her that it was her birthday, which is just bad form, in my opinion. It was her birthday(ish)! They should have brought her a cupcake and sang loudly to her. But the food was quite good, and the margarita which I was talked into getting was most enjoyable. When the waitress was taking care of us near the end of the meal, one of the members of the party commented that some noise sounded like “whipping.”
“Oh!” the waitress exclaimed, “it’s probably coming from the hotel over there. They’re having a whipping party this weekend!”
“Oh, really?” we all asked, without anyone giving it away that we WERE the “whipping party.”
“Yeah, I had another table earlier where they were TOTALLY OBSESSED with spanking!” she told us. We just laughed and joked about how unusual that was, although many significant glances were exchanged. As I got up to leave, she noticed that I had on a plaid skirt and added “You’d fit right in with that school girl skirt!” as I headed for the door. This made me blush quite furiously indeed.
I’m pretty sure that it was after dinner that I met up with James and Korey, an awesome couple who I had met very briefly at TASSP and who were amazing enough to let me and Zoey share their room. I really got to know them over the course of the weekend and had some fun conversations with them. They’re pretty much winners. They gave me my room key and let me get my stuff moved from Megan’s room to the place where I was going to be staying.
After that, it was time for the new member orientation, which I attended, since this was my first Crimson Moon party. At this event, I got to meet a lovely girl whose screen name is Whenshewasgood, who I spent lots of the party hanging out with, and her equally lovely boyfriend. Just like I found a group of younger people at TASSP, I was excited by the amount of young, freshfaced spankos were in attendance at CCM. There were actually people who were just eighteen years old exactly. The fact that there were also people in their late 60’s (or perhaps even 70’s, I’m not sure) in attendance at this party made the whole thing seem very special to me: there were literally people from all walks of life, all ages, backgrounds and levels of experience coming together because we are, as the vanilla waitress so perfectly put it, totally obsessed with spanking. I loved the feeling of being a part of something.
Pretty much immediately after the orientation, Mike, one of the organizers of Crimson Moon, took me into one of the little booths that were set up for semi-public play and gave me a spanking. It was one of those nice, long lasting hand-spankings, and although I whimpered and squirmed quite a bit, I really enjoyed it. We planned to get together for a longer scene later, but because we were both quite busy people, that never came to fruition. There’s always October for that, and I have no complaints regarding the scene that we did have! There really is nothing in the world like an OTK hand-spanking. It left me feeling warm and snuggly.
Even later that evening, there was a Naughty School Girl Party, which was similar to the event from TASSP. I participated in this one quite a bit more than last time, since I knew more people in the event and it was less enormous. I hadn’t really planned ahead for ways to be bratty in order to gain the teachers’ attentions, and I didn’t have any “bratting equipment” so to speak, but I made do: my primary method of doing this involved selling out other girls for their bratting, which resulted in them receiving spankings as well as me getting corrected for being a tattletale. This was most fun, especially because it was so far removed from my day-to-day character. I later adopted a second technique, which involved making fun of Angel (littleanglewings). She was one of the “prefects,” and I told her that she only got her position because her (scene) father, Yoni, was one of the teachers. She spanked me for questioning the authenticity of her post and its deservedness, which was a lot of fun. She’s a great spanker, which sort of surprised me, seeing as she’s kind of a small and diminutive girl. I didn’t learn my lesson, though, because I then made fun of her for being adopted (something which one really only can get away with in a situation such as this one: in the real world, that would be tremendously mean and I wouldn’t do such a thing).
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I also ended up accusing Sarah Gregory of being inappropriate as a prefect, as well: something to do with her being too sexy for school, I think, and I got spanked by her for the first time. That was also a lot of fun: it’s always exciting to finally be spanked by someone after having been aware of them for a long time. Finally, at the end of the party, we all lined up to get spanked by each of the teachers. I stole Ten’s idea from TASSP and positioned myself at the very end of the line, so that the Tops would all be tired out by the time they got there. This didn’t really work: Miss Chris and Yoni, especially, really gave me smacks that I felt! We took lots of photos during and after this event, but I haven’t gotten any of them from Sarah yet, so I’ll be posting those at a later. In the meanwhile, here are the pictures that I took of myself whilst getting ready, because I’m like that:
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White panties are the best for spanking! |
After this event, I hung out in the various party suites until the end of the night, doing the usual spanking party things: getting spanked, talking to friends and being kinda ridiculous. I started to bond with some people, and had a wonderful sense of being cared about and looked after when at one point I started to feel overwhelmed by being at a party all by myself, but a friend took me aside and made sure that I was alright. I honestly don’t remember anything else which happened on the first night. I know that Mila and Zoey all showed up eventually, and that Ten and Drlectr did not: they were delayed a day, much to my dismay because I had been waiting to pounce them. All in all, the first night was just great, and this was mostly driven by how wonderful all the people who were in attendance were. Sure, there were people that I missed: first and foremost, I would have loved it if Malignus could have been there with me, and I missed Heather a lot, and I consistently tried to figure out where Pandora’s room was, which didn’t work because the answer to that question was “in England.” Still, I was able to just focus on how freaking great it was to be there with the people who were there, to make new friendships with new people and strengthen the older ones, and to enjoy being myself among people who appreciate me for what I am.
More soon: I’m not going to promise that I’ll update tomorrow, as I’m presently in Los Angeles and I’m a very busy girl while I’m here. I’ll do it ASAP!
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