The other day, I noticed that things had gotten out of hand with my lack of blogging. Blogging had ceased to be a regular thing and become something that happened once in a while. I, of course, blamed this largely on the fact that I’m almost never home these days, but even that isn’t really an excuse. I can write when I’m busy. It just takes a certain level of dedication. Fortunately, I have a fairly new Boss of Me: my bestie, ellee’s husband, YS (his name is YoggSothoth on fetlife, but I find that too long to type). Included in my new set of rules for this relationship is the fact that I’ll be updating at least twice a week. I’ll also point out that YS has given me bunny related coloring as an assignment and this, my friends, is why Poly D/s works: because that’s the kind of thing that makes Malignus die inside.
That said, I was very excited to see that my first half of my adventures in Colorado (which took place over a month ago, now, I’m ashamed to say) was featured on Chross the weekend after I posted it. Unfortunately, I started to write my next post while traveling home from my second Denver excursion. Following Denver, I was home for a few days with my most beloved Malignus. I spent as much of that time as I could with him, and the rest cleaning things up, organizing and preparing for my next trip. I then left for Chicago Crimson Moon, and then a day off at Ten Amorette’s place. I arrived home late Tuesday night and had a crazy first week back with my attempts to get caught up on a lot of things and settle back into the home routine.
When I left off, I believe I had told you all about how a very mean Robert had cut switches, and how we had brought them back to the house where Malignus had also used said dreaded arboreal implement on me. After he finished with me, I’m pretty sure he also switched Heather W. He then started looking around for Amoni, but couldn’t find her. ellee informed him that she had broken her ankle and gone to the hospital. Several minutes later, she was found hiding in the secret room under the stairs. I suppose she intended to stay there for the entire party. It wasn’t the worst plan, really. ellee probably could have brought her food to keep her alive for the rest of the weekend. Unfortunately, in a house with a room called “the secret room,” it’s pretty easy to figure out where someone might go for a hiding place. She was quickly dragged out and brought to justice over the ping pong table. It turned into quite an event, with many people sitting on the beanbag chairs in that were intended for watching TV in order to view much more interesting programming. Other girls were enlisted to hold Amoni’s hands and feet, as she’s a very active bottom (“This isn’t jazzercise!” Malignus had exclaimed earlier while Amoni was getting spanked by Robert and kept kicking her feet up). After Amoni had been thoroughly dealt with, she got hugged by just about everyone. Later, ellee was also corrected for her part in attempting to create a subterfuge regarding Amoni’s location. 🙂
Shortly after that, we all kind of plopped on the bean bags to talk and hang out. Malignus still had his switch in hand. This is something that he tends to do at a party– he’ll just hold onto an implement for a while. I suppose it’s a “just in case” kind of thing, or maybe it’s meant to intimidate the heck out of all the girls in a room (which works on me, at least). I was sitting in a dress, with my legs visible and I had one of my terrible thoughts. Sometimes, the morbid curiosity of something really gets the best of me. As much as I know I’m not going to like what I discover, I sometimes want to know how something feels badly enough that I’ll ask for something downright awful. Besides, active submission is always a good thing, and I’ve always gotten a lot out of asking for the most awful of things, when I can muster the courage to do so. Anyway, I asked him to hit me on the front of my thighs with the switch. He did so three times, making me cry and yelp quite a bit. There was hugging, and I rubbed my welts, feelings sufficiently like I now knew what that felt like. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the differences between switches and canes of various types, and I think I’ve finally come to the conclusion that switches are not as bad as nearly all canes, but are very similar in sensation. The exception to this, of course, is when a switch is not entirely “clean” and has little nodules on it which scratch or tear the skin, or when the switch in question is made of rawhide, which is entirely unacceptable. I was going over these thoughts in my mind after my thigh switching when Malignus decided that there was “too much of a gap” between two of the welts. Instead of fixing this “problem” with the switch, he got a rattan cane and ordered me to lie back. I believe there was extremely minor protesting (mostly sad faces, perhaps a few whimpers) but I did as I was told.
The pain was considerable. It filled my body with adrenaline immediately. I think I sort of folded onto myself.
“Oh, no! I missed and hit you right on your welt from the switch!” Malignus said. (Note: he did not actually miss. He never actually misses. “Misses” are just an excuse to give me extra strokes.) Being as good as I could, I lay still for another stroke, this one seeming much harder than the last. I sat still catching my breath a bit before getting lots of hugs time and cuddles. It was one of “those” things. I just hated it while it was happening. It was the worst thing ever. I wasn’t even that fond of the physical feeling afterwards. But everything about it felt perfect. I felt wonderfully submissive and very Dominated (which are, to me, distinct feelings, since I can feel submissive all on my own) as well as warm with affection, adrenaline and endorphines. I can’t exactly describe why I love that sort of thing so much, but I do.
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I think that in the upper right hand corner, Malignus is threatening to poke the welts with the corner of his cigarette box. |
Another thing which was super entertaining, whose location in time I can’t properly place, was when Heather W. spanked me. For those of you who don’t know, Heather W (or Parttimelondoner, or PTL) is a minor boss of me. I say “minor” because she doesn’t really boss me full time. She just occasionally gets the urge, and when she gets the urge her bossiness is very real. She has also been a wonderful role model for me, as she is older and more experienced in things, has great social skills and is very talented at knowing when and where “bling” is appropriate. Anyway, she had always threatened to spank me with a flip flop, so on the way to the cabin from the airport, she and ellee, YS and Zoey stopped at Walmart to pick up a few extra things. One of those was a “special” pair of flip flops for Heather to spank me with. Apparently there was a lot of consideration put into this, and she made sure not to get one which was “too mean” for me. Later at the cabin, she sat down next to Malignus on the coach and I lay over both their laps while she spanked me with the flip flop.
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After this was complete, Heather handed the flip flop off to Malignus, and that happened. Yep, the scariest man on Earth spanked me with a fluffy, pink flip flop. And it still hurt.
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Over panties with kitties on them, no less! Parties are different than the real world. 😛 |
A few days after the cabin trip was over, I was leaving for a trip to Los Angeles. When I pointed this out to Lily and Robert, they invited me to go to Disneyland with them, and this actually appeared that it would work out! It was something that I got excited about a few times a day. Then, one night, Robert pulled me upstairs to spank me (or I pounced him and demanded he beat me. Somewhere in the middle of those two things, I guess). I know that he enjoys listening to my pathetic wails and, most of all, my crying, so I didn’t hold back. Besides, he spanks hard, and it’s well documented that a hairbrush on the back of my thighs has long been my nemesis. So, he spanked me hard and murdered my thighs thoroughly and I cried and sniffled. When it was over and he stood me up for a hug, he tussled my hair and said “We’re going to Disneyland!”
Best. Aftercare. Ever.
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I had *bruises*! Rare! |
On the last night, we were all spread out in the cabin, doing our own things. Then someone suggested that we make s’mores, and I got everything together. I actually didn’t know much about roasting marshmallows, so YS took the time to show me how to do it perfectly. I always feel special and loved when someone is teaching me something. Unfortunately, once I got some perfect marshmallows going, no one was coming over to eat s’mores. I got mad. And I got Toppy. And, apparently, slightly crazy. I yelled out to the house the following message: “THE FIRST RULE OF S’MORES IS YOU ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP AND COME HERE AND EAT S’MORES.”
Only one person did.
I’m not good at being the boss. -_-
A final, lovely memory is getting one of the nicest spankings of my life. At one point, YS put me over his lap and gave me a hand spanking that must have lasted 40 minutes. I just let go of all other things and blissed out over his lap. I felt safe and comfortable and protected while being in that most vulnerable of positions. He alternated between being rhythmic and soothing and hard enough to make me squirm and I floated away into one the happiest of places. It was really one of the nicest things ever. I’m constantly fascinated and amazed by how much awesome variety can come under the heading of “spanking.” The same activity can last 40 minutes and make me coo or bring genuine tears to my eyes in five seconds or less, and I love all of it (in it’s own way).
Anyway, the cabin was a great success, except for the fact that getting everyone back to the airport was a huge fiasco and we bought way too much food. But, if those were the biggest problems of the weekend, I’m pretty okay with that. ♥
Awesome post and photos! And welts. Mmmm, welts. You are very brave!
Thank you! Missing you. <3
It sounds like such a fun trip! Omg, what if we were both in different places making S’mores at the exact same time? Mine were made with Peeps though. 😉
Yay for s’mores! I’d love to try peep s’mores one day! 😀
Why am I just seeing this!
Man, that was one fo the highlights of my weekend. The fact that M of his own volition took a pink, sparkly, girly thing and spanked you with it. And it made you screech.
It was a nice way to reinforce the message that you should be super super grateful for me because I am your NICE top. 😀
Also, I am super flattered at the things you wrote. (Especially the part about bling. Hard won life expertise, that!)
xooxoxox sweetieface.
PS: HOORAH for YS correctly bossing you into blogging.
I am super super grateful for all your nice. So much nice! And bling!
<3 <3 <3
How did I miss this?!
YAY part 2! Heather was kind of extremely adorable picking out your flip-flops. She was genuinely concerned that it would be too mean, and looking at the blur of pink and Malignus-arm in the photo above, I’m glad she had the foresight to be a nice boss-of-you 😛
Additionally, I feel compelled to point out that the last sentence of the first paragraph is just awesome and makes me smile.
Aaaand tear-streaked happy-faced Alex after Robert spanked you was one of the cutest things of all time!
I’m so glad you’re blogging more often again! I love reading your blog. <3
I’m very glad that Heather is such a thoughtful and nice boss of me, too! My coloring assignments make me smile, too, and smiling all around is a very good thing!
<3 <3 <3
I’m just noticing “in it’s own way.” Oh Alex.
We’re going to have to have someone talk to you about this.
Oh. That was a mistake. Caused by carelessness. By “have someone talk to you about this” you mean “put you in the corner for five or ten minutes, maximum” right? Right?!
Well, it isn’t my decision at this point. But if I thought it was just a cornertime offense, I probably would have given it to you right here on this blog or via text or via SHOUTING AT YOU. 🙂
I like how I took ALL the pictures that are in this post.
I’m pretty sure that ellee took the one of my thighs, right? Otherwise, yes, you are correct! Winner!